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Posts posted by TexasLeather

  1. "God needed another angel"--Okay, besides being stupid, this one is theologically way off base. Humans do not become angels. We are separate creations. Plus, how is this supposed to make me feel about God, that He took my son when he could make a new angel out of nothing

    THANK YOU!!!!! that is soooo true.

    i am not a parent-in-waiting, but have been advised to read ALL the Forum, so that's how i came in here. and i have some thoughts of my own, if that's ok.

    1) first off, ignorance is SO frustrating, but luckily, it usually only comes from those that have NO idea about the subject; have never been 'involved' with anyone in this situation.

    2) secondly, STUPIDITY is just about inexcusable - they HAVE been exposed, but still refuse to face any/all facts about the subject.

    3) JUST RELAX is what you're supposed to do when receiving a massage, or manicure, or watching a movie - NOT when it is about a LIFELONG commitment and LIFE-CHANGING decision.

    4) if you were meant to have children, God would bless you with them - well, what is Abrazo for, then? and other agencies? does God want children in homes where they cannot or will not be provided for? or wanted? i don' thing so wink.gif

    5) God knows the timing of when you will have kids - well, YEAH, He does - goes back to the WHEN, not IF.

    if i have spoken out of line, or offended anyone, i SINCERELY apologize, because if it weren't for all you wonderful people, my daughter would have no hope for the child she is carrying.

    thank you, and God bless you all.


  2. i was re-reading these posts and saw the one where the child calls the BGM bee-gee - i think that's really cool!! all my others call me Gramma, but whatever little Tucker wants to call me is just peachy!!

    Ashley & Ted, thank you for your willingness & patience with Billy. i know he'll come around once he sees that you're not going anywhere biggrin.gif i know he IS proud of the fact that there are such wonderful people as you who are willing to 'raise another's child'. he just has never been involved in anything like adoption, and is still pretty old-fashioned - even for someone who is as young as he is.

    and Miss Elizabeth, what was your question again? LOL i always 'butt in' but can also be told to 'butt out' if needed.

  3. i'm baaaaaack!!!! biggrin.gif well, kinda. feel ALMOST human now, so maybe on the downhill slide wink.gif.

    all i can say about Billy is he will either come to accept the way this is going to go, or he won't. we won't love him any less. he IS a wonderful person, but has always been very set in his ways. the great thing about life is that as long as your living it, you always have chances and choices.

  4. boo!! here i am again!! biggrin.gif

    i can tell you that MY parents have been very supportive of Diana. i told my mother about a week after Diana told me, and she told my father a few weeks later. my mother would have supported termination, as i would have, if it had come to that. but God had other plans, and we are ALL so happy to know this child is going to a family that can/will love him as much as we do. when the Wilders come in (only 2 more days now!!!!), my folks will get to meet them, also, and are VERY excited about that!!!! my husband - Diana's step-father for the last 16 1/2 years - is.......what? he cares about her as if she were his bio daughter, but is afraid to 'become attatched' to this child. he is not ready to meet the APs yet. i think it will just take time, and Ashley has said that he can have all the time he needs - they will still be here for us. i love these people, and thank God for them every day!!!!!

  5. again, at the risk of repeating myself - WOW!!!

    my own children are the most important gifts i have ever been given, and i would die for them if need be. therefore, when my daughter told me she was pregnant - and how it happened - my heart was shattered into a million pieces. she did not want to have this child at all, and although it's never the child's fault, i could not blame her. i was ready to support that decision, not matter the hurt. but God, in His infinate wisdom, made absolutely sure we never had enough money to terminate. but still my daughter was in so much agony, and watching her go through this just about killed me. she found an agency that was 'helping', but she was still unemotional, distraught, and distant from this child. there was so much resentment aimed at him, and i knew that wasn't healthy - for either of them. then came Abrazo - i CANNOT sing your praises enough, ladies!!!! - and after talking with a CARING and HONEST 'rep' on the phone, Diana knew she had finally been HEARD. then came the 'interviews' with some APs. she liked them all, but immediately clicked with the Wilders. they were perfect, and so understanding and compassionate to her situation. my 'baby' had a gleam in her beautiful blue eyes once again - there was light at the end of her tunnel!!! hope on the horizon!!! how my heart has swelled!!!!

    i know there is still such a hard road for her ahead, and that light may disappear behind the trees from time to time, but knowing it is still there is what matters. having almost daily phone conversations with Ashley, and coming to the Forum, has brought Diana within sight of the shore - she is no longer stuck out at sea. now i rejoice, and know that through the times to come - the good and the hard - that i will have the strength to stay by her side and hold her hand through this. not lead and make her follow, nor stay behind and push, but walk side by side and be what she needs me to be. her mother.

  6. thank you, Elizabeth, for this warm welcome. so far, i think i'm doing okay - trying to be strong for Diana. but i am learning how hard this can be for the bgrandparents - it's even pretty rough for MY mother, but then again, she is MY rock. i thank God every day for the life i've had, and wonder how i made it thru it (i was such a black sheep unsure.gif ). i can't even begin to imagine what is yet to come, except to know that we have found the BEST support group anyone could ever ask for. but, as in all things worth experiencing in life, i know there will be both tears and laughter, sunshine and rain, anger and joy. with your help, and Ashley & Ted, my 'baby girl' will make it through an even stronger and more beautiful young woman. THAT is what i will need to help me get through.

    and on another, yet related note, i want Ted and Ashley - and you, 'legalizers' - to know that if, God forbid, anything should happen to Diana, Sir Tucker Wilder will still make TN his home with his Mommy & Daddy. i promise you that, God willing, you will hold your son in your arms. face it guys, yer stuck with us - like gum on yer shoe wink.gif.

    all my love & respect,


  7. ladies, i have just cried my way through these prayers and shares. Birthmoms - you have a strength and power that i believe is topped only by God Himself. Adoptive parents, i cannot imagine what you have gone through to get where you are now, but am so very grateful that you have. your love and compassion cannot be equaled. i know not what else to say to convey to you my admiration for all of you, so i will not try. Thank You for showing your love and trust in each other for the sake of all the beautiful children.

  8. What's your take on this one? What's been your experience? What worked for you-- or didn't?


    I have been involved with my daughter's decision to place from the very beginning. At first, it seemed to be a 'no-brainer' - she was raped. I know she is unable physically, financially, and most of all emotionally to 'keep' this child - the decision to place has always been hers, and although I did not push it, I supported it. As time as gone by, and the baby is growing, it has become a little harder to imagine 'giving your child away'. But, through the miracle of Abrazo, she (we wink.gif) have found the PERFECT APs for this child and feel so blessed that this decision has been made at least a little easier. We have had a lot of phone & email contact, and we actually get to meet them next week!!!! biggrin.gif I cannot wait, because I know that they will not give this child what he needs, but they are helping HER give him what he needs!!! It's very hard to watch my daughter have to go through this, and to experience this myself as well - he IS still my grandson - but Ted & Ashley (APs) are going to let us be as involved as we like, so he STILL gets to be my grandson!!! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif . I love Diana, I LOVE little Tucker, and I love Ashley & Ted for coming into our lives.

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