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1st x grandma

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Everything posted by 1st x grandma

  1. Our town is a party town… but nothing beats FIESTA… I finished decorating hats for “the girls” for our night parade outing. Last year we decorated t-shirts. Will have to see what is in store for next year.. For all those venturing out for Fiesta events, you guys be safe and careful.. Have FUN!!!!!
  2. Thank you ladies and princess Naomi, yal are so sweet.. My main role as a mom to a first mom is to support, protect, be there for her and love her unconditionally . As a first-grandma, it’s to love, help protect, SPOIL, and be there for my angel girl . As an extended member of adoption it’s to embrace, support and love my angel girl’s family . As a member of the forum and Abrazo, it is to be here as best I can for all on this journey, offer what I can and LEARN as much from everyone else as I can. .... I have learned so much from all (still want more>>>as my daughter's favorite AT & T commercial with the little girl whose voice reminds her of her daughter says ), I hope in some small way I have provided some encouragement, help, support, and a hand in friendship to people I have had the blessing and opportunity to touch/be touched by through Abrazo. Wishing all of you a wonderful day.. Viva Fiesta in SA!!!!!
  3. Great day yesterday...Met some super folks and of course got to spend time with Royalty none other than Little Princess Naomi!!!
  4. To my daughter, Ellie, Mandi, Amber, Maria, Jessica, and all the BRAVE women that put their child’s life and needs wrapped in an immeasurable amount of love before their own.. Hugs to you all.. “In the very same second I can be Brave and Scared” Brene Brown
  5. Congrats to the newly formed family. Prayers for all who love this little angel.
  6. Prayers of comfort for family (ies), may she Rest in Peace.
  7. Welcome baby Joshua...Congrat's and prayers for all who love you..
  8. It is a great daily devotional tool… They also have one for kids, with language suited for them.. I think it’s ages 7 or 8 and up.. But hey as smart as kiddos are these days I’m sure younger ones wouldn’t have a problem understanding most of it.
  9. For all of us who may need a little something extra today………. “I AM WITH YOU AND FOR YOU. You face nothing alone –nothing! When you feel anxious , know that you are focusing on the visual world and leaving Me out of the picture. The remedy is simple: Fix your eyes not on what is seen but on what is unseen. Verbalize your trust in Me, The living One who sees you always. I will get you safely through this day and all your days. But you can find Me only in the present. Each day is a precious gift from My Father. How ridiculous to grasp for future gifts when day’s is set before you! Receive today’s gifts gratefully, unwrapping it tenderly and exploring its depths. As you savor this gift, you find Me.” Sarah Young (Jesus Calling 2004)
  10. Lol… Thank you… bite my tongue more then hold (sore now ) …. I’m good, just had one of those days from he&*…
  11. Have you ever had one of THOSE days where you just get to the point you want to scream, pull your hair out, or down right smack something (I didn’t say someone)… Mine was yesterday…. Though I’ve gotten pretty good at letting many things roll off the back in the last 4 + yrs (forced/pushed, eye opener, into understanding what is important in life and what I can fufu off )…And over the last 8 yrs or so learned (still work in progress) to pick my battles… Yesterday my entire being was just weighed down with this negative energy that I couldn’t shake .. I’m just tired of picking up the slack for other people, watching them do a half A*# job and listening to them talk about how much they do and how tired they are.. Wanting to just tell them …that yep the days can be pretty long and tiring when you just sit on your kister and don’t do much :angry: …. Then I get a text late last night asking if everything is ok because I was “very quiet today”….Umm, actually it was best to be that way… this person I’m sure didn’t realize that this was the better choice (to detach) then how I could have been..... Today will be a better day I just know it ( )!!!!
  12. Thank you sweetie, your friend over here said thank you also and that she TOTALLY AGREES!!
  13. I have to say, Elizabeth’s first post regarding this situation made my heart ache and brought me to tears. Reading your post did the exact same thing. I do feel for the adoptive family seeing their child go through what he did. My daughter had a good friend who was diagnosed with leukemia their freshman year, watching her parents, family and friends deal with this was extremely difficult. Her sister was a perfect match for her bone marrow transplant. She is now almost 5 years into remission, I don’t know if it was due to the perfect match or not, I do know that the type of leukemia she had was an extremely aggressive one. This put in perspective and aside. I had very similar thoughts to what you voiced, though your message/thoughts were/are a lot nicer worded and put than what has gone through my mind and that are not good for print. My daughter and I talked about this and I openly shared with her how I felt/feel about the situation and how bad I feel for this babe’s first parents and family. They were cheated out of a precious opportunity due to two people’s, I don’t know what exactly, selfishness, ignorance, lack of compassion, lack of empathy and as you mentioned disrespect, for the person who gave this child life and the family who loved him and entrusted him to them. I am really trying not to be cold hearted here, but I keep thinking that maybe they couldn’t save their marriage due to their own inability to deal with their loss or maybe remorse/guilt. But in the big scheme of things, it seems that they have gotten a taste of what the first parents went through when they entrusted, heavy burden to carry. How many more are out there that have broken their commitment to first parents. Praying that God enlightens their hearts and lights a path to reconnect with first parents, prayers that first families who are missing out on their child’s life by their own choosing find peace in their hearts to journey the way back into these precious children’s lives. Thank you for your post and openness of your huge tender heart….
  14. Yeah…I would definitely be a bear during winter if I lived where all this snow and blizzards are pounding.. I would stock up for the winter in late fall and hibernate for the winter months..
  15. Beth, you and Airi expressed it wonderfully... We have been truly blessed to be able to continue to build and grow within open adoption. Watching my precious girls together makes my heart expand in an unimaginable way. On visits, several times throughout I find myself enjoying sitting and (with camera in hand most times ) watching them and I am taking in each moment. I also love watching my grand-baby interact with all her family, it is so special to see how much love surrounds her and how much she loves she person who surrounds her. I know we are not the only extended family here, and I truly hope that each family that has embraced open adoption finds within their own family/families the many blessings they are giving the special child they surround. I would really love to hear more about these families and see more pictures of these special times. I am sure though each has their reason why don’t share, privacy, etc.. Totally understand… This is the only place I put any pictures of my granddaughter and her ap/af (of which has been ok’d by her ap’s).. On my fb I do have us/her, but it’s not a place where I discuss anything to do with adoption when it comes to neither her nor her family… Not all on my friends/family listed know and frankly I feel no need to share with all.. Those that do know and there are quite a bit of them respect this and don’t mention adoption either. Not sure if this makes sense to anyone else but me..
  16. Oh yes… I know the feeling of having to do, hear, read, etc. etc. etc. (many things) repetitively to be able to retain at least a little bit of the info. Congrats to student and what a wonderful way they honor his hard work and dedication.. I’m sure it was extra special for him to be singled out this way, he probably just wanted to graduate.. I hear this from Lauranda a lot.. (“I just want to remember enough to pass this test, course, etc.) When it comes to classes that require a LOT of reading and remembering dates, events etc.. Like this semester that she is taking History, Geography and Economics… I feel like I’m in school also, because I am the person at home that reads with her, helps her study, talk about what she needs to remember and try to find ways together to help her remember certain definitions, events and what not.
  17. Us too.... we so look forward to these times, and we have been so blessed to share special occasions on some of our visits together.. Sweetie, hope your doing well.. Haha...you are so right Melissa...the little stinker knows it and loves ALL the attention..
  18. Thanks so much everyone..it was a great day with GREAT news that was only made better by an awesome weekend visiting my angel girl.. Had some wonderful family time with her parents and all her grandparents, we all attended Sunday service together and enjoyed time celebrating her mommy’s birthday.
  19. Thank you so much for all good thoughts and wishes…. Had a GREAT day yesterday… Appointment w/neurosurgeon was good; MRI looked “very nice and STILL clear”…… We definitely can breathe much easier. Short term memory loss will always be there, but that is part of her/our new normal that we work with.. Next MRI & follow up in a year…Neurologist appointment also went good, he is confident the right combination meds and dosages have been found (due to being seizure free as of the seventh month mark she just hit), she also did well in her other markers, he has put her next follow up in a year instead of every six months.. All in ALL it was a fantastic Valentine’s Day we couldn’t have asked for better results.. Thanks to God!!!
  20. This is a St Theresa prayer for perfectionists (that I’ve been accused of being, but I disagree ).. After reading it it seems to apply to so many more in some form or fashion. May today there be peace within. May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content knowing you are a child of God. Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us.
  21. Thank you ladies for the positive thoughts, prayers and good wishes sent our way.. It was a long day, but MRI days usually are.. Spending a little over 3 hrs in the hospital, with most of it waiting, MRI itself takes a little over an hour once my daughter is called in, then we wait for film to hand carry to her neurosurgeon’s office. With this piece behind us we now just wait for her appointments and results.. We did stop afterwards to get two boxes of Valentine chocolates for two dates she has on Valentine’s Day with two VERY important men in her/our life.. Her neurosurgeon and her neurologist.. As long as we get good news from both, we don’t mind spending part of our day with them, making it the best dates she has.. Once again thank you so much for your warmth and support.
  22. Time for annual MRI tomorrow then follow up in a few days’ w/neurologist and neurosurgeon… These days are always a bit stressful for my daughter and I even though we try not to be.. Keeping positive thoughts and prayers for great results…
  23. Congrats Monica, Gary, Garrette on the arrival a your newest family members and precious daughter. Jessica, que descanse en paz tu mami en los brazos de nuestro señor.
  24. Experience is something you don’t get until just after you need it. —Anonymous
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