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Everything posted by MarceloandClaudia

  1. Elizabeth, Thank you for sharing the poem. It is a reminder of the pain and joy adoption brings everyone... also a reminder that every child DESERVES a home regardless of color or background. With gratitude. Claudia
  2. Gigi, Thanks for all of the advice. I've definately been listening! Claudia
  3. Gigi, Wow, what a success your sale was! Marcelo and I are having a Yard Sale on Sept. 16, and hopefully we will have a good turn out. We have already had donations from so many friends and family and yes, it is such a humbling feeling to know that so many people care. Marcelo finally got just as excited as me about the sale when his co-worker brought him some donations. I told him if you just share our story, people will rally around to help. I think it's human nature to want to do good! ... And November will be here before you know it, so get ready. It's not if, but when and we are living proof of that one!!!
  4. I believe you can spoil a child with hugs and kisses! Do you know that in this entire year that Dante has been our son, we have only bought him one real toy. The rest of the toys were given to him for his Birthday... and that's because we asked, no gifts please. I buy him clothes at Target or Marshalls, but for special occasions, I'll get him something that tends to be more expensive. I want him to enjoy life, but not because it is dependant on an expensive toy, video game etc. I think my parent's did a fine job of instilling in me the value of a dollar and how to respect having "anything". I think if we continue to note in our minds what we are instilling in our children then we will be alright. Claudia
  5. For all of you that have had garage/yard sales as a fundraiser, I ask your help. Do you have any suggestions for me? I plan to put up a sign that says something about why we are having the sale. I figured that would also allow people to see that if the prices were not dirt cheap, that's why. At the same time, I don't want to over price things. I think yard sales can be kinda fun. I thought I'd also sell some soda's in case people were thirsty. It's very hot here! We have also applied for some grants and plan to apply for some more. My only concern is that they will assume because we are both employed that we should have enough funds for the adoption. A lot has changed in the last few years, moving into a new home, adopting our first child... whew that took a lot out of us. Third, hopefully the adoption tax credit from Dante's adoption will help us too! We are banking on that one!! Looking forward to hearing your ideas, Claudia
  6. Ellouise, Don't worry, we are all here for you to help in any way we can. Adoptive Parent is correct, or once you have signed up with Abrazo, you are a Parent in Waiting. The mother of the baby is Birthmother and father, Birthfather. We use "place for adoption" and not baby was given away or given up. Hope this helps and feel free to ask anything. Hope you are able to attend orientation in September. We'll be there sharing our story as Adoptive Parents or parents now!! We have a 14 mo. old who we adopted in June 2005. Best wishes,
  7. Don and Andrea, Congratulations on finding your sweet child! Claudia
  8. Christina, I PM'd you with my home info. Hope you will take us up on our offer. Stephanie, Are you already here in Edinburg?! Let me know. We need to get together.
  9. Christina, Do you have family here in the Valley? We live in Edinburg. If you ever need anything... a place to stay just let us know. Claudia
  10. My heart just went out for this little "Valley" baby. I wish, wish, wish we could just adopt all the little ones needing a home. Back to reality Claudia! I hope and pray these little ones find a loving, nurturing, safe home very soon.
  11. I was reading this topic and began to think about how and why we chose Abrazo. At first, I requested information about many adoption agencies. Like anything else when you are shopping and you really don't know much, I looked at cost and time. Honestly, I really didn't know much about openess vs. closed vs. semi-open etc. All I knew is that Marcelo and I were having difficulty having a child and we knew we didn't want to go through invitro... point blank.... but then.... we came across Abrazo! We were so fortunate to find an agency that seemed to have everything we needed and were very patient to educate us on why openess is so important for our child. Fortunately, we overcame the fears that were in our heart. Now, I know it sounds strange that we chose and agency that is open when we really didn't even know what it was and how it worked. It felt right in every way and it felt right to want to learn. I think when you are first starting the process and learning about adoption period, you don't always think the "politically correct" way. You just have to be open to learning.
  12. Dan and Erika, Having kept up with Danny's Days made it so special to finally have the honor of meeting you in person. You may not know it, but Marcelo and I admire your family very very much. Your strength has taught us so much. We look forward to the next log that will include your new precious baby boy. Best wishes and enjoy every minute! Your friends, Marcelo, Claudia and Dante
  13. Donna and Bart, Welcome to the Forum! We always welcome new Members and look forward to learning more about you. Please let us know if we can help in any way. Claudia
  14. Marjory, Many congratulations from our family to yours. God sure does work in mysterious ways. What a blessing!
  15. Christina and Stephanie, I agree! Things seem really impossible at times, but we all know the possibilities are endless and anything can occur with God on our side!
  16. I found our Social Worker through calling a couple of Hospitals and asking if any of the Social Workers were Masters prepared and were experienced in doing Homestudies. The Social Workers put me in contact with someone who could be of assistance. Best Wishes
  17. Karen, I love embracing the unknown now. It's exciting to see yourselves grown emotionally and just plainly becoming a better person through all of life's challenges. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and so much beauty can be found if we just open ourselves to the possibilities. I truly love waiting to see what will happen next in our life. If I could have at any time guessed his name was Dante, man would I have been jumping for joy! So, as you said, the next will come with challenges, but with the same excitement and readiness to embrace it, we'll be just fine!
  18. Elizabeth, Lisa and Martha, Points well made! I have such a hard time with all this. I agree that women must make choices for themselves. I just become very sad for all involved. I feel for the woman making these difficult decisions, the baby and on and on. As much as I wish this world did not have so much suffering, if it had not been for Dante's Birthmother having gone through what she had, Marcelo and I would not be parent's to this extroardinary child that is sleeping in the next bedroom. All I can do is have faith that God is with each and every person in their time of need. Life is so difficult as it is... never simple. It is amazing how through suffering an answer can be found... for Birthmother's and Adoptive Parent's. Things in life find a way of working themselves out don't they?
  19. Lisa, Thanks I didn't even see that thread before. When I get home, I'll be sure to read it in it's entirity. Claudia
  20. I've been wondering something. I guess the people I should ask are the Abrazo ladies. So here goes. Since adopting Dante, so many doors have flung wide open. Marcelo and I not only get approached by couples seeking to adopt or wanting more information, but also people who know someone who may want information about placing. The other day I was visiting a friend at the hospital and being a nurse, I ran into one of my former co-workers. She said she had a friend who had a 13 yr. old daughter who was pregnant. She said she thought that the young girl may want to place the baby. I talked to her about the positives of an open adoption gave her Abrazo's number to share with her friend and my number as well in case I could be of any help. She asked if we were interested in adopting. Not only did she know us, but we were local etc. and thought that would be a great situation for the baby, Birthmother and Birthfamily. My question is how does that work? I know Abrazo has a program that handles this. If a couple found a Birthmother or the Birthmother found them, then what needs to be done after that? I'm just curious, because I'm amazed at how life has changed in that regard after adopting our son. I'd like to prepare myself if that's possible for this type of situation if it's meant to be. Claudia
  21. Wow, I didn't realize there were that many againers wanting to start again! I can't wait until Marcelo, Dante and I can start again too! We talk about it so often. We just have to get all our ducks in a little row to start once more. Hopefully at this time next year, we will be participating again! Best wishes and patience to all those parents wanting to grow their family NOW!
  22. Best wishes Ted and Ashley. Your little Angel has arrived! Claudia
  23. Congratulations and Blessings to both families! How beautiful. Claudia
  24. Lisa, I agree! Thank God for answering such special prayers. Thank God this baby girl found the "right" family for her! I am so happy for Mommy, Daddy, sweet baby girl, Birthmother, brothers and pooch! Just Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. Oh yeah, Lisa is definately right! Being open about many of the issues will definately help! You'll be in demand!! Best Wishes for an open heart and open mind......................................
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