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About bee

  • Birthday 09/13/1965

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    Get Out of My Life, But Could You First Drive Me and Cheryl to the Mall?

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  1. Why choose open adoption? Because years down the road when your child is older you can experience the joy I felt today. My soon-to-be 11 year old daughter floated down the hallway with an enormous smile on her face this afternoon. That smile is still there. Why? Because her birthmom called and she got to chat with her. What a blessing today has been for Maggie.
  2. bee

    Welcome, welcome! Glad to see you found us!

  3. This forum is starting to show up in my personal life! I am working on my Master's degree and a recent assignment required us to come up with a conflict that we felt we had strong feelings about. I chose closed adoption vs open adoption. (Since I have one of each in my family.) The assignments were posted online and we each analyzed and commented on everyone's assignments. I could not believe the comments made (that posters intended to be supportive)! "Bad situation should remain secret until the age of consent", "search for real parents when old enough". Sheesh! I did something totally out of character (thanks, Tina, I think the courage came from reading your posts). I jumped on my open adoption soapbox and wrote a narrative. Just posting it made my hands shake. It will be interesting to see the next set of responses.
  4. I agree. Someone please reconsider. I wish we were homestudy ready.
  5. Well said suebee! Congratulations Lance, Lisa, Kayleigh, Meg and welcome Brennan! May all your days be blessed. bee
  6. Hi Linda! How is sweet Jenna?


  7. Melissa, Baby fever has also been rampant at our house! We have one open and one closed adoption. I don't know how parents deal with two sets of birthfamilies but I sure hope to find out. Our son will probably never know his birthparents. He was an unexpected blessing for our family. He joined us as a foster child and then we got to adopt him. We do have contact with all of his birthsiblings (all are also adopted) but his birthparents do not have any info about us and we were asked not to contact them. Between the two types of adoption I can honestly say that I prefer open. That's what we are hoping for the third time around! Bee
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