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Stork Central

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Posts posted by Stork Central

  1. Hurrah, hurrah! The first of The Fab Nine, our 1/04 orientation group, are now the proud parents of a fabulous new baby girl, born just days ago. They didn't have long to prepare, but the truth is, they'd already readied their hearts and their home long before coming to Abrazo. And that is the most important part of it all--not how long or short the road to parenthood is-- but rather, the faith, hope and love that enables two loving families to be in the "right" place, at the "right" time for all the "right" reasons. Here's to the start of a long love affair, between one newborn daughter and the three parents who have joined their lives to ensure hers is happy-ever-after!

  2. Just in time for Valentine's Day, another couple from The Peterectors, our 11/03 orientation weekend, have found themselves leaving a Texas hospital with the newest love of their lives: a bouncing baby boy! He is adored by many, including a proud "big" sister (herself an Abrazobabe) as well as a sweetheart of a birthmom, who wanted nothing but the best for her son! Cupid himself couldn't have brought nicer people together, so here's sending lots of little hugs and kisses for this lucky little guy and all the kinfolk who love him so! (And here's wishing a romantic weekend for each of our sleep-deprived sets of new parents out there--as well as all our want-to-bes, because your turn is coming!)

  3. In November 2003, this exemplary young couple found themselves in a Texas hotel on a Friday night, contemplating adoption and sharing their hopes and fears.

    Just three months later, these same folks again found themselves in a Texas hotel on a Friday, sharing hopes and fears but this time, as the new parents of a big, beautiful baby boy, just born this week.

    It was surely a match made in heaven! So here's wishing continued blessings upon this proud Mom and Dad, their courageous and committed birthmom, her adorable daughter and the 9 lb., 12 oz. son they brought into the world... together.

    Go, Peterectors!!!

  4. As busy doctors who'd already waited on adoption agencies in their home state for two years before coming to Abrazo in 8/02, they were ready to get on the fast track-- and their prayers were answered just four months later, with the homecoming of their first Texas-born daughter. They finalized that adoption in 7/03, and joined us for Camp Abrazo, where they mentioned their dream of adopting again, stat!

    As per physicians' orders, they came back for orientation in 10/03, and this weekend, these Againers (from our Croptoberfest Crew), returned once more, this time to "consult" with their second beautiful baby girl and her oh-so-darling birthparents. For the four parents involved, we prescribe a lifelong friendship, filled with much pride and joy, and for these two new sisters, the closest of bonding (and the best of treatment! ) Congratulations, all!

  5. How about a two-for-one? Here's a new topic, helpfully suggested by one of our newer Forumites: a site for general posting of innovative, useful or unique baby gift ideas, as well as  Parents-In-Waitings' wish lists, so that friends and family have a hint as to what to buy for baby showers and welcome-home presents... so here 'tis! Enjoy!

  6. Not to be outnumbered by all the girls arriving recently, today a precious preemie bound in blue joined the latest of our Croptoberfest Crew (10/03), making their home of three now a family of four!! He's small but mighty, tipping the scales just under a whopping four lbs. Congrats to all three proud parents (birthmom, and mom and dad by adoption) as well as to two little birthbrothers and one new "big" sister! Given that these folks matched only days ago, they truly did find each other in the nick of time, and we're so happy for them all.

    A hearty welcome, also, to the newest members of our latest orientation weekend, who "graduated" just last night and headed home today. The Fab Nine (1/04) are Abrazo's first families of the new year, and we're expecting great things of them--and for them!

    (Last but not least, three cheers for the valiant Abrazo chicks who worked the weekend and who gave up yet another Sunday off to make our latest family happen. You rock, girls. Gracias!)

  7. Not all placements happen quickly. Some take time to grow, and such was the case for the last of our Los Missionarios (2/03). They were "againers"--  proud parents of a handsome son previously adopted at birth through Abrazo, and they had their hearts set on a baby girl this time.  It took some time, but today, they came to meet the daughter of their dreams (just one month shy of one year later.) What took "so long?" Why, she'd only been conceived after their February orientation weekend, so in fact, she arrived right on time... in God's sweet time.

    Best wishes to this happy family, with loving thanks to the beautiful birthmom who made it all possible!!

  8. All hail the Forum folk! You launched our newest family's miracle last February, when a military couple posted their first question here, and got a host of friendly responses.  

    With your encouragement, they attended orientation two months ago, and today, the first of The Peterectors (11/03) became a forever family, with the placement of their new baby girl!! And the timing could not have been more precious, given that the adoptive daddy has been called up and leaves for Iraq this month.

    The majority of our Peterectors are already matched, as well, and waiting on their new sons and daughters... what a way to start the new year. Congratulations, all!! and to those who are still-in-waiting, keep the faith, because your turn, too, shall come.


    Just six months after orientation, the last of our Abrazados (8/03) to take placement have become the first to become parents in 2004! (Meaning all our dear Abrazados saw their dreams come true in less than 180 days.) The adoptive couple was referred by alum who'd adopted with us twice before, while the birthmom was led here by a relative who'd placed with Abrazo several years back; many thanks to both!

    Here's wishing these fledgling parents, their newborn daughter and her loving birthfamily much peace and joy in the year that lies ahead... and best wishes, as well, to all our friends and families: past, present and future!

  10. Just wanted to launch a "getting acquainted" spot for any visiting parents of those who are placing children for adoption!! As you may have noted, you're known as "BirthGrandparents", because your sons or daughters are giving life to (or have already birthed) wonderful children extra-loved, not only by you and your family but also by very grateful adopting couples who couldn't otherwise be parents due to infertility.

    It's not an easy thing to go through, when your child makes the lifelong decision to place their baby for adoption. It hurts to see someone you love face such a painful choice. But this can become one of life's most beautiful experiences, also, if you have the opportunity to get to know your future grandchild's adoptive parents and build a kinship with them.

    And (depending on the circumstances) this can offer your precious grandbaby the best of both worlds: the security of a stable home with loving, fulltime parents as well as a special and ongoing connection with his or her relatives by blood. There's more than enough room for everyone to love that little one-- after all, who ever heard of children getting too much love?!

    So, welcome, friends! You're not alone. Need to share your story? Pour out your heart? Ask a question? You'll find lots of support within our Forum; this here's a warm and caring corner, just for you. Because open adoption is like the family dinner table--there's room for you, too, with plenty of elbow space, so come sit for a spell and speak your piece.  :)

  11. Hi, Laura! Welcome to the Forum, where all questions are encouraged, even if not easy to answer...! Stork Central hopes you glean lots of helpful insight about financing from our "regular experts" and maybe even some lurkers, too. (You might also check out "Pink & Blue vs. Green" under the Looking to Adopt section.) You've raised some really important questions here, and we hope our friends out there can give you good feedback.

    You're right--adoption is very expensive. We, too, wish we lived in a utopian society where money played no part in making good placements happen. Adoption today truly is an investment of--and in!--a lifetime. In Texas, where the laws allow licensed in-state agencies to assist birthmoms with "maternity related expenses," adopting parents essentially bear the costs of helping support another household, with no guaranteed outcome. This is intended to facilitate a healthy pregnancy and to offer birthparents needed support while getting back on their feet (physically, emotionally, and vocationally) after such an enormous, personal sacrifice.

    However, the numbers add up fast. Rent prices have risen dramatically, along with groceries, utilities, transportation, legal costs and the like. Medical care has skyrocketed; private pay for a healthy labor & delivery plus 2 day mom & baby inpatient stay runs $7-10K and beyond (even in the smaller hospitals). Licensing standards require agency caseworkers to be degreed and experienced, making reasonable salaries a must, given the long hours and fulltime emotional duress of adoption careers. Office lease rates have more than doubled, while the cost of competitive Yellow Page advertising is a mounting operating expenditure each year. (And that doesn't begin to account for all of the out-of-pocket and baby-related expenses adoptors encounter as they become parents, either. Whew!)

    The good news is that it is still possible to do a successful domestic adoption for less than $20K, provided there is full Medicaid and/or insurance coverage for mother and baby. As some homestudy workers point out, though, the average family still spends more on their vehicles than their adoption, even though vehicles are traded in every few years and children are not!! It seems irreverent to view it that way, but perhaps it does reflect a certain truth about societal values...

    With regards to your comment about fee differentials for hard-to-place (or "special needs cases") this is a longstanding debate even among adoption professionals. The irony, as you noted, is that typically, such placements do require even more hours of professional labor to facilitate, yet the bulk of these costs are subsidized by "normal" placement fees and charitable contributions. This, hopefully, offsets the added expenses that special needs adoptors will likely incur after placement, obtaining services for special kids who may otherwise have languished in foster homes or institutional care. (Is this something you are open to, Laura? Because there are so many of these children in need of loving families like yours.)

    Now--who out there can lend some advice about financing and budgeting and tax credits and loans and the like?

  12. ShanOrba, what a beautiful post! Welcome--and thank you for sharing your thoughts. You obviously have a very blessed grandson, to have such a loving and wise grandfather in his life. We'd love to hear more from you. What are your best words of advice for other grandparents out there, or what are your top 10 favorite moments in grandparenting? Anyone?

  13. Just a quick "Bienvenidos!" to the newest of our families to soon be welcoming home precious new sons and daughters: our latest orientation grads are The Peterectors of 11/03, those hearty souls who braved a post-midnight bedtime this past Friday evening to launch their psychological pregnancies and begin their own joyous journeys towards parenthood. Happy Trails, Y'all!

  14. Wowie zowie! One month ago today, a childless couple from Arizona was sitting in a circle getting acquainted with other prospective clients at our October orientation... and tonight, these members of the Croptoberfest Crew are sitting in a hotel room in west Texas, admiring their newborn son as they revel in their new role as parents (and count and recount ten adorable little fingers and toes.) We wish them unnumbered blessings in their new lives together... and we salute all our beloved parents-in-waiting for their rigor and readiness as they wait for the "right" one to come along for them, as well.
  15. For moms who just learned of their child's pregnancy, and for those who have watched from afar... For those who still want all the best for their girls, no matter what age old they are...

    For mothers who worry, late into the night, and others, who struggle with some guilt,

    For mamas who wrestle with unspoken rage over life crises their children have built...

    Your baby's "with child" but it wasn't her plan, yet now her choice must be her own.

    You need not approve, no, but stand by her side--don't leave her to face this alone!

    You cannot rescue her, nor fix her plight, for this "problem" is hers to resolve.

    Help her learn all her options, then she'll grow in new ways as her own best plan starts to evolve.

    It's a long road, and scary, with no easy end, and you'll both need back-up, others report...

    So if you need to vent, or just talk to a friend, check in here, where there's lots of support!

    Dear Moms of Moms-To-Be: Welcome. Yours is not an easy place to be in right now, but thanks for "being there" for your pregnant daughter, whatever her circumstances. We want to be here for you, too. So make this your special corner, a safe haven you turn to when you've got questions to ask, feelings to air or thoughts to share. We know you want the best for your baby--and her baby, too. Find here the support you'll need along the way! You've got friends here at the Forum.

  16. Extra, Extra... Read all about it!! Hot off the press: one of our Croptoberfest Crew couples is making headlines, as they returned to Texas today, just 19 days after attending our October orientation! to add a bouncing baby boy to their already-beautiful family portrait!! (And they weren't the first of the Croptoberfest families to match, either, so the big news is that this latest orientation group appears to be moving along  nearly as quickly as the one before them.) What's important, of course, isn't the speed of the process but the success of the plan, because "happy endings" are really only the beginning for all these precious little Abrazotots. And that, as Paul Harvey would put it, is "the rest of the story!!!" Congratulations, all!
  17. We're looking for a homestudy-approved couple or family who are members of the Church of Christ, for a devout birthfamily seeking to place a baby in just such a home. Spread the word, if you will! Interested parties should contact Angela at Abrazo within 3 weeks of this posting date (note: please fax your completed homestudy to 210/342-6547 in advance of a phone call, in order to meet state standards allowing us to release further information regarding this case).

  18. And for another of our Five Abrazados (8/03), another precious baby boy to welcome and celebrate!!

    Our warmest greetings to this new little citizen of the world, and much love to the three parents who joined hands and hearts to provide him with the kind of joyous homecoming every little one deserves! Congratulations, all. Wishing you a lifetime of happiness.

  19. It's a nice problem to have, but we've been so busy placing babies lately, our loyal Family Services Coordinator is going to have to sacrifice one of her treasured UT football weekends to bring some new clients into the fold!

    Due to heavy birthparent demand for childless couples and Abrazo's nearly depleted supply of such parents-in-waiting, we are necessarily moving up our December orientation weekend to November 14-15 (2003). Especially needed, as always, are Texan homes, and prospective parents for infants and toddlers of Hispanic descent.

    For more information (or to make a reservation for this funfilled, fast-track weekend), please call Angela Martinez, M.S.W. at 210/342-5683, M-F, 8:30 am - 5:30 pm, and let us help launch a dream come true!

  20. Amanda, our thoughts go out to the Philbrick family and those close to them, as they adjust to this loss of their loved one.

    For our Forum family, another special prayer request, received today via Abrazo's website:

    Hello Everyone,

         My name is Beth Tirado and i placed a child almost 6yrs.  ago...The reason i haven't why i would like everyone to pray for me  and my family is that 1 and half yrs. ago i found out that i had  advanced cancer..I had lots of treatments..So far so good...I would  like everyone to keep me and my family in their prayer's..I get scared  that i am gonna get cancer again... Thanks, Beth Tirado

    Please join us in thanking God for his goodness, and asking that Heavenly Parent who loves us so will continue to be with Beth, her husband and children (as well as her beloved birthson and his wonderful family), enabling her to put her fears to rest.

  21. In response to the individual who asked that this question be answered here: yes, a thirteen or fourteen year old can relinquish a child for adoption without their parents' consent. At the present time, there is no "minimum age of consent" for adoption in Texas, meaning that a child-bearing birthparent of any age may place their child for adoption without parental permission. (Note, however, that the same is not true of abortion, as Texas lawmakers have passed rules in recent years that do require parental notification for minors seeking to terminate pregnancy.)

  22. Just in time for the best parties of the year, the last of the Holiday Hopefuls (12/02) have taken placement of a precious and tiny baby girl, born just three days ago. They'd adopted a son elsewhere several years back, and thus had time to wait (and lucky for them that they did, because otherwise they would have missed out on the perfect angel for this year's Christmas tree.) Our heartiest congratulations to all the finished families of our Holiday Hopefuls' weekend ten months back; may they (and those brave birthparents who powered these homecomings) enjoy the most joyous of holidays this year, and their little ones, as well.

  23. Congratulations to Doug and Jennifer, Amanda and Stacey, on the dedication of little Delaney at their church today. Bringing our children into the family of God is such an important part of parenting, and one that far too many seem to overlook. (Where is that Bible passage about all of us having been adopted into the household of faith?)

    How about it? Anybody out there have special details to share from their childrens' christening/baptism/dedication stories?

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