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Posts posted by tluther

  1. One other thing to mention (maybe you guys already have) - but all of the costs that Elizabeth mentioned does NOT include the costs associated with the homestudy and travel associated with meeting the BPs, placement and finalization. Those costs alone can easily run close to $4K to $5K.

  2. I have so many thoughts on this topic. But to be perfectly honest. whether you choose fertility treatments or adoption, it such a personal decision at that particular moment in your life.

    If you had told me 8 years ago that my husband and I wanted to be parents. We would have laughed at you.

    If you would have told me 6 years ago that we would actually "try" to get pregnant. Again we would have laughed at you.

    If you told me 4 years ago that we would actually attempt fertility treatments......still laughing!

    If you had told me 2 years ago we would were going to adopt.......still laughing.

    1 year ago (yes 1) -- if you had told me that we were going to adopt a girl --- I'm sad to say that we wouldn't have been laughing.......

    THANK goodness God knows what I need way better than I do. We (Joe and I) wouldn't be the people and the parents that we are without going thru all that we did. God had a lot of work to do on us to change our hearts. And boy did He ever come through for us. We are so in love with our little girl and can't imagine what we did without her in our lives!


  3. Colleen,

    That's very good advice to "read up" on open adoption. So many things you hear about adoption in the media are just myths, etc. I think we read books until we were cross-eyed.

    I have some friends that are in the throws of adoption, but refused to consider Abrazo because of "openness". They also refused to educate themselves about openness. Knowledge is power. I have found that it's way easier to say "no" to something such as "open adoption" if I'm not educated on the subject. (BTW, my friends started their adoption journey more than a year before me. They still don't have a baby. And they are using a very pricey agency that is "semi-open")

  4. Oh my goodness!

    I'm "snotting" so bad, I can barely see the computer screen.

    God is sooooo very good.

    CONGRATULATIONS Brad & Mel and big brother Brady!

    We are so very excited for you.

    Many, many hugs from the luthers!!

    I finally feel like we can say "Amen".................the pea pod is finally filled!!

  5. Hey Tina -- remember our conversation about BOGs in my living room just a couple of weeks ago? laugh.giflaugh.gif .

    Gracie and I can't wait to meet our new neighbor when you get home!!!

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I'm so excited for you guys.

    God is good.............All the Time!!

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