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Posts posted by BrendaMikeGabe

  1. Cathy and Brian,

    I am so excited for you guys! I remember the beginning of our journey when we had a million questions to ask about everything adoption. You certainly are in the right place for great answers. I can't wait to hear that you have been accepted and are heading to orientation! :D

  2. What a truly amazing story to tell Nicholas when he gets older, about how he met his Grandfather as they passed by each other in heaven. Congratulations to Maury, Debra, Samantha and Nicholas ( a sweet little message from heaven)! What a beautiful family. Blessings to Nicholas' birthfamily as well.

  3. Praying for these beautiful children and their future adoptive parents. Hoping that doors will open and new families will begin, full of color, beauty and love. Our family was hesitant about adopting outside our race and then we decided to open our hearts to children of Hispanic descent, which led us to Abrazo and several matches and then 9 months later Leyna was born with certain health issues to a birthmother of Irish and Spanish heritage and to a birthfather which we know nothing about. This was not anything we were prepared for but it was as if a bright light had shone from above and we had a sense of calm wash over us and we knew that this was our match. Now everywhere we go people ask us what Leyna's nationality is and we tell them we know that she is Spanish and Irish but arent sure about the rest. Deep down, I believe that she has some African-American heritage and I'm proud to say that it makes her all the more special to us. She is truly an American and of American heritage and she is happy and healthy and I wouldn't change her for the world. :D

  4. Amen!!

    Okay not to rant at ya'll, my fellow adoption-loving-triad-family, but DANG it. I just want to march down to that paper and smack someone!

    Do they KNOW anyone in adoption that is in a GOOD place? i am begining to think that those negative drama queens need to get out more.

    I as a birth mom was TURNED DOWN TWICE. I am not bitter. Life was not what we plan, it is all the works of someone meant to make a bigger picture work out. I knew the minute I read the badly- smeared, black and white thermal paper fax of the full color dear birthmom letter. I KNEW IT! and all that saddness from not having it "happen" before them WENT AWAY! I mean Dang!

    can I get a rope and a tape recorder and hog tie our fearless leader to the Oprah chair until all adoption myths are slayed! I mean she should really get out there and get to preachin to the unbelievers! BEGINING with the press!!!

    I am now smoothing all the ruffled feathers, and I am stepping off the box... NEXT!!!!

    Can I get an AMEN??????? :D

    I would love for Elizabeth to make an appearance on the Oprah show and set it all straight!!!

  5. What an amazing life this little one has already had! We are so happy that she has finally found her forever family! :D Congratulations to all of them and blessings on her birthfamily! Way to go Abrazo and their angels for taking care of this tiny little miracle until her mother and father arrived! You gals are amazing! :D

  6. Welcome to the forum Shelly. I'm sure that you will find this site to be a wealth of support, friendship and knowledge as I have. We have our son, Gabe, who was born to us seven years ago and have adopted our daughter, Leyna, who was born just a year ago. Leyna was a B.O.G. (Baby on the Ground) and we took placement of her when she was six days old. We love everyone at Abrazo and admire their dedication to their work in adoption. You have chosen a wonderful agency to help you find your next son or daughter.

  7. We are so happy for you, Don and Andrea. :D It seems like every time we plan a Michigan get-together one of our families can't make it because the stork has other plans. ;);) I guess this was a very good excuse for not making it on Sunday. We can't wait to meet your precious little girl and her parents (of course) at our next get-together. :D

  8. Would those of you with agency connections out of state please consider doing us a favor?

    Call your homestudy worker this week and tell them about our little trio of angels in need of loving homes.


    I was more than happy to email all of this information to our agency in Michigan. I hope that we will be able to find some families for these precious babies soon. :D

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