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Posts posted by HeidiK

  1. I can't remember what article about Madonna and Guy ( but mostly about Madonna, and why isn't Mr Richie standing up to defend his rights as an adoptive father...another post)

    talked about Meg Ryan's adoption of a little girl from China. What stood out in my mind was the bit about her trying for 10 unsucessful years to adopt domestically before she went overseas. What does that mean? Honestly, was that tid bit included to take a cheap shot at domestic adoption. And how come, since adoption is on the front page, no one talks about how African American kids in the USA are the last to be adopted OR they are adopted by Canadians or others outside of the USA?

  2. Hi Everyone,

    I am new to this forum and I wanted to introduce myself and ask a few questions. My name is Heidi Kristall and I am the proud single adoptive mom of Gabriel, now 3 yrs old. I have been working with an agency in California for the past 6 years, and I really love my social worker. They matched me with Gabe birthmother about 6 weeks before his birth and its been such a magical process. Two years ago, I completed the updated paperwork for a 2nd adoption and am still waiting. I was refered to Ambrazo by a facilitator on Utah because I am activily seeking a 2nd African American child and this is the agency that she told me send her referals. So I am interested in hearing from you all about your experiences, wait times expenses...you know the scoop. Thanks so much


    OMG...I have come a VERY LONG WAY in a VERY SHORT time. This post was dated 2/1/06. My son Parker was born 2/7/06 at 7pm. In LESS than 7 days...I became a MOM for the 2nd time. In the past 9 months, I have learned so much about open adoption ( thought I knew it all), raising a child, and made some amazing friends. I have cried with some of my new freinds as they became parents witnessed the courage of some spectacular birth familes and cried with others as things didn't go as planned. I have learned about patience and the value of good communication (again) I have know I have become a better woman, a better friend, and a better mother. Many blessings to all of you !

  3. Very Funny - Ms Social Worker.

    But the whole thing really makes me sick....

    What good can come of this..really. The poor country waived all of its processes that it had in place to protect its child, for Madonna's money? The rest of "us" couldn't adopt from that country if we wanted to...so why can Madonna. I think her money would be better used by sponsering an orphange and/or schools

  4. Here's wishing peaceful hearts to all involved...and prayers for the couple as they move forward.

    Martha - My best friend was married twice before her 21st birthday( 1st the day after high school and then later to her 1st husband best freind), and then lastly in her late 30's to her soulmate and best friend. She always held her head high...but it was sometimes hard to explain. She always said she married the men that other girls would have just Dated... ;)

    Anyway...sometimes is just as hard to explain why I have never been married...and feel the need to review my past relationship history...as if I should explain it all and why I didn't get married to this one and that one...blah blah... :huh:

  5. Thank you Elizabeth for putting so much of what I have been feeling lately into your beautiful poem. It hard to "vent" concerns about the check-box approach many take towards adoption...I'll take this but not that. And it VERY hard not to want o get up on my soap box and preach about being "open"...period ! Anyway..thanks again!

  6. Susan,

    Thank you for sharing the pictures and the "story" behind the pictures. I am always amazed at how similiar somel of our religious traditions really are. Like the dunking three times ....that's what we did for my boys as part of the Jewish ritual. It reminds me that people are always more "alike" than we are different.

  7. I was turned down by three other agencies before finding Abrazo. They turned me down for multiple reasons - my budget, my "single status" and my religious affiliations. BOY OH BOY was I mad...but looking back they were really doing me a service. Not getting my hopes up, or taking money from me that would not have been returned. I was working with an agency in California that I had hoped would match me with a child, and did pay them upfront for 2/3 of their service fees, but after almost two years of waiting I struck out on my own. Mind you that they had facilitated the match with my oldest's birthmom, and I had high expectations for another match thru them. But for some reason they never had a full African American situations and I was being racial specific.

    So I kept going, past the 3 rejections and found the son I was meant to have at the end, but I can say NOW that I appreciated their honesty. For me the waiting and rejection was immedicately erased when the RIGHT baby was lovingly placed in my arms.

  8. Hi Lauren,

    I was born Jewish and plan to raise my boys Jewish...how about being adopted, being black and being raised by a single cubby white women to give birth mothers nightmares... :P

    I did the mikvah ritual with both my boys and it was so very special. I wasn't raised with a temple background..we went only for weddings and bar/bat mitzva's. BUT I plan on doing it differently for my boys and have been making the effort to go to service once a month ( My boys are 3 1/2 and 6 months) I was given my 1st set of shabbot candles as a gift during Parker's mikva....now I just have to figure out how to use them. We will go to Sunday school together and it's my "Plan" to be bat mitzva with my oldest son...but we'll see!

    I was with a Catholic adoption agency for my 1st son and not being christen was an issue for some birth mothers, so when I meet with Gabriel's birth mom ( daughter of a baptist minister) I was shaking. She told me she had never met anyone Jewish before and want to know one thing...would I teach him to love God? And I promised her..THAT I could do! The right situation and the right birth parents will love you and want ONLY you to raise that special child.

    Safe travels


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