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Posts posted by suebee

  1. Welcome leathersfamily...I went to college in Jackson, and we have lots of good folks from TN area!!!

    The adoption journey is a roller coaster ride...full of highs and lows, twist and turns, and many moments that turn your stomach upside down as well as those that take your breath away. But all of us who have been blessed to adopt will tell you that we wouldn't change anything that led us to our children and taught us so much along the way.

  2. Hugo and Lathan...like the names! How did you guys come up with them?

    After looking thru some baby books and meanings, Lathan was one of the names that stuck out, we had never heard it(but I'm sure there are millions named this., lol) and the meaning of Lathan is "gift from god". And this is exactly what Lathan is. And definitely it was in "god's timing" not ours.

    Blessings and prayers to all the PIW,


    That's cool Tracey. When I read your post I thought, "That's odd. I thought Nathan meant "gift from God" or "God has given." Nathan is Joshua's middle name because of it's meaning. I looked up Lathan, and the website said it was a form of Nathan. Well, duh! I love the name Lathan...different, meaningful, and very cool sounding!! Can't wait to hold that little cutie!

  3. There are not even words to express how excited I am for Tracey and Denver right now. They have been so faithful through all the ups and downs!! Can't wait to hold this little fella in August (before Melissa gets to him!) Congratulations!!

  4. This isn't suggested reading, but a quote I came across recently and wanted to share, and this seems like the most logical thread in which to post it. In reading something for my book group last month, I came across this quote by the late writer John Dunne, from an essay he wrote called "Quintana," about his adopted daughter:

    "All parents realize, or should realize, that children are not possessions, but are only lent to us, angel boarders, as it were. Adoptive parents realize this earlier and perhaps more poignantly than others."

    I've had several friends who have adopted children describe to me having this precise realization very early on. Seems like an important thought for all parents to bear in mind, so I thought I'd share it.

    I've said this same thing...though not so eloquently...many times!!

    Thanks for sharing/reminding!

    (and welcome to the forum!) :D

  5. Mari, you just keep writing...however it comes. Your posts are a treasure and your heart is in such a warm loving place - I'm so happy you're here!!!

    Thank you for your thoughtfulness - you are a special special person!



    I second what Lisa said. You have said nothing offensive in your posts. And you do not have to apologize for writing how you feel. We are all in this together, and we are all learning. Thank you for sharing your heart with us.


  6. Congratulations Kristin and welcome to the forum. You and your family are the answer to so many prayers as I know Max and his first family are the answer to your prayers. I hope to hear more from you in the future (you know, in your "spare" time! :D )

  7. I am especially excited for this family because 1. we were with them when they began their first journey and know that they are some of the best people you'll ever meet and 2. because our own Joshua prayed and longed for a baby brother or sister for almost as long as their Joshua and his heart's desire became a dream come true. A little sister stole his heart as I know your little girl will...and the joy of watching them together is beyond imagination or words!!

    Blessings and love to the newest family of 4!!

    Larry, Susan, Joshua, and Lydia

  8. I cringed when a friend told me about another friend who was thinking of doing in vitro with donor egg in Colorado (I think) because they would match you with a donor who most looks like you. They compare baby pics and everything. She thought it was great! I thought it was sad...

  9. The name Mormon comes from the Book of Mormon. Mormon is kind of like King James. He brought together writings that others did and abridged and compiled them, therefore the book carries his name. We don't worship Mormon anymore than christians worship King James.... after all the subtitle to the Book of Mormon is "Another Testament of Christ". Mormon is also the author of one of the books in the book of Mormon.


    Thanks for taking the time to answer questions about your faith. I found your post(s) very interesting. I just wanted to point out that King James did not bring together/compile the books of the Bible. He was the one who had it translated into English in 1611.

    You may not have meant that King James was the one who brought together writings as Morman did for the Morman Bible, but the way I read your post, it could have been taken that way. I didn't want there to be any confusion.

    Thanks for letting me clarify. Now back to the topic at hand...

    Thanks Suebee. I meant to compare that my copy of the Bible has King James name on the cover. i failed to note that his role was different.

    To us the Book of Mormon is not a "Mormon Bible". It's another testament of Christ, it's scripture but not the Bible or a Bible. We use the Bible. I'm reading from the Old Testament these days about King Solomon building the temple. Not sure if others feel different but it's one nickname I can't quite embrace.

    I definitely see the distinction between saying Book of Mormon and Mormon Bible...thanks for pointing that out.

  10. The name Mormon comes from the Book of Mormon. Mormon is kind of like King James. He brought together writings that others did and abridged and compiled them, therefore the book carries his name. We don't worship Mormon anymore than christians worship King James.... after all the subtitle to the Book of Mormon is "Another Testament of Christ". Mormon is also the author of one of the books in the book of Mormon.


    Thanks for taking the time to answer questions about your faith. I found your post(s) very interesting. I just wanted to point out that King James did not bring together/compile the books of the Bible. He was the one who had it translated into English in 1611.

    You may not have meant that King James was the one who brought together writings as Morman did for the Morman Bible, but the way I read your post, it could have been taken that way. I didn't want there to be any confusion.

    Thanks for letting me clarify. Now back to the topic at hand...

  11. Thankyou thats a lot of great info. Do you know who I would contact to try to find a homestudy agency? We have Texas Health and human services but I dont know who to call or are there independent agencies? So much to think about!!

    You could ask for recommendations from other Texas familes on the forum that are in your area...maybe post the question here and/or here, and/or here.

  12. Welcomemgarcia2411! Mary Helen's suggestions are great! I've thought of a few other things to get you going:

    • Begin thinking about who you want to write letters of recommendation for you and hubby
    • Ask your doctor for a letter stating your diagnosis of infertility
    • Talk with your spouse/research what you are open to as far as race, age of child, special needs, etc. Those questions will be on the application.
    • Write a rough draft of your profile letter...the letter that potential birth parents will read...and gather photos of you and your spouse that give a glimpse of who you are/your lives.
    • Think about/work out financing your adoption
    • Get recommendations/interview agencies/social workers to do your homestudy
    • Get ready for a wild but wonderful ride!
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