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Stork Central

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Posts posted by Stork Central

  1. If life is a journey, then is it no wonder that adoption makes for the most unexpected of travel arrangements?! (What is it they say about the best-laid plans of mice and men?)

    The final success story for our Sweetest Daze graduates of 10/04 is about a Tennessee couple whose roadtrip put them in Texas hours too late to attend the birth of their new daughter... and about the Abrazo staffer who graciously gave up her weekend to do the paperwork, got stuck on the runway for hours and then "won" an all expense-paid overnight stay in North Texas when she missed the last flight out! It's all in a day's work, as the saying goes, because these are, truly, the sweetest of days, and "all's well that ends well!"

    And so concludes the happy tale of how the Sweetest Daze of October, 2004 all became moms and dads, in just seven months or so. Congratulations, all! And blessings forever.

  2. It's been said that God answers prayers "yes," "no," or "wait awhile."

    Surely the latter answer takes the most faith, because patience is a virtue that is not necessarily innate. But sometimes, He sends the best blessings when we least expect them.

    Such was the case for the Dandy Dozen Storkjackers [1/05] who took placement, today, of the baby girl they waited just four months to find. It seemed like an eternity to them! but now, thanks to their faith in the process and especially because of the maturity, selflessness and courage of her teen birthparents, this month-old angel now has an eternity to know and love them both....PTL!

  3. I wonder, Stork Central, will they be back in their neck of the woods by Saturday so I can give them a special welcome home call? Or will they still be in Texas awating interstate compact?



    Much as they'd surely love to be home, the Interstate Compact on weekend placements doesn't go out until the next business day (and then takes an average 7-10 days after that to clear), so they'll probably be honorary Texas residents until sometime next week! Thanks for asking, though... smile.gif

  4. We always assure orientation groups that this isn't a question of "if?", it's only a matter of "when!", but "when" sometimes takes awhile to get to, and then keeping the faith can be no small task. For our newest parents, "when" came one year from orientation... but it was a very productive one, at that, as the last of our Tremendous Ten of 5/04 moved, just today, from parents-in-waiting to Mom and Dad of one gorgeous baby girl, and forever-friends to her sweet birthparents.

    Congratulations to all our Tremendous Ten families, with thanks to the twenty birthparents out there who've made these miracles happen since last May, and best wishes to the lucky little ones who've been blessed with the best of both worlds!

  5. Hi, Mac!

    Welcome! And just a gentle reminder: here in Abrazoland, we don't believe birthmothers "give away" their babies... nor do they "want" to... many women with pregnancies they're not prepared for, however, do find themselves needing to make loving plans to place their babies for adoption, and we're happy for you that you've been chosen by one such brave and selfless mother!

    Using "positive adoption language" isn't just political correctness: it may go a long way towards helping you, your future birthmom and the child feel good about the choices being made.

    Finding childcare for children under 6 weeks old can be difficult, since most parents do take at least 6 weeks maternity leave to stay home with new babies (even when adopting), and putting very new infants in daycare can expose them to a host of nasty germs and viruses at a very early stage. But perhaps you could call the Texas Department of Protective & Family Services Childcare Licensing Unit and get referrals on licensed and accredited centers in the San Antonio area, to be sure that your baby gets the best possible start in the best possible place.

    (And while you're planning ahead, how about finding some excellent counseling for you and your birthmom, to be sure you're communicating effectively with each other?)

    Good luck! What an exciting time!

    The Abrazo Chicks

  6. Florida's not just known for Disneyworld, hanging chads and snowbirds-- as of today, it's also going to be "home sweet home" for one sweet baby girl, whose loving new parents hail from our Dandy Dozen Storkjackers of 1/05, and whose birthmom was in such a hurry to meet them, she just couldn't wait to deliver next week as planned. Baby has two proud big birthbrothers, and an extended birthfamily who just couldn't be happier about where she's headed. Happpy homecoming, little one! Happy dream-come-true, Mom and Dad!

  7. Today's weather report: Barometric conditions may be forecasting cloudy skies here in San Antonio but the sun is definitely shining for one of our Cloud Nine couples, as they return to the Alamo City (just 1632 hours later!) to become the proud parents of a gorgeous, bouncing baby boy born just this week!! How could they have guessed, that Friday night, that the storms would subside and rainbows abound so soon? How could they have ever known what a wonderful blessing was in store, that just an hour away from where they sat, a busy mother expecting another was searching for answers, too, in a quest that would eventually lead her to Abrazo and her child to them? Congratulations, all. Here's wishing you all blue skies forevermore.

    "Gray skies are gonna clear up, put on a happy face!!

    Brush off the clouds and cheer up, put on a happy face.

    Take off the gloomy mask of tragedy, it's not your style;

    You'll look so good that you'll be glad you decided to smile!

    Pick out a pleasant outlook, stick out that noble chin;

    Wipe off that "full of doubt" look, slap on a happy grin!

    And spread sunshine all over the place, just put on a happy face!

    Put on a happy face!"

  8. Fertile Hearts (11/04) are brimming over with joy today, at the news of another placement for one of their own, as a newborn girl heads home with her proud new mommy and daddy! Nothing good comes easy, as they say, and there were plenty of moments along the way when the outcome looked uncertain, but the parents-in-waiting kept the faith, their loving birthmom kept the promises she'd made in her heart on behalf of the children she was parenting already, and one precious little angel is sure to grow up very proud of them all! Blessings on our newest family! Here's to the power of perseverance!
  9. Baby oh baby!!! It's blue skies and smooth sailing for another of our Cloud Nine (3/05) couples! These againers made the decision to expand their family shortly after finalizing their first Abrazo adoption, but in the meantime, they kept busy, graciously speaking on countless weekend orientation panels and providing encouragement to other incoming parents-in-waiting. Fate must've decided they had either large reserves of good karma built up, or far too much time on their hands-- because now they have an angelic newborn son, a total of two darling children under two, and one more precious reason to stay up nights counting their blessings! (And we couldn't be happier for them.) Blessings, little one, and to each of your loving parents, who've worked together to give you all the best in life, because you deserve nothing less and they've wanted nothing more.
  10. What's the Big Story in SA today? Well! Once upon a time, there was a mature birthmom and birthdad who had a Coming Attraction for which they were, quite frankly, unprepared. (No matter how much they wished things were different.) Even if it were their Last Day On Earth, they would still want the very best for their baby and her future. When she was born, her birthparents held her and cuddled her. They looked deep into her innocent eyes, and their hearts sang out "I Believe In You!"

    And as a result, an Angel's Wish was granted! For out in Tennessee, a musician, his wife and their young son were just waiting, For The Sake Of The Call. When they learned of a Texas-born Abrazobabe who needed a loving family, they knew that for them, it was that special moment When Love Takes You In. With guidance from above and Shaohannah's Hope to launch them, they journeyed to the Alamo City to meet their long-awaited and much loved daughter, and as a result, their lives are now filled with All Things New.

    Come meet our latest addition to the Abrazo family at Camp this summer! They'll be there, singing their new daughter's praises and thanking God for all the blessings He bestows on them that follow Him... in His own perfect time and in the way He knows is best.

  11. It's Fiesta week in San Antonio, and our town is abloom with cascarones, colorful parades, mariachi music, funnel cakes, fajitas, cold beer and wild tourists! all celebrating the arrival of spring and the legendary Battle of San Jacinto and surely, the newest success story for the Dandy Dozen Storkjackers of 1/05!! Another set of parents-in-waiting have returned to the Lone Star State in record time to meet their precious new baby girl and her loyal birthmom. May your lives together be one big party!! Bienvenidos, chulita! Hola, familia nueva! Viva fiesta!!

  12. Family members can have a smorgasboard of varying emotions and opinions on a wide variety of topics, and adoption is no different. However, for a single person or a parent who is engaged in the adoption process, it can be very demoralizing, to lack the support or approval of those who matter most to you.

    Did/does your family disagree with your adoption plan? Do they want a different kind of child for you than you want for yourself? Do they feel worry that you don't really know what you're getting into? Are they afraid of open adoption because they don't really understand it? Are they so enamored with the grandchild they have already they fear the next one won't measure up? Is their current response reflective of their past reactions to other life decisions you have faced?

    It's not uncommon for our relatives to think they know what is best for us, or to feel protective and fear that going after our dreams could cost us the security of our lives as they now stand. But "nothing ventured, nothing gained," as they say!

    For the "been there, done that" crowd, what opposition did you face and how'd you overcome it?

    For the "stuck there right now" bunch, what are you dealing with and what do you need from them?

    For any concerned relatives out there, what is it that worries you most and how can we help?

  13. Fiesta starts this week! and the weather is fine...

    What better way to celebrate our First Baby of Cloud Nine?

    From March to April, it took no time at all.

    But to learn who the lucky family is, y'all will have to call!!

    (Best wishes to this precious baby girl and her excited new mommy and daddy!)

  14. Sometimes what seems like the door closing on a dream is actually the sound of a window opening to a bright new vista. So was the case for our latest new parents, members of The Dandy Dozen Storkjackers, 1/05. Just one week ago, they felt their world had come crashing down around them when a loving mother opted to raise her child herself. But just yesterday, their fate became crystal clear, when another conscientious parent made a different decision for her newborn daughter. She viewed all of Abrazo's waiting parent profiles and in this one, she glimpsed her baby's destiny.

    It wasn't a question of if they were meant to parent. It was only a matter of when, after all.

    May each mother's decisions be blessed, and may our newest happy family find every day of their lives together better than the one before it.

  15. Our Dandy Dozen Storkjackers of 1/05 have another little reason to fling pink streamers and confetti, in celebration of another tiny princess headed home to her new castle! Her new "kingdom" wll be located in the far northeast, with a doctor and her husband, one prince of a big brother and two sisters-in-waiting. The royal family is currently enjoying an extended "spring break" in north Texas with their adorable birthmom and her supportive kinfolk. Enjoy this precious time together counting tiny fingers and toes, y'all! (And don't forget to pose that enchanting maiden in Texas' famous bluebonnets, which have suddenly blossomed, as if in honor of her much-welcomed arrival!!)

  16. We're proud to announce, we're counting another set of blue booties for another of our Dandy Dozen Storkjackers of 1/05, as another family of againers bring home another baby boy (their second son)! Congratulations to these fine folks (active Forumites that they are), with many thanks to their loving birthmom and her supportive family, who welcomed not just the baby but also his new mom, dad and brother into their world with open arms. (Everyone even participated in a touching entrustment ceremony at the hospital, to celebrate this fresh new branch of their family tree.) May your Easter holiday this year be a special tribute to the power of love, in all its glorious incarnations.

  17. The Chinese calendar refers to 2005 as the Year of the Rooster, but at Abrazo, this appears to be the Year of the Againer, as yet another beloved Abrazo family returned to our hallowed halls today, this time to add their third child (and first daughter!!)

    Originally part of The Believers orientation weekend of September, 1997, they were unable to attend another orientation weekend before being needed here for placement, so this proud family of five will make a joyous return to Camp Abrazo this summer to introduce all their old and new friends to their darling daughter and her two adoring brothers!

    Heartfelt congratulations to these loyal friends and believers, and also to one strong and determined birthmama and her devoted auntie, who worked together to make this miracle happen for their beautiful baby girl.

  18. Back by popular demand!!, Abrazo has joyously welcomed back some of our againers from north Texas! Last seen at Camp Abrazo 2004, showing off their handsome, curly-haired toddler son, they returned today to add a precious, blonde-haired, blue-eyed daughter to their family, and along with her, the all-too-adorable birthcouple who brought her into this world.

    This newly-expanded family will be proudly joining us for Camp again this summer (since their new baby girl came before their next-scheduled orientation!) and we can't wait to see how their kids will have grown by then. Because we know that, given the power of love, this family has great things ahead of them, and we couldn't be happier for each one of 'em! Congratulations, all, and God bless.

  19. Every so often, Abrazo is blest with special deliveries for whom we have no ready parents-in-waiting, and when that happens, we are overjoyed to find new families from outside of our program, whom we gladly "adopt" as our own!

    So it was for a gracious Montana family, who been just longing to add a beautiful baby girl to their family portrait. They were homestudied, and well prepared for open adoption, but not finding much success in their quest out West, so Fate led them South, and God led them to Abrazo, along with a lovely young birthmom seeking just such a family for a baby coming soon.

    That baby came late last week, and went home with her excited new parents and big brothers just yesterday, with her birthmom's blessing... may their lives together be just as spontaneous, happy and promising, from here to kingdom come!!

  20. Today was a very special placement at our office, for one of our Forum families, thus their announcement has been guest-written by two very special scribes:

    We were going to go to Orlando this week. Then my mom got told there was a baby. And we had to go to Texas. And we were jumping up and down, saying "do we get to go?" So Mom and Dad said "maybe." Then they talked and they said yes. So bye-bye we went. And we got on a plane and came here. Then we went to your office. And our parents were doing some boring talking. And papers. So now we're holding our baby brother. Well! He's kinda small. His initials are L.J., because our grandpa was L.J. and he died and it's a tradition. The baby, he's probably gonna be fun. He's pretty cute. He has a lot of hair. We're so lucky because we have a baby brother. Adoption is when someone has a baby and somebody else gets to have him. Like us. Taking care of the baby is going to be fun. We never had a boy as a brother. So we're excited!

    Dictated by Marcela (age 5) & Carmela (age 9)

    biggrin.gif Proud Big Sisters!!

  21. We had a lovely set of grandparents in the office yesterday, accompanying their daughter and son-in-law to their first meeting with the new baby in the family! so Stork Central thought it might be helpful to post some advice for other relatives who plan to travel with new parents for placement.

    1) Dress comfortably! Nothing's fancy down here, and a lot of what goes on is "hurry up and wait" so whether you're going to a hospital or to the office, wear flat shoes, bring along reading, and remember your camera.

    2) Be prepared to meet the birthparents! Abrazo encourages adopting parents and birthparents to spend plenty of time together with the baby especially after placement, so if you plan to be a part of this time, learn to use appropriate adoption language, make eye contact and don't be afraid to say "thank you!" and offer hugs and affirmation to grieving young women (and men) whose own family members may not be as supportive.

    3) Urge your son or daughter to "do for" their new baby, themselves! Be there to offer advice and to cuddle/feed/change baby when asked, but remember, they've waited a long time to become a mommy and daddy, and they need plenty of encouragement, and time to practice!

    Hey, you out there! What pointers would you add to this list?

  22. Elvis sang about blue suede shoes, but the Memphis couple in our office becoming first-time parents at this very moment is sure to be singing about blue-eyed baby boys, because theirs is the answer to many heartfelt prayers! No more nights at the Heartbreak Hotel for these folks, nosireebob! From two failed adoption plans before coming to Abrazo to their 11/04 participation in our Fertile Hearts orientation group, their pathway towards adoption may not have always been smooth but their destiny was certain. And we know one precious little guy who's sure to have a great ride down the road of life, with these fantastic new parents at the wheel.


    "I have a little brother, he's goofy as can be.

    He drives me nuts but he's kinda cute

    And he wants to be just like me!"

    "I have an older brother, he's busy as a bee.

    He think he's smarter 'cuz he came first

    But he always looks out for me."

    Friends come, friends go, yet there's nothing like a brother.

    Thus to keep them together is quite a feat!

    Today saw one going home with the other.

    Their brave parents are busy! Here's betting their house is a zoo.

    Both in diapers; one's one, one's just-born... oh my stars!

    Best wishes, growing family! "Woo! Woo! Woo!"

    All hail the final placement of the Woo Woo Parenthood Club of 8/04.

    (What a difference six months makes!)

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