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Posts posted by hkingkong

  1. It's hard to know when to say yes. You just have to follow your heart and God's promptings. We have a friend who's child is small and he has a club foot. He is 6 or 7 years old now and he is a very popular kid. There is nothing he cannot do! I hope this little baby finds his family soon!

    Heather :)

  2. While in the car tonight I was listening to Delilah sp? on the radio. She had a lady call in that said every year each post office receives multiple Dear Santa letters from children. The letters have no where to go so this listener decided to pick some up and maybe answer them for a service project. She answered the letters with gifts, cookies and money with her sons boy scout troop but you could do this just with your family.

    The boy that wrote the Christmas letter to Santa wanted boots and gloves for his mom, a doll for his sister and sheets for his own bed. How sweet!

    I think I will ask for some letters when I go to the post office tomorrow.

    Heather :)

  3. Just a short reply and more to come. I think teaching our children to be grateful for what they have is a big plus. If our kids ask us for something at the store most of the time we ask them how much money they have to spend. When they don't have enough sometimes we will give them some wriggle room and other times they go without. We want to teach them that money does not grow on trees. They have to appreciate it and spend it wisely. Dave Ramsey is wonderful and he has cute ideas for kids.

    The most important thing we do is pray for our blessings. A warm or cool house, a warm bed, food, dad's job and that we have each other.

    Does anyone have ideas on teaching younger children how to serve. I would love to work with a hunger program like on Thanksgiving but my kids are still too young.

    Greatful for any ideas?

    Heather :)

  4. Praise Him from Whom all blessings flow..............

    My Mom got her 3 month test results back and so far...cancer free! Hooray!

    John has been visiting with the chaplin at Walter Reed. The dr.'s are still trying to save the other leg but are preparing him in case they cannot. From what we know now, it is much worse off than we thought. John joined the service partly because he wanted to eventually be a U.S. Marshall and figured it was a good path to get him where he wanted to be. The loss of a leg or even the serious injuries he has endured, mean to him, the death of his dream. Yesterday, a U.S. Marshall came to his room. He told John that he could do book work until he started rehab. Then he could begin his marshall training while still at Walter Reed and that the job was his if he wanted it!

    John had been so worried about how he would provide for his wife and what would come next. I tear up every time I think of it. From tragedy comes grace. Praise God!

    Andrea, Great for your mom! I hope all things work out for John and his family. Thank him for serving our country!


  5. I recently talked to a group of young woman about my adoption experience. One thing that I wanted to make sure that they understood is that birthmothers do not give up their children. They place them into loving homes and it is an agonizing decision. Birthmothers want what is best for their child and that is why they choose adoption. They are not throwing their children away. They love them desperately. Hopefully this will stick and change their perception forever.

    One mind at a time. :)

    Heather :)

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