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Stork Central

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Everything posted by Stork Central

  1. It is with enormous sorrow that we share with you the news that one of our Forum members and beloved birthfathers was killed this weekend in a car accident in McAllen, Texas. Mike Delgado was a good man with a ready smile: a hard worker, and a faithful member of our birthparent support group throughout the time that he and his girlfriend Kara were involved with Abrazo. They placed their baby Lily for adoption in late 2004, having joined us that year for Camp Abrazo, when Kara was quite far along in her pregnancy. Mike desperately wanted to attend Camp this year and was registered but didn't feel right about coming without Kara, who was unable to make it. He did, however, come faithfully to several orientation weekends to speak on our birthparent panel, and his testimony was both touching and powerful. We're going to miss him more than words can say. In a post under "Birthfathers Matter," Mike once said the following: Truly, there will always be a special bond between Mike and his birthdaughter, because the loving adoptive family he and Kara chose for Lily will make sure she grows up knowing all about him and the wonderful human being he was. They thought the world of him, and so did we. We send our condolences to Kara and the children, to the Sheykers, and to Mike's family, and we thank God for the privilege of having known him during his all-too-brief time among us.
  2. In the spirit of Monday night football, join us in a rousing cheer, wouldja? Give me an "S!" Give me a "W"! Give me an "E"! And another "E"! Give me a "T"! Give me a "P"! Give me one more "E"! Give me an "A"! What's that spell? SWEETPEA! What's that mean? One more precious baby girl for one more Peabiscuit family, and one more loving birthmom who made dreams come true for one more set of againers! God bless them, everyone! and especially the little angel who'll be already settled in her new home in time for the holidays.
  3. Perhaps it would be helpful to put together some advice for those who initiate adoption plans but then decide it is not the right choice for them. 1) First, if you've been working with an agency or attorney or if you've already been involved with an adoptive family, it is ESSENTIAL that you let all parties know that you are no longer planning to place, as soon as you know in your heart this is true. This prevents you from being accused of fraud and prevents the other party from being unduly hurt. It is illegal for anyone to pressure you into placing if you choose not to, but it is also illegal to continue benefitting financially from maternity support if you know you don't intend for your child to be adopted. 2) Notify your baby's father of your decision, so he can plan to be involved in his child's life. Whatever your feelings about the birthfather, your child has a right to know him and to receive his support and guidance, as well. He must be present at the hospital in order to have his name added to the child's birth certificate, but failure to name him as the father does not mean he cannot have visitation or get custody of the child later on. 3) Do your homework! If you're not entirely prepared for parenting but know you need to try, look into every possible resource to find the help you need. Birthright is one organization which can help provide maternity and baby clothes, social service and housing referrals. For more information, see Government Assistance. What other pointers would our readers add to this list?
  4. At this time of year, when we stop to remember all our blessings, we send out a word of gratitude, once more, to all those birthgrandparents who stood by their sons and daughters, offering quiet or spoken support, as they faced the hardest choices any parents can make... who uphold their birthgrandchildren's adoptive families in word and deed... and who bravely affirm the decisions that were made, who speak out on behalf of the adoption community at their workplaces, in their churches, at family gatherings and who proudly display photos of their birthgrandchildren in their homes! Yours was not an easy road, but we're all thankful you were there, every step of the way.
  5. "Pooh?" asked Roo. "How will I know you still love me when you're not here to tell me so?" Winnie the Pooh scratched his head. "Oh, bother! That's a big question for a little brain," he said. "I think we need a snack." Roo and Pooh ate big globs of honey together. "Honey comes from bees," Pooh mused. "Even when honey comes from a honeypot, somewhere there's a bee out there who made that honey with love. So the honey's full of love. And I love that bee for making such yummy honey." Roo smiled. "Then I guess the bee feels that love still buzzing around even when the honey's gone." "Just so!" Pooh replied. "You're pretty smart for a little 'roo!"* Deep in the hundred acre woods, a birthcouple and an adoptive couple met together to discuss their dream for one lucky baby girl who's going home today, just in time for Thanksgiving. We're thankful for the strength and determination of both sets of parents, for the new daughter who means so much to all of them, and for our 10/4, Good Buddies! who are now 2 down, with 6 to go!!! *Our apologies to A.A. Milne!
  6. Some film epics are just so good, and the characters so memorable, a sequel is all but required. The same is true of some adoption stories. Thus it was for today's placement, with a beloved forumite, her faithful husband and their darling daughter. Living in the land of Elvis at the time of their first Abrazo adoption, they'd since moved to the Sunshine state and may have thought their family was complete, but God thought otherwise. He knew that somewhere out there was a little girl in need of a loving, stable home; a child old enough to dote on a new big sister but still young enough to need to be the baby of the family. He knew that she would need wise, experienced parents with empathy, grace and strength, and an onsite grandma with plenty of hugs and kisses to spare. He knew that she needed plenty of sunshine, snakes, and boundaries and openness. And so He chose for her a home uniquely qualified to help her embrace her roots and spread her wings. So, just days from Thanksgiving, we thank God for all His blessings: for the tiny cherub with her whole future ahead of her, for the selfless birthmom who made such a tough choice on her child's behalf, for the birthsister left behind, for the foster family who helped bridge the gap, for the excited big sis taking on this new role, and for two magnificent parents who had the courage to say not "why?" but "yes!" May He shine His face upon them all and grant them great joy.
  7. It's nice when life unfolds the way we'd hoped it would, but sometimes it's the detours that lead to the most scenic destinations! One man from the northeast knows exactly what we mean. Having grown up with a sister who'd been adopted, he had a strong sense of family and longed to be a father. Without a spouse, he turned to private adoption but that plan fell through, seemingly for no good reason. He searched for answers, but it took a few months until in San Antonio, today, where he met a 6 lb., 12 oz. reason that fills in all those blanks, a two week-old baby boy who gives Thanksgiving extra-special meaning this year for one new dad whose dream came true. Congratulations, and special thanks to the courageous birthmom who made it happen.
  8. Once upon a time in the land where tall corn grows lived a very nice squirrel named Bob. Aside from being a hungry little rascal, he just didn't have that much to do. Because in Iowa, it's cold from autumn to spring, and in his particular neck o' the woods, the chipper little fella needed someone to play with, a friendly little boy to chase him up trees and such. So he sent up a prayer to the Hawkeye angel, who passed the word right up to the heavens who wired an order to the Lone Star State and lo and behold, that request was granted! So exactly 2 weeks after our Midwesterners had their orientation group laughing hysterically over a Friday night tall tale about how furry 'lil tree jumpers cause infertility, a week-old baby boy made these againers from Bobbing for Squirrels (10/05) a family of four! Congratulations, all. May your lives together be filled with laughter-- but with no more animals gone wild.
  9. Make no mistake about it; for all the beauty and excitement and sweetness of the journey, birthing a family through adoption entails just as much apprehension, uncertainty, pain and hallway pacing as birthing a baby. (Just without the benefit of anesthesia!) You sweat, you groan, you cry... and just when you think you can endure no more, the moment comes and the miracle arrives and you marvel at this perfect little person who has suddenly joined your family and changed your lives forever. So it was for our newest parents, the most prolific of forum members, who are also beloved members of the PeaBiscuits (5/05)! They weren't initially sure they had the patience to wait for a baby not due right away, but they've proven their mettle, and now they've got one gorgeous baby daughter to show for it! Blessings on this new family, and on the faithful birthfamily who made it all possible.
  10. Breaker, breaker... Stork Central here, on the topside of I-410 and have we got some news for you! It's the first boy baby for the first of our 10-4, Good Buddies! (9/05) and he just couldn't be cuter. Must've been beginner's luck, because his pretty birthmom was the first one they spoke with, and just weeks later, there they were, speeding down a (smokey-free!) Texas highway in the wee early morning hours to make it to the hospital just in time to see him born! They'll be driving home with precious cargo, and they're just the first of many Good Buddies to reach this destination, so best wishes to our newest parents and here's wishing the rest of you in the convoy a scenic drive, as well! (10-4, Tiny Guy!)
  11. According to Kristen Gerencher of Marketwatch: Read the full story at: Baby Boom
  12. Extra! Extra! Read all about it!! GARDEN STATE "PREGNANCY" RESULTS IN HEALTHY BIRTH IN JUST 12 WEEKS (AP- Killeen, TX) One New Jersey couple came to Texas only to leave as a family. Members of the esteemed Summer Strollers orientation weekend of 7/05, these world-renowned journalists may have had their doubts whether the process could really work, but became true believers in open adoption upon their discovery of the "perfect" birthmother, a young woman with a greater dream for her child's future. Their road to parenthood was not without complications, as for any parent-to-be, but after two months of paperwork, virtual Texas residency, one last-minute homestudy amendment and an overdue due date later, the couple found themselves in a military hospital witnessing the birth of their new baby boy. That's not their only new relative; his loving birthmom joins their family, too, giving them ample reason to return to Texas often to celebrate his roots and share his tomorrows. - 30 - Congratulations, all!
  13. Well!! Mississippians may have boasted about their mud pie, Trent Lott and that big ole' river of theirs, but now they've really got something to brag about-- and the PeaBiscuits! (5/05), too! Because another of their couples became a family of three today, and with the placement of their precious baby girl, their orientation group is halfway completed, in less than half a year's time! so for the other half-dozen still in the "anxiously waiting" queue, step right up, because your turn is coming! Warm congrats to today's newest family and the darling birthmom who made it all possible...
  14. Out of some of life's greatest heartaches come some of God's best blessings, and so it was for a divinely-inspired couple from our Summer Strollers of 9/05, their 6 lb. miracle baby and her loving birthmom, who find that strolling along and keeping the faith-- no matter what!--can lead one to some pretty awesome destinations, even if they weren't originally listed on the itinerary! May the road rise to meet them and the sun shine upon their future together! Blessings, all around.
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