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Everything posted by HeidiK

  1. Blessing to the whole family. How amazing!
  2. Lisa and Elizabeth, You Ladies....well you should do PSA's or some type of campaign for open adoptions. You are both to elequent and expressive. Maybe we need pink or blue wrist bands. You ladies - could be the LiveStrong of the adoption community. You need a catchy phrase. Anyway....Thank you Thank You Thank You
  3. From just a few days ago... Congratulations Sandi and Scott on your baby girl!! Prayers for you, your daughter, and her wonderful birthmom. Susan 44644[/snapback] Hurray! And welcome baby Skye...One of 3 has to start with one! Enjoy!
  4. Here's to a little bit of pink heaven around the mostly "blue" office in 2006. Welcome beautiful girl to the Walker home!
  5. Elizabeth, That should be on the back of your business card!
  6. Karen, I agree with you on many levels. Openess in adoption is a way of thinking, its a prespective that I hope more and more AP's will embrace and more an more BP's will request.
  7. Lisa, I lOVE your heart and your spirit. I love you passion and the way you think out loud! I Love being able to ask you anything about yourself, adoption and getting an honest answer. I am blessed to have found Abrazo for many reasons.
  8. Elizabeth, Your insite on this issue is greatly apperciated. It wonderful to be able to ask these types of questions, propose these situations and then have you ( and the collective forumites) available for discussion. Equality is certainly an elusive concept in all relationships. Have a blessed day
  9. Just a question: If you are matched in an "Bilateral"open situation ( open on all sides) for the 2nd child - how do you talk to Kayleigh about her currently closed sitation? I am asking because I have friends you initally wanted an open adoption but their son's BP did not. Now in the mist of the 2nd go - around, they are struggling with being "closed" specific so that neither child will have contact. I know in my case, I had requested to be presented with open situations only because Gabriel and I have ongoing contact with his BP. Then with Parker's BP, she orginally want zero contact, but changed her mind and we have talked and will meet again in the fall. I worry that either will have a change of heart or life circumstances that will preevnt continued communication. Things can change so fast - I am just thinking out -loud because openess is a big question for all againers hugs
  10. WElcome back Tamara. I am sure you will hear something soon. I am glad to hear that you are taking care of yourself and getting things done around the house. I know that you will have an incredible journey.
  11. thanks for the link. Parker's conversion is scheduled for July 3rd and since I was able to take Gabriel in the mikva, I have asked my Mom to do this with Parker. She is thinking about it. I think she is worried that I "should " do it. But I think she would really love it, it was a very moving experience. I will let her decide.
  12. Lisa, I owe u a long email about raising Jewish children, except I am learning as I go. I was not raised in a traditional Jewish household and amworking towards having a more religious home...so I willing to explore andlearn right along with you. I went with a non-Jewish agency because I frankly didn't thinkI was "Jewish enough" for Jewish family services to consider me,so I didn't even try. Not being Christian was factor for Gabriel's BP when she looked at my profile, and she asked me directly how I was planning to raise children. I assured her that I would raise children that would have a rich,personal experience of God, and know that God loved them...and I left it at that. She had never met a single Jewish person in her whole life,and I told her that I apperciated her directness. Parker's conversion will take place July 3rd. We will take a dip in the ritual waters and say our prayers with the Rabbi's. Of course lunch will follow, bbecause what's a party without the food. Lisa- Have you thought about giving kayleigh her hebrew name? I think getting to know a rabbi in your area and getting hooked up with another familywith small kids to celebrate the holidays with? In fact some Christian churches even celebrate the old testement traditions like passover. more soon
  13. Congradulations to everyone who loves that sweet little Tucker....he is one special little boy.
  14. Welcome to the two newest members of the Abrazo family. Boy Oh Boy...its Blue times TWO
  15. Come on Stork...you owe us at least ONE fool and ONE squirrel .....well don't ya!
  16. Hi Tamara, Glad you got your application in. Its hard to say don't worry ...but I , and the collective we understand the anxiety that starts when youstart the process. Just hang in there and remember to cont to do the stuff you love...For me it was Yoga classes...I miss them and haven't been back since the birth of the boys. So of the next few weeks, fill your self up with those things that just might get backburnned when you child arrives. Orientation followed by placement will be here before you know it
  17. 43 year old single mom here. I have a 3yr old and a 2 1/2 month old. Go ...adopt follow your heart
  18. play nice Trish!!! You must play well with others, its part of the Abrazo pledge
  19. As pedicatirc Oncology nurse for the past 15 years, a great day is when the kid you cared for 12 years ago sends the pictures of her holding her beautiful baby. Adopted children or Not.... most survivors understand the fragility and the sweetness found in all things. I hope all people young and old live long healthy lives full of dreams that have come true.
  20. You go girl! I love the quiet times because you can reflect on the sweetness of mother hood....or then again take 20 minutes and NOT think of mother issues is good too. You work hard ...you getto choose how to enjoy the quiet. Happy House painting
  21. Okay Super MOM, If you don't let it rip once in a while, then what are we doing here. ???? That is why we are here for eachother, that's what support is for...ummm. I hear you girl, and after I have a spin on "pitty potty" then I remember all the blessings of motherhood and espically single motherhood. Balance is the key, there has to be some downer days to make the good days sweeter...but I hear ya! I have to pay some tool-belt wearing, don't comeon time, over priced guy to come to my house to do just about everything. I can paint, never attempted the outside of a house - buthow hard could it be. Painting party at your house???? Hugs
  22. Go TOTS GO!. And the newest parents are..............I can't wait
  23. Hi - I am Heidi and am the proud single Mom to two beautiful AA boys. My Abrazo adoption from 1st contact to holding my son took a grand total of 10 days. I was a wee bit overwhelmed since I had been waiting for 19 months with a local agency. Best of luck to you
  24. Gabe's 3 yr buddy, Owain asked me one night- Were's Gabriel's daddy? I told him he doesn't live with us. That's the best I got....LOL
  25. We are so excited about being Ashton's parents. This is the first time since we brought him home I am able to post. He is definately an answer to a prayer. My husband Dave and I have been through a lot of heart ache in the past 8 years. We have had 2 miscarriages with one being twins, mutliple infertility treatments to the point I felt like a pin cushion , we also registered with another agency and was with them for over 3 years with no opportunities. I was home sick one day and saw the Adoption story about a couple who use Abrazo and it was an answered prayer. We did our research and prayed about switching agencies and we got peace that we needed to make that change. God had put a desire in our heart to have a child and we knew we are suppose to be parents. We got our paperwork filled it all out and prayed over it before it was mailed out. Ashton is definately the child God has destined for us. A group at my work prayed everyday at noon about this agency and that the adoption would come through quick and fast....boy does he answer prayers. I got the call from Angela at work at noon about a newborn baby. It was all I could do to contain myself and I called the birthmother immediately. We hit off and there was an instant connection. My husband and I waited.....because there were other families she needed to speak to, so we waited to say the least it was hard to work the rest of the day. I got call from Angela on the way home from work that the birthmother chose us. It was all I could to drive that last 5 minutes home to tell my husband. We were on cloud nine, little did we know we were going to have to jump through a few hoops to bring him home. We already had a home study but it was not valid for Texas so we had to immediately get it redone and thanks to Elizabeth we found someone who was able to get our homestudy done immediately. After going through the whole process, faith and prayer brought Ashton home. Abrazo is wonderful and took such good care of us and even put our new baby on the phone with me so I could hear him and to encourgage us that all the stuff we were going through was worth it all. He is the most precious adorable little baby, he is so happy and it just feels so right like he has always been in our hearts. Talk about other plans, orientation was on the schedule.... it just goes to show it is God's timing and we were not to wait for the orientation, Ashton needed to go home. It has been a wonderful journey so far and we look forward to our future and watching Ashton grow. Thank you Abrazo and the wonderful staff, you will always hold a special place in our hearts. Next time we will try the orientation, I hear they are great and fun! Welcome to the Magical place known as the Abrazo Forum. Congradulations to you both and to your beautiful son..welcome little one.
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