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Stork Central

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Posts posted by Stork Central

  1. "...weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning..." Psalms 30:5

    Joyfully announcing the recent homecoming of one special baby girl, placed in the loving arms of a thankful couple who'd previously endured the inexplicable loss of a child they'd hoped would forever be their son... and asking for your prayers, for God's continued blessing upon and protection of this deserving new family.

  2. Over the years the agency has worked with a number of birthparents whose own mothers also once placed a child (or children) for adoption in their younger years.

    These older birthmothers-now-birthgrandparents face special challenges in helping support their daughters through second generation adoption choices. Most of these women have had only closed adoption experiences, and being a peripheral part of an open adoption can evoke discomfort, sadness, guilt or regret, that they did not have open adoption choices available to them at the time of their own placements. Many have never revealed to their own families that they went through this before, and don't know how to do it, now that their own son or daughter is facing this dilemma, too.

    Some worry that openness could somehow make the adoption experience harder on their daughters (or sons), because they themselves know how to live with the loss of closed adoption but not with the assurance of openness. Yet others find a renewed curiosity for establishing or recharging reunion ties with the agency or family or child with whom they placed so long ago.

    And still others cringe at the idea that relatives will point a finger at them for their own kids' adoption choices, thinking the birthgrandparent "set a bad example" or is now paying some bizarre sort of cosmic payback for having "given up that baby" long ago.

    It's a tough road, but you've got friends out here that you don't even know about yet... so if you are the parent of a birthmom or birthdad and you need to connect with others in the know, call Abrazo, or post here... come on out of the shadows and into the light! because you're not alone! There's an army of support out there just waiting to be tapped! and it's yours, for the asking.

  3. With nearly half of our April orientation weekend's participants already placed or matched, Abrazo is once again in particular need of childless Texas couples for our full-service infant placement program... the next orientation weekend is June 6-7 and while we have all the families-with-children that we need at this time, we are still seeking several more Texan parenting wannabes, particularly those with expanded racial expectations and no gender preferences, so please pass the word. Thanks!

  4. Break out the blue bubblegum cigars... it's another beautiful blue bundle for another of our favorite Forum families!

    And with it, we close another chapter of Abrazo's 2002 orientation stories, as The DreamTeam 02, last May's weekend participants, now get to celebrate a whole year of dreams that truly did come true.

    If you're still one of our "parents-in-waiting," here's proof positive that you're in the right place, and that it will happen, in good time. In the meantime, get your hearts and homes ready, and always remember... it's not "if?"...just "when!"

  5. It's a red letter day for Bruce's Great 8 Posse, our orientation graduates of 4/03, as the first of the newest couples to sign up with Abrazo (just three weeks ago!) returns to Texas to meet their dream-come-true, a bouncing baby boy born just this past weekend.  Congratulations to these happy parents, and special Mother's Day greetings to all our mommas out there: by birth, by adoption, already parenting or still-in-waiting... God bless you, mothers all!

  6. ...And with today's entrustment of a precious baby boy to a much-deserving couple (also longtime Forumites) and their handsome young son (himself an Abrazobabe, and now proud big brother, too!), Stork Central is delighted to announce that the nine couples of Los Nuevos Familios, our 8/02 orientation, have all successfully taken placement within nine months or less!!

    Best wishes to this newest family, and jubilant congratulations to all 9 of these now-former families-in-waiting... to 18 birthparents out there who helped make those homecoming dreams come true... and especially to the 10 lucky little ones at the center of it all!!! Vaya con Dios, y'all!

  7. Ahoy, mates! We're happy to report that it was smooth sailing from orientation to placement for Abrazo's newest parents, graduates of our Holiday Hopefuls parents-of-tomorrow class of 12/02. After all, they were out on a yacht when they first learned the birthmom had selected them as her expected baby's chosen family, just months after orientation.

    The lucky couple met their brand new baby boy this weekend and pronounced him to be "shipshape" (just after last month's trip to Texas, to become personally acquainted with his sweet young birthmom and proud birthgrandmother.)

    We wish this new little sailor and both the families who love him so "anchors away!" as they begin their new lives together--with him at their helm.

  8. Roses are red, violets are blue... another Forum couple's now parenting... Los Nuevos Familios, know who?!

    Bouquets of congratulations to another happy Abrazo family from our 8/02 orientation, who became the very proud parents of a tiny, darling, newborn boy just today. They've become active Forum participants in recent months--sure hope they'll still have time for plenty of postings between those diaper changes and late night feedings!!

  9. Our latest entry into the ranks of "new parents" hail from the DreamTeam '02, our May 2002 orientation graduates... they took their time finding just the "right" birthmom, and as a result, they know in their hearts that they truly have found just the "right" baby! Congratulations to this proud new ma & pa (and grandma!), and best wishes, too, to another DreamTeam '02 couple who recently found their adoption plans foiled by the wonderfully unexpected news that they have a "homemade" miracle on the way. The good Lord works in mysterious ways, as they say! and we celebrate the homecoming of all little ones, by whatever means. (Yea, God!)

  10. Poet, adoptee and mom-by-adoption Penny Callan Partridge (our 1999 Camp Abrazo keynote speaker in Charlotte, N.C.) was recently asked for her insights as to why some adoptions work out so much better than others.

    In response, she quoted the writing of Michael Leunig:

    There are only two feelings: love and fear.

    There are only two languages: love and fear.

    There are only two activities: love and fear.

    There are only two motives, two procedures, two frameworks, two results.

    Love and fear.

    Love and fear.

    "Like any institution, adoption is so dependent upon the individuals involved," she said. "And each of us has such a different mixture of love and fear, and what we do with them. Such diversity is bound to affect the adoptions we find ourselves in."  (Wishing you love that casts out fear...)

  11. This book referral is not an "adoption read", per se, but it is the new bestseller, and was written by an Abrazomom, one of our own! Check it out: Twelve Times Blessed, a novel by Jacquelyn Mitchard, just hit the store shelves nationwide.

    Given that the author is not just one of the greatest contemporary novelists of our time but is also the generous benefactress of Abrazo's Allegretti-Mitchard Birthparent Scholarship Fund, we highly--and shamelessly--recommend this new book to all readers everywhere!


  12. We're all bubbling with excitement over the latest "pint-sized" miracle, who brings the Fabulous Sixpackers (11/01) one couple closer to completion... patience is a virtue, as they say, and we congratulate our newest family on their patience and its happily-ever-after outcome! Cheers!

  13. Bienvenidos to our latest orientation graduates, Bruce's "Great 8" Posse (4/03), who joined up this weekend and proved themselves ready to hit the ground running, in search of eight (or more) darling new sons and daughters!! Best of luck to each of our new families on this exciting quest.

  14. Springtime in Texas is known for the beautiful wildflowers which blossom along our state's roadways--roads that were not nearly as scenic nor floral last October when two newbies drove down from out East to join The Great BambinoFest (10/02), losing a special bag somewhere along the way-- one containing important identification records.

    It seemed like a catastrophe at the time, but little did they know that just six months later, that loss would be long-forgotten as they returned to Texas to take on a whole new identity, as a first-time mom and dad!

    "Bloom where you are planted" was a popular slogan of the Seventies. Here's wishing bouquets of happiness to two loving couples (birth and adoptive) who've just planted the nicest of gardens together, securing a rosy future for our latest precious baby girl. Hearty congratulations to all!

  15. Please say a prayer for one little baby boy and the loving would-be parents who recently lost him, when a judge in a "foreign" court ordered him "returned" to a man who'd refused to take paternity tests-- then failed to even show up to claim him upon his return, sending his kid sister to pick up her new charge. It's a travesty and a tragedy, and we can only ask that a loving God, who knows far more than we, will hold these dear ones in His care, offering divine comfort, strength and shelter in the wake of this storm.

  16. Childless couples are always in demand, particularly when open to a beautiful array of little ones of assorted race and gender and age.  

    Our orientation weekends are generally held every two months, but registration confirmations are granted in accordance with agency placement resource needs, meaning that different kinds of families may be especially needed for upcoming cases at various times of the year.

    This is why completed inquiries and applications must be on file prior to orientation assignment, so that our family services coordinator can best fit each particular weekend to each particular applicant. Get that paperwork in promptly, and count on Angela to work on getting you on board as soon as she can!

  17. In a word, yes: Abrazo continues to have new birthparents joining our program each week, and they are expressing a particular preference for childless couples-- especially those living in Texas and open to children of full hispanic descent. (Thanks for asking!)

  18. Heartfelt thanks go out to two more loving birthcouples, who have entrusted their newborn daughters to two more loving Abrazo families! As a result, we congratulate another set of graduates from The Great BambinoFest (10/02), who took placement of their second Abrazobabe just five months after orientation, and  the first of Los Missionarios (2/03) who have become parents only five weeks after coming aboard... here's wishing you both a beautiful spring season with your precious new little blossoms!

  19. "Sugar and spice, and everything nice, that's what little girls are made of..."

    Abrazo joyfully announces the culmination of a dream (and many answered prayers) for another of our againers, loyal Forumites from The Great BambinoFest orientation weekend of 10/02. Celebrate with us, as one of the sweetest of girl babies joins one the dearest of families, who in turn thank heaven for having been matched with such precious birthparents!

  20. If you're new to Abrazo, this is a particularly great place to get basic questions answered by the "been there, know that" crowd... especially if you have a burning need-to-know something after hours, when the office is closed.  

    Admissions questions of a specific nature, of course, are better saved for our Family Services Coordinator, but there's a wealth of wisdom and information to be found among our Forum folks.

    So newbies, if you need to know how the Abrazo adoption program generally works, how the costs typically run, how to complete the admissions process, and other "how-tos" you've got a bunch of awesome new friends out here in Forumland, ready and willing to help, around the clock!   :)

  21. Abrazo sent the future Miss Minnesota 2023 home with her proud new momma and grandmother today, to be welcomed home by three handsome brothers and an in-home auntie, as well! This terrific trio is headed home by way of Houston, where they're stopping for a special family reunion of sorts, as this precious little baby girl introduces her adopting family to the loving birthmother who is so anxious to meet them. We wish them happy trails and safe journeys, and we hope to lure Dr. Mom and crew back to Texas to meet the rest of our kin at Camp Abrazo one of these years!  Congratulations!

  22. It's already "westward ho!" for a 10 lb., 13 oz. baby boy born this past weekend to a couple of our Holiday Hopefuls, (12/02), in a wonderful case that came together in just 2 weeks time!!

    It was a cold, icy day in San Antonio today but while most other local establishments were closed due to weather, Abrazo's loyal team braved the climes to slide into work anyway, and now, a certain "gang" of two proudly number three!!  (So we're sending out five happy "attaboys", one each for Mom, Dad, Baby, birthmomma and birthdad, too.)

    A hearty welcome, also, to our most recent orientation graduates, the February 2003 weekend participants who named themselves--help us out here, Stork Central needs a spell check on this one!-- "Los Misionarios"--or something that sounds just like that! We wish them Godspeed on their mission, and many inspiring Forum visits in the interim!! :D

  23. Linlacor, thanks for sharing your friend's father's needs. We join you in keeping your friend, her dad and their loved ones in our prayers. (Please keep us informed of his welfare--and hers.)

    Tonight, we also ask for prayers of comfort for adoptive mom Marilyn, whose three-year-old son succumbed to heart problems yesterday after a long and trying medical battle.

    We know God has a very special place for his littlest angels, and we offer thanks for the joy Marilyn's son brought to his mother and siblings in the time he spent with them. Our thoughts are also with his birthparents, and we wish for them, too, the peace that passes understanding.

  24. They may have gotten off to a slow start, but these Forumites from the Fabulous Six-Packers (11/01) now know why no other baby could've "fit" their dreams--and why not?

    It was all because their new little son just wasn't ready to enter the world and join their home until now! So it is that tonight, a faithful country couple from NC find themselves in Houston, pinching themselves to be sure it's for real and staying up all night to admire their precious baby boy.

    Good things do come to those who wait, and this new family is living proof of that. Congratulations, y'all!! You couldn't have happened to a nicer baby!!

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