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Garden of Hope

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Everything posted by Garden of Hope

  1. Someone who will remain nameless told me something similar at a recent event in the hill country. Amazing what margaritas and nachos will do to you!! Of course, the results are just precious!
  2. Congratulations, Kristin and Rich! On Saturday night Elizabeth told us that a baby boy had been born in Houston. My sweet son was born in Houston four and a half years ago. His precious birthmom also elected not to have contact and left the decision in God's hands and He through the Abrazo Angels. My son was a "talker" and has blessed my life beyond belief. I know that your son will do the same in your lives. As I looked at the picture of Alexander, I was taken with how much he looks like Nathan ALEXANDER looked as a newborn. Heart felt congratulations.
  3. Congratulations to the Venturas one and all. Your beautiful outlook and understanding touched my heart. I will be praying for Ayanna's birthmom, Ayanna, and the entire Ventura family. I know the union of your two families will continue to bless both. I hope to see all of you at camp again next year! Hugs, Jean
  4. Super Special Siblings Surely Shine.....Congratulations to the newest family to welcome a special sibling into their family. Congratulations one and all!
  5. May this placement occur with lots of love and patience.
  6. Me, too. I even contacted a friend who is an Abrazo mom twice over about this precious little one.........I wonder if mom has decided to parent, dad has had a change of heart and decided to parent his child in is home, or if an adoption plan is being made/in process. Not nosey, just emotionally involved!
  7. God has His very special plan and she will be with the family He has chosen for her. Amen.
  8. Congratulations to both of the new families!
  9. If we have a question or two about the application, should we post them here? Or, call Angela? If we should post them here, I'll go ahead and list them. If we should call, I'll do that. Please just let me know. Okay, here I go. . . 1. Would it be taken negatively if we stated "unknown" for the question regarding a parents' attitude towards adoption? 2. For the health statement/question, should we put something like "good/fair" or if there is a health issue list it? 3. For the description of retirement plans, should we list the specific type, amount, account number? Or, just the type? 4. Savings and investments, would this also include any life insurance policies with a cash value? Thank you to whoever can assist us with these questions. We want to do everything we can to get past second base Cathy and Brian I think going to the source is always a good way to proceed. Talk to Angela and then answer all questions with total honesty.
  10. Welcome to the newest Abrazobabe, and Cornish son! Congratulations to all those who love him. He is a very wanted little boy and will have the love of so many people surrounding him throughout his life. What a blessing open adoption is to everyone involved. YEE HA IT'S A BOY!! Congratulations!
  11. I love the new family photo!!

  12. Congratulations on your blessed bundle and the brave birthparents who have placed their trust in you and their faith in God. Can't wait to see the pictures. Congratulations!!!
  13. Wow! Good for her. I wonder if she'll use cloth diapers with her son! (Thinking of the one sheet of tp suggestion she made recently)
  14. And we would expect nothing less. Congratulations!!! All your hard work paying off! Now, go home and have a margarita!
  15. I love Nathan's birthmom even though I've never met or spoken to her. I love her because she chose not to end his life. I love her because she chose to deliver him in a hospital with a social worker who cared. I love her because she wished for him a mom who would "love him like her own." I love her because she gave him intelligence and a sassy sense of humor. I love her because she gave him the opportunity to live and become something special. I love her because she gave him his dimples and his cleft chin. I love her because I love her son. I love her because without her we wouldn't be family. And that "we" includes her even if she's never seen or never heard. We are family and we love one another. May God bless "M", Nathan's birthmom.
  16. What an accomplishment for Cassie and proud moments for the entire family! Way to go Cassie!
  17. Congratulations Ewa and Andy and birthparents of Lilly Cate! Thank you Mona for being the angel that you are in guiding the the newest Abrazo babe home.
  18. Congratulations to the newest Abrazo parents no longer waiting and the precious birthmom who made it all possible. Can't wait to hear all the details and see the beautiful pictures. Unbeknownst to you, I've been thinking about you all weekend and wondering! God bless you all.
  19. Praying for the birthmom, baby, agency, and potential new family for birthmom and baby.
  20. Thank you for your valued insight, Elaine. You are a resident expert on the adoption of a three year old. My heart was heavy as I read Elizabeth's description of family after family not even willing to consider the possibilities. How sad for everyone involved. I hope Elizabeth will let us know how this story "ends"/"begins",
  21. Congratulations to the newest mom repeating her loving decision accept placement and to the mom who made the loving decision to place. May God bless all in this wonderful joining of families.
  22. I hope so....we made it clear that we'd love to stay in contact, but she did not give us an answer either way. I know we will stay in contact with her mother (Jonas' birthgrandmother). We are just so excited that we got to spend this special day with "R". It is a day we will never forget! All very positive. With the open door you have with Jonas' birthgrandmother and the positive experience of the reunion, all things are possible. What a blessing.
  23. I am prefacing this illustration by saying I am not in any way being glib or insensitive, but I see a parallel in the two situations. When I was divorcing, a friend told me that losing someone in divorce is harder than losing someone to death. In divorce, that person goes on and has a new life that doesn't include you. One might look back and wish they had chosen a different path or imagine how things would have been different had they chosen to handle things in a different way. Point: it is a choice, opportunities to second guess the decision and face guilt are enormous. In death, there is closure--no choices. In death, we believe that we will be reunited with our loved ones and will have a "relationship" on a whole different plain. In divorce, that's probably not likely. Both are filled with grief, loss of control, and just plain pain. But, I think the illustration, perhaps, can help us better understand how they are different.
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