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Everything posted by stennison

  1. Liz & Kevin - Congratulations!!!! I know you are so excited. Please post all the details as soon as you can. Enjoy your new baby girl.....Stop pinching yourselves......ha ha Take Care and God Bless you and your new little girl....
  2. You will only get some ideas and reccomendations during that hour. Take a rough draft and some photo's and the Abrazo Babes will help you choose the best one's to use. Once you get back home you will want to pick out some really cute colorful paper and finish the product. Believe me you will probably change your mind several times before your done. Good Luck at orientaion it will be very informative and when you leave you will be full excitment and your lives will be changed forever.....Enjoy your journey and May God Bless.....
  3. We always tried really hard to have as much contact with Dylan's Birthmom and her dad. We had spoken to the birthdad and his mother briefly. Right before Elizabeth passed away Kim(paternal grandmother) and I began talking more and more. She is the one who called to tell us about Eliozabeth's death. Kim has told me that for a very long time she held a grudge against Elizabeth for placing Dylan for adoption. However as the years passed and I sent her photo's of Dylan she saw how happy he was and how well he was being provided for. She told me 2 weeks before Elizabeth died she had forgiven Elizabeth and they minded their friendship. We still talk every 3-4 months and I send photo's on a regular basis. We are planning to meet them this summer before Camp Abrazo. So our expierence has been good and I hope for it to only get better. I remember last summer when I told Dylan that we were going to try to go visit them he said"good because they might die too and then I will never know them" That hurt!! I think it will be a very healthy meeting for all of us. I only wish he could have met his birthmom. He will someday in Heaven......
  4. Congratulations Dan and Michelle...Enjoy that new baby girl...We want pictures. This is great you and Stacey's baby girls's will be very close in age. Best Wishes..
  5. GREAT Topic Elizabeth, When we began our quest in 1997 it was my in laws who were a bit troubled about what kind of child we would get. Even after we met Dylan's birthmom they ask question's about the birthdad. I remember my mother in law telling me that someone had asked her if she thought she would love an adopted grandchild like she loves her biological grandchildren. Her answer was I don't know.... Well let me tell you how that changed...Dylan is probably their favorite...Now that we have begun the process the second time they want this one to be like Dylan and be" intelligent like him." As far as my family, they are just ready for us to have our baby girl. I think age has alot to do with what your fears are.
  6. Well Laura we are just out $4300.00. We do not get that money back. I have been told we can file the loss on the adoption tax credit next year but for now we just swallow it and move on and request the next match not need housing and other financial help. We are filing a civil suit against the birthparents but who knows what will come of that. Unfortunately there are no safe guards for the adopting parents. However you have to trust the agency and pray alot that you have a honest birthmom. I could have understood it more if she would have changed her mind after the baby was born and decided to parent but to let someoneelse adopt her was a pretty low blow.
  7. We were matched with a birthmom for 9 weeks and 3 days before the baby was to be born she and the birthday took off to CA and someone there adopted the baby. We had been providing housing and living expenses all of that time. So what happens to the money, we lost it. It is the risk you take when you accept a birthmom who needs maternity expenses. As far as the money you have on account with Abrazo that is still there until you place. So now we are just waiting to be matched with another birthmom. Hopefully the next time we will have much better luck. Keep in mind this is not something that happens very often. Abrazo is very in tune with whats going on with the BP and will let you know of any concerns they have regrading their honesty. We were actually offered a case a month before this happened because Abrazo was concerned this may happen. I was just to trusting and had committed myself to that case, I wish I would have listened now......Hind sight is 20/20 Right????
  8. Mike, Stacey and Gabriela, Wow those 3 little names sound so perfect together. I am so happy for yall. You guys are real troopers. I am so glad you kept your faith and didn''t let the trials stop you from having your dream come true. Please send pictures of your little angel and let us know about her birthmom. Your new life begans enjoy every minute of it. I want to hear more details so I will call you when you get home. Be safe. Lots of Love, The Tennison's
  9. Congratulations Mike & Stacey I am so happy for yall. I know the journey was by far a smooth one but all so worth it. Please give us all the details as soon as you get a chance. Enjoy your new baby girl. Love Sherrie T
  10. Today marks one year since Dylan's birthmom died. In her memory we let six baloons go in the air with a note attached saying how much we love and miss her. We chose six because we had the honor of knowing her six wonderful years. Please keep Dylan and Elizabeth's family in your prayers. Thank You. Sherrie T.
  11. This must be the Brewer Family, Congratulations!! We are very happy for yall. Enjoy your new little girl.
  12. Martha, What a beautiful young lady you have. I wonder who got the new baby from our 97 group. I will have to ask the Abrazo Angels. I do wish we all could have kept in contact. Like you said maybe we'll see them at Camp Abrazo. Have a great Easter. Sherrie T
  13. Congratulations Terry Family!! Can't wait for all the details on the newest member of the DDSJs!! 14714[/snapback] Congratulations Nathan and Beth we are happy for yall.
  14. Silly me , I should have read all of the post before I posted. Oh well. I am so happy for the Santos. God Bless all of you and your new additions. I hope everyone is planning to come to Camp Abrazo in July. We will be there and our birthmom said she wants to go too.
  15. Who got the first baby girl??? It wasn't us. We are still waiting. Who is it ? I can't wait to find out. Please let us know soon. We still have 4 days left.....S.Tennison
  16. Hello Andrea, I guess you guys are just on cloud nine! Thanks for the three words of encouragement, I need that right about now. Enjoy your new little one. Time passes by way to fast so enjoy every single minute. Take Care.
  17. Congratulations Jim & Andrea. I am so proud for yall. It was so worth the wait wasn't it. Enjoy your new little bundle of joy. Please send pictures asap. Take Care and May God Bless.
  18. Yep it's Jay and Julie. I got an email and photos today and the baby is beautiful. I am so excited for them. Wow our group is really moving fast. Isn't it wonderful. Abrazo is the BEST agency in the world!!!! I am praying for all of our families. Take Care and stay in touch
  19. OK Who is the lucky baby boy? We are all dying to know. Erica are you rested? We have two weeks to go. We are really getting excited. Anyone with info on this babe please let us know.....
  20. Dan and Erika, We couln't be happier for you. We would have written sooner but our computer has been on the blink since we've been home. We heard your wonderful news thruogh our bithmom and could hardly wait to be able to get on line and hear the details! We are looking forward to hearing more about him!Congratulations! You and all the birthmoms are in our prayers! Love, Mike and Stacey P.s. Since our computer isn't working yet, we can be reached through Mike's work at mcs1962@hotmail.com. We arelooking forward to many more happy reports!!!!! 13544[/snapback] Hey Stacey, how are you? Did I understand you right that you guys have matched? Email back and give us all the details......Due date, boy or girl and the rest of the good stuff. Sherrie Tennison
  21. Hey Angie, I can remember feeling exactly the way you are now. I wasn't sure we had been approved until orientation. Be honest on your paper work and you'll get approved no doubt about it. (if you get invited to orientation , you are approved) The only thing I can think of to disqualify you would be if you were still trying to get pregnant. I do know you have to be done with that. Take a deep breath and get the application in and you'll be a new parent in no time. Our first adoption we matched 2 days after orientation and our baby boy was born 2 months later. This time around we matched before orientation and we a eagerly awaiting our new baby girl to be born on March 2. It is an absolute awesome journey and I feel so blessed to be expiercing it the second time around. I thought such a gift from God only came around once in a life time....I am pleased that I was wrong....Best Wishes.... Call your Dr. and have them fax the paper work and your ins. co too......
  22. Hey Angie, The best advice I can give you is be very honest about how you feel and how any situation would affect your family. I believe we said we would be accepting of any minor problem that could be corrected. Whatever the case may be. Try not to stress to much on your answers to the question's. Good luck on all the paper work, it's all worth it....
  23. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! We are so excited for yall. I told you it would be quick. So how do you feel? It's the most incredible feeling in the world to hold YOUR baby isn't it? Keep us posted.
  24. Hey Jennifer, I think this is the Jersey couple.
  25. Hey Elizabeth, What happened to the birthmom that was having twins? Has she matched with anyone? We will see you in 2 weeks. We are so excited and eager to do this again.
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