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Everything posted by melissamerritt

  1. Those againers are none other than our very own forum members, Doug and Jennifer. I am keeping fingers crossed for you.
  2. Never mind....I found a thread covering profiles. I knew if I looked I could find it.
  3. I am sure there is a thread soomewhere out in forumland regarding profiles for againers. I am working on our profile. The first time it was so easy, now all of our pictures have a certain little brown haired girl in them. I have been able to crop her out of them but is it ok to have a few pictures with Grace Ann in them?? We are going to go take some pictures tomorrow of just me and Chris. It is a shame when you become a parent, the camera never, ever aims at the parents.
  4. Grace Ann's birthmommy lived on Dr. Peppers the entire pregnancy and look how unhealthy Grace Ann turned out.
  5. I thought of this little boy tonight as I spent the night with a 16 month old baby boy, yep I said baby. Being around my friend's son tonight put so many things in perspective. Yes he was 16 months old, only two months younger than the sweet little baby boy who still tugs at my heart, but he still was a baby boy. He didn't talk other than babbling, he still wore diapers, he still wanted to be held, cuddled and most importantly loved like any other baby.
  6. I am so sad about this case. We've been praying for this little boy and his Mamma since Angela contacted us. I had hoped against hope we would get to take placement of the little boy. I know God has plans etc, but it is cases like this that makes you wonder. I will continue to pray for this sweet little soul and his birthfamily.
  7. Congrat to the newest family. May your new relationship grow by the love that you all share.
  8. I heard from a local social worker who quoted me $300 for an update. Does anyone know if that is about the norm for TN. I was very pleased that she is willing to just do the update and not a full homestudy.
  9. Glad to hear that Joshua is home and feeling better.
  10. It would be a challenge, but it can be doable. I think I would be up for the challenge any day.
  11. Welcome Maureen!! My husband and I adopted our daughter five years ago with Abrazo and we are currently working on adopting a sibling for her. We love Abrazo!
  12. Welcome Grandpaw Bruce! I am so happy that you are now part of our forum family!!

  13. I am praying for this sweet little guy and his Mom.
  14. When we where visting Grace Ann's birthfamily this summer, her birth grandmother changed her mind and did not want to see us. Yesterday Grace Ann received a two page letter from her. The first of any type of contact since the day that Grace Ann was born.
  15. Welcome Andrea!! I can't wait to follow your story!
  16. Bumping this up to keep the candles burning.
  17. True? False? Inspiring? Outrageous? How funny that this came up right now. For the past month Grace Ann has been telling me that I am not her "real" Mommy. Knowing my daughter the way that I do, I know she is just saying this to get some kind of reaction from me. Each time she says it to me, I do what I believe Karen Dooley(feelingblessed) said she did when it happened to her. I ask her to feel me and then of course I ask her if I feel real etc. Ok now back to the question, with open adoption Grace Ann will never have to search for her birthparents. So I think this quote is false in our situation. I would hope that all adoptive parents would find this quote false, but I know there are still people out there who believe in doing adoption the old fashion way.
  18. What a wonderful annoucement!!! Congrats to all especially the proud big sis!!
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