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Posts posted by mommy2

  1. I think "Feeling Blessed" has hit the nail on the head.  The Birthfamily/Adoptive Family relationship is not at all like a divorced family relationship.  Our relationship with our birthmom is that of friends.  Our conversations are two mommys talking.  She has an older child, and we have an older child in addition the child that was born to her.  We trade mommy secrets, we vent when our older boys are giving us fits...

    There are times that I sense the sadness in her voice.  She has sustained a terrible loss and it hurts her.  I hurt for her.  I know that she knows she is is very much a part of our lives and she has a very important spot in our baby's life... she is his beginning.

    "Concerned"  it is good that you're asking these questions... all of us on this forum have insight into the adoption process. Please continue to ask your questions.... and if you are considering adoption, as scary as it seems it is really one of the "coolest" experiences that you will ever go through.

    Good luck,


  2. HI!

    We were one of the very fortunate families that were placed very quickly.  We were in the August 2001 orientation group and we brought our little boy home in December.  We live in Texas, but our placement was right around Christmas and we flew to "the Grandma's" for Christmas.  My brother in law who is a pediatrician shamed us a little for taking our baby on the plane so soon, but it all turned out well.  The Abrazo crew is great and adoption is not nearly as scary as most think.  Keep thinking positive and soon you will have a little bundle of joy to complete your family.  Best of luck.


  3. Infertility treatments can be (most of the time are) as expensive or more expensive than adoption.  The benefit of adoption it is not "if you get a baby, but when" (To quote Elizabeth)  We have done it both ways and yes, there is expense involved, but speaking for all the adoptive moms and dads, it is well worth it.  What we feel for our children is priceless. :)

  4. Smitty,

    As a mother of one biological child and one adopted child, I can say that the love that you feel for a child, no matter how he/she entered your lives is incredible.  The birth of my son was one of the happiest days of my life and I felt that same type of joy when my second son was placed in my arms by Elizabeth at Abrazo.  

    As for relationships with birthparents, you realize through the adoption process that they are the real heros in the adoption triad.  Most are faced with situations that if they could do ANYTHING to change it they would.  They have to make the decison to put thier children's needs before their own.  Over time, it is usually the adoptive families that want to keep up with the birthfamilies.  

    Adoption can seem scary and full of unknowns, but it isn't.  It is as special as bringing into the world a biological child.  I agree with the person that posted earlier that maybe you need to take some time and let your infertility hurts heal.  We have all been in your shoes, and understand the desire to be a parent.  I wish you the best in your journey.


  5. Hi,  I am a parent in waiting with Abrazo and my first child was concieved via an egg donor.  Egg donor IVF is very successful and we are blessed with a wonderful little boy.  We have chosen to adopt a second child because we realized that it does not matter (to us) how kids enter our lives.  The egg donation process is a little like adoption in how donors are chosen by the recepient family.  With our donor everything was anonymous.  The trend is moving towards picture profiles and open medical histories on the donors.  The only drawback that we found was that it is never a 'sure thing'  even though egg donor IVF is very successful there is always a chance that a pregancy will not occur.  

    I wish your friends the best of luck with whatever they decide to do.  

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