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Posts posted by HeidiK

  1. Rebecca-

    The emotional aspect of healing is as important as healing from the treatment side effects. My wish for all cancer survivors is a peaceful heart and to let go of that fear of return so that you and all can feel "whole" again. Letting go of that fear - means trusting that no matter how much time you have with your kids (important also to the 47yr old mom of a 3 and 7 yr olds)its valuable, important and meant to be. And you might be blessed with a lifetime together. I worry about my fiends SIL and her ability to emotionally bond with these babies, that effect on the children and the toll caring for twins will have on her healing. I pray for the best for all.

    And for you Rebecca - I wish you nothing but a peaceful heart and lifetime of remission, and the chance to make your dreams come true -no matter what path you decide



  2. I got a call last night from a dear friend who's sister-in-law was dx with Ovarian cancer this time last year. I have met her a few times, nice lady. She had 4 major surguries this year and 6 months of chemo which finished right after Thanksgiving. On Dec 5th and attorney called and they adopted twins last week. The babies are still in the hospital for another week or so.

    I was horrified that this happened, the poor lady hasn't had a chance to heal from the past year of treatment, nor has she had tests yet to show she is even in remission. While- I do beleive that every cancer survivor what wishes to be come a parent - should have the chance to follow their hearts....but seriously this seems like jumping the gun. I couldn't even fake happiness, I am such a bad lier.

    Since its private - no home study or anything is done at the beginning - so its up to the attorney to make the decisions. Who knows if they even told him she was finishing treatment. But it makes me think that some type of standards that apply across the board are important to make sure the kids are given the best opportunity to thrive.

    I pray for all involved, most for continued health and a life time of happiness.

  3. Hello all,

    Just wanted to give you an update…And hoping this finds everyone well!

    My daughter is doing a lot better for now,,,she returns to school next week and is excited to start back (gosh, never thought I would hear that from her).. I know mostly because it will keep her busy. She met with her school counselor this week, she is pretty focused on what her goals are and he seems to think that with only the 3 credits she needs to graduate, she can be done by her timeline… On the other side if she is not done by Dec. or sooner (as her goal is) she has five more months to play with.. I just need to keep a close eye on her, so that she doesn’t stress herself out pushing herself too hard by trying to finish early.. She will be attending school all day, even though she doesn’t need to based on her dr. and the school, but she wants to double up on two of her subjects..

    She had a follow up with her neurosurgeon last week; he is sending her for a brain wave scan, not sure if it will be an EEG or a PET. He feels that taking everything into consideration and how sick she was, she is doing well, even though she still has a way to go to be back to 100%. He feels confidant that will come with time. He was very impressed with her focus on finishing school, though he did remind her not to overdue it..Once she is closer to entering college, he will work with us for her class modifications as needed.

    We had a surprise birthday celebration for her last week as well, normally a few family members get together with her for dinner on her b-day, this time it was all her family that was in town and several of her friends and their families. It was more then a birthday celebration, it was a celebration of life. Our deacon gave her a special blessing, which made it even more special to her, she was really excited about this birthday, more then she has ever been before, even more so then when she celebrated her quinceñera, when she was asked why, she told us that at one time, she didn’t think she would be here to celebrate any more b-days and the fact that both she and her daughter made it through some pretty rough and life threatening times and are both here (alive) made it even more of a blessing.

    We also spent a couple of weeks visiting her sister out of state; this gave them some good quality time together. She was able to enjoy the change of environment for a while. Her big sis has become even more protective of her and they pretty much were inseparable.

    Unfortunately on the down side right now, one of her dogs had to have major surgery this week, and has lost all her hearing, it will be a few weeks for her to recover from the surgery, but out come looks good with the exception of the hearing..So my daughter is busy nursing her dog back to health and making sure she is comfortable.

    It will be a bit longer before I start investing time again on my journal postings..but hope to be back to it once my daughter starts on a regular school routine.. Thank you all for your good wishes and prayers for my daughter.

    Hope those of you who attended Camp Abrazo had a wonderful time..Maybe my daughter and I will get to do this one day...

    Blessings to all,


    Mari -

    Glad to hear that things are better. You have both made a huge impression on myself and so many others. May yoube blessed with the healing you need.



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