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Posts posted by Susan

  1. Welcome Melissa... aka Ms. Ortega!

    No worries, Abrazo will get back with you. So many of us can relate, that even alittle patience right now is extra hard, when you are sooo ready!

    I can remember our first orientation back in 1995, somehow we missed the July date (by days) because it got filled up. I was crushed. The next one wasn't until October. I can remember sitting in the room (at orientation...finally) thinking we were the ones who had waited the longest to get there, how unfair was that?

    There was no need for us to feel rushed (or delayed) because our daughter was born Dec 6, 1995 and the rest is history!

    Keep the faith.


    I too would like to welcome you Melissa! And I agree with Karen. I know how hard it is to wait, but I am sure that Abrazo will get back to you as their schedule allows. I too was one of those ansy people who kept calling when we were sending in our application in 2005, and in fact I think I drove the Abrazo gals a little crazy! ;) but once we got to orientation and then started to watch what was happening daily through the Forum, I realized all that the Abrazo gals have on their plate everyday! When we then went through our adoption journey with Abrazo, and they were there for us in the middle of night (on several occasions) and at a moment's notice, I realized all that they do. And the funny thing is that Tasia came into our life right at the perfect time..

    I know how hard it is to wait when you are so ready. Know that we are all here for you.


  2. Where is the gallery? I want to see pictures too!

    Hi Runyan -- Go up to the top right of this screen and in the banner you will see Gallery Calendar Members, etc... Click on the Gallery and you will see a set of options. Click on the third set down (New Arrivals) -- the first photo is the new one of John, Nina, Hendrick and Sophie!

    Good luck!


  3. Thank you, Susan and Amy,

    We began exploring Abrazo last year when my husband's best friend and wife began their adoption journey here. Job circumstances caused us to put the submission of our inquiry form on hold because we thought we'd be moving to FL. That was back in Sept. We've lost two house buyers since then and are still in NJ.

    Angela told us to go ahead and begin the paperwork because we just didn't want to wait any longer. So, I'm about to mail in the application and see if we can be fit into the May 16 orientation weekend, if we are accepted.

    Our goal is to be moved by the time we need to start the homestudy but with this housing market, who knows...we may be doing it here in NJ! We'll see what the Lord brings about.

    Tax question: we don't have our 2007 taxes ready and this is the only thing that we still need to do for our application. Can I send in copies of our w-2 and other statements for this year, or should I send in last year's completed return?


    Welcome to the forum Melanie and Joe. Call Angela about the tax returns she will let you know what is best to send with your application. Good luck and hope to hear of your journey to growing your family through adoption.


    Yes, best to ask Angela, but I think it is fine to send your 2006 returns.

    Welcome again Melanie -- Maybe we will meet you at a future orientation -- we are returning to Abrazo to adopt #2!

  4. Welcome Melanie to you and Joe! You will find Abrazo to be an amazing community -- led by the great staff in San Antonio -- and filled with lots of amazing adoptive families and birth families and adoptees! This Forum is a very special place and everyone here will be with you every step of your journey. There is also a great contingent of folks in New Jersey so you've got support all around!


  5. Bill and I just got back from seeing Juno -- and we both really loved it! We saw in at the downtown movie theatre near campus (Va Tech) and it was packed with college kids -- average age was probably 19! I thought it was so great that so many young people were seeing this movie and I am thrilled what it does to shed more light on adoption, especially on really impressive birthmothers! Yay, go Juno!

    I completely balled my eyes out as Juno was giving birth and afterwards. All I could do was cry for our birthmother, our birthfather, and all birthparents. I too cringed at Vanessa in those early scenes, but by the end when she had the note framed on the wall, I found that my feelings for her became more caring and supportive. I think Juno saw something in Vanessa's soul in the scene at the mall that touched her deeply, and I wonder if that is why she decided to follow-through on the placement with her. While I really liked Mark in the beginning, I found myself rather disgusted with him by the end.

    I think Abrazo should make this movie a REQUIREMENT for all adoptive parents BEFORE they come to orientation. The Vanessa personality is unfortunately more common than we as adoptive parents collectively care to admit. Had many of us adoptive parents not had the amazing experience of orientation, and of our Abrazo Angels, I fear that many of us would pose such questions to prospective birthparents. I am so glad that Abrazo is there to help us understand what this process is really about.

    More to process, but suffice it to say -- go Juno!


    PS -- And Bill loved the movie too -- and laughed the whole time -- so I definitely say to those spouses out there who do not want to go...go, go, I bet you'll like it...

  6. You are amazing Tina!!!

    I am so thrilled that the spirit moved you so and that you spoke out! You really spoke from the heart, and about your own personal experience, and that is what I believe can really change people's hearts. You may never know the chord that you struck in the hearts of others yesterday. You probably planted a lot of seeds that may not germinate right away, but may in the long term. I cannot wait to hear what happens next... You give us all the strength and courage to have such conversations with the folks in our lives when the time comes.


  7. Hi Tina -- I have thinking about your post all day. I wish I had some words of advice about your fellow church members...but I just wanted to say that I am so sorry that you have to go through this.

    I am constantly amazed at how many people in our life (and in some cases the closest of friends) just do not get how special open adoption is. Something that means so much to us, is feared by some of our closest friends. I have to believe that the more we tell our personal story, the more that the people around us with start to see the beauty in this experience. I share the passion and excitement of our newly established relationship with our birthmother, and I am taken aback when they are not jumping for joy with us... When we wrote this year's holiday card with our annual news, the largest paragraph was the one about our meeting with Lisa, Tasia's birthmother, at Camp Abrazo. This truly was the highlight of our year. I secretly hoped that our friends would read the emotion in our words, and begin to understand. I can only believe that if we continue to talk about this special relationship that someday everyone in our life will begin to also see the beauty in this relationship. By walking in the openness, maybe in some way we are planting seeds for openness, trust and the release of the fear to happen in others.

    Take good care, and good luck with your colleagues at church.


  8. There is so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving holiday. Wow, great things come in 3s --

    Congratulations Todd and Eileen -- when I saw the announcement I thought it might be you!

    Congratulations Teena and Joe -- wow you have had a whirlwind to get you to West Texas!

    Congratulations Dale, Amanda, and Arianna -- we were praying that it was you being hinted at in Nursery Notes!

    May all of you enjoy an ever special Thanksgiving with your little bundles of joy!

    And may all of our Abrazo angels have a day of rest tomorrow to soak in the appreciation that all of us feel -- you are truly amazing!!


  9. How touching it is to read this announcement! Blessings to all involved and prayers are being lifted up tonight for these special angels, their birthmother and birthgrandmother and the special Cantey family. We have all been praying for everyone every step of the way and it is so affirming to see such a wonderful ending and beginning! I cannot wait to follow your story.


  10. My favorite is Over The Moon -- I read it to my nephews when we were PIWs and they loved it. I think it is a really good book for kids who are asking questions about adoption. After we took placement of Tasia I read it again to my nephews and I started to cry because it completely mirrored our journey. I am now starting to read it to Tasia.

    Good Luck!


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