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Posts posted by HeidiK

  1. Parker went thru the ritual of conversion to Judism on Monday, so now he is officially a member of our "tribe", forever known as Idon Shalon, meaning the time of peace. 1st I bathed him and then he was taken into the pool of Holy water ( a mikvah) by his grandmother ( my mom) to be completely submersed 3 times. I recited the ancient hebrew blessings from the waters edge with Gabriel in my lap. And the rabbi's declared that Parker was a mitzva ( hebrew for blessing). Parker handled everything so beautifully...not a tear ..he actually loved just floating around in the water. Pictures soon.

    It was a special day for the Kristall family since we were able to share the mikvah with two other adoptive families that have become very important parts of our lives..it was a celebration of how blessed we all feel to have completed or familes thru the magic of adoption.

    ps...gabriel was just happy that Grammy didn't "put him under the sea" like she did to Parker.

  2. Thanks Elizabeth...you sure fine all the good stuff.

    I am Jewish, born to a Jewish woman but have not been raised in a religious home. Gabriel went thru the mikva conversion and it was a wonderful experience. I remember thinking that this a ritual that binds us, him to me and him to a culture that is 1000's of years old. For me, it felt like God had entrusted me with his spiritual upbringing and having the rabbi's bless us while standing in the holy water was very moving. It was very a very soothing and comforting experience and I will be doing the same with Parker at the end of July. I have also "found" a local temple that seems diverse and we will be attending our 1st Tot Shabot this month.

  3. Welcome to the forum and Abrazo,

    I found this site to very helpful..full of the best information about adoption in general. My Advice -Read everything you will learn so much. I found this site after adopting my 1st son in California - and couldn't believe what I didn't know. And if I couldn't find it - just post a question and all the "forumites" will chime in.

    Good luck no matter where this journey takes you!

  4. They'd already booked their summer vacation-- their first-ever cruise ship experience-- for next week... and now, they have the best-ever, 7 lb., 10 oz. reason to forfeit both the trip and what they paid for it! because as of today, after just eight short months of waiting, the long-awaited miracle has happened, and another of our 10-4, Good Buddies (9/05) have a newborn baby boy to bring with them to Camp Abrazo next year.


    Let's change the saying "If you want to hear God laugh, tell Him your plans" to

    "If you want to get The Call from the Stork...book a cruise"! laugh.gif


    I think there have been a few people heading for vacation and the phone rang - I know I was 8 days froma Hawaiian vacation...Call those travel agents. tongue.gif

    Congratulations, Cliff and Alison!

  5. What a magical grand enterance! I have tears in my eyes...Welcome little one to the Abrazo circle. May your parents and brother be forever delighted by your magic. Wishes for a peaceful heart to your birthmother...

    And since an orientation group wasn't mentioned...Welcome to the newest Tweener laugh.gif

    Update: I just found out that Danny is the newest big brother ( I had a hunch wink.gif ) I am so excited for all of you! Enjoy your stay in Texas - and can't wait for the pictures

  6. Lisa and Elizabeth,

    You Ladies....well you should do PSA's or some type of campaign for open adoptions. You are both to elequent and expressive. Maybe we need pink or blue wrist bands. You ladies - could be the LiveStrong of the adoption community. You need a catchy phrase. Anyway....Thank you Thank You Thank You biggrin.gif

  7. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    As 1 of 3 girls and my mom was 1 of 3 girls and I have 3 nieces..............GIRLS ROCK!!!!

    Enjoy every moment of your daughter's lives and I am sure you must be feeling so blessed. 



    From just a few days ago...

    Congratulations Sandi and Scott on your baby girl!!

    Prayers for you, your daughter, and her wonderful birthmom.

    Susan biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


    Hurray! And welcome baby Skye...One of 3 has to start with one! Enjoy! tongue.gif

  8. For all those folks out there who worry that open adoption might somehow enable a birthparent to come back someday and kidnap your child (and yes, we do get calls from those who truly fear that this could happen), here's the good news:


    * being in a plane crash

    * having your home struck by lightning

    * winning the lottery

    * being involved in a terrorist attack

    * having your marriage fail

    * appearing on a reality TV show

    * filing for bankruptcy

    * having your child kidnapped by strangers

    * having your child abducted by spouse.

    So worry about the BIG STUFF, whydoncha? Birthparents are loving, responsible parents who want the best for their child, and have the good judgement to know that you are that best. They don't capriciously seek to unravel their child's destiny after all they've done to plan conscientiously for his or her future.

    After all, they've given you every reason in the world to trust them, if they entrust you with the one thing in the world that matters most to them. So don't let them down.



    That should be on the back of your business card! laugh.gif

  9. P.S. Heidi (and others), have you checked out The Source for Everything Jewish?  My friend gave me the link - they sell lots of Jewish stuff including toys & books for preschoolers.



    thanks for the link. Parker's conversion is scheduled for July 3rd and since I was able to take Gabriel in the mikva, I have asked my Mom to do this with Parker. She is thinking about it. I think she is worried that I "should " do it. But I think she would really love it, it was a very moving experience. I will let her decide.

  10. And just to put another spin on this Elizabeth - are there any non-Jewish parents who have adopted a child of Jewish heritage?

    Our daughter Kayleigh is Jewish (her birthmother and birthmother's family are Jewish) and I am very interested in helping her appreciate her connection to her Jewish community although I've needed a little help and guidance along the way (one of my biggest fears was how Kayleigh would be received by the Jewish community since we're not Jewish).  However, I was fortunate to have recently met a new friend who is Jewish (was Reform but now is Conservative) through a friend and have been emailing her (she lives in Chicago) and talking with her about ways I can better introduce & expose Kayleigh to her birth heritage and culture (one idea she had was to contact our local Synagogue to see if they can find a family who will let us participate in Seder with them next year at Passover).  Anyway, I'm learning as I go and just trying to do the best I can to offer Kayleigh the opportunity to understand her roots - I feel its an honor to be born Jewish - not many people can say they were and my hope is for her to realize that and feel some sort of connection.

    Anyway, just thought I'd see if there are any other parents like us, not Jewish but the proud parents of a child of Jewish heritage?

    I'm a total sponge on this topic - this will certainly be one I follow closely!  The Jewish community is quite small in my town (if it even exists) but my understanding is there is a large community in Richardson, TX which isn't too far.




    I owe u a long email about raising Jewish children, except I am learning as I go. I was not raised in a traditional Jewish household and amworking towards having a more religious home...so I willing to explore andlearn right along with you.

    I went with a non-Jewish agency because I frankly didn't thinkI was "Jewish enough" for Jewish family services to consider me,so I didn't even try. Not being Christian was factor for Gabriel's BP when she looked at my profile, and she asked me directly how I was planning to raise children. I assured her that I would raise children that would have a rich,personal experience of God, and know that God loved them...and I left it at that. She had never met a single Jewish person in her whole life,and I told her that I apperciated her directness.

    Parker's conversion will take place July 3rd. We will take a dip in the ritual waters and say our prayers with the Rabbi's. Of course lunch will follow, bbecause what's a party without the food. laugh.gif

    Lisa- Have you thought about giving kayleigh her hebrew name? I think getting to know a rabbi in your area and getting hooked up with another familywith small kids to celebrate the holidays with? In fact some Christian churches even celebrate the old testement traditions like passover.

    more soon

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