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Posts posted by KeithandErika

  1. Wow, Elizabeth, that is one tough assignment!! And perfect timing too. I just spoke with Briton's birthmother yesterday and after our conversation I could only praise God for this wonderful woman he brought into our lives. I can't say too much about her and yet I don't even feel my words will relay our true feelings properly. She is one of the most amazing people I know. As Linda pointed out, not only did she choose Life for Briton even when her situation could have led to the end of her marriage and the breakup of her family, but she has been the most open and selfless indidvidual I have ever met. From day one she has only wanted what is best for Briton even when she knew how difficult it would be to place her in another woman's arms. And yet, she did. No amount of pain could stop her from doing what she thought was right for her little girl, and to me the courage and strength that took is phenomenal, I honestly don't know if I would be strong enougth to make that decision.

    But there is more to this woman that just that one awesome act. She is raising 4 kids, basically all on her own, while her husband is fighting for this great nation of ours in Iraq. She doesn't have any family near her and yet she runs a house, nutures her children and never forgets holiday's, birthday's or special occassions.

    In a nutshell, we love this woman. Not only for the wonderful gift that she has given us, but for her strength, compassion and love. God knew what he was doing when he made us infertile, if he hadn't we would have been the sorrier for never having known this woman.

  2. I agree, Martha. I would definately want to know if there were any health issues raised because of her weight, but if the prospective parents are otherwise fit and healthy I don't see any reason to turn them away. When we begin discriminating on weight, anyone can be turned away - smokers, people who drink, people who don't exercise, etc. Where would it stop? Parents come in all shapes and sizes, regardless if they are parents through adoption or parents through conception!

  3. Congratulations Scott and Char!!!! What a beautiful blessing to a wonderful couple. You are all in our thoughts, especially your birthmother. We pray that your love for her and Curan will ease her sorrow.

  4. Wow, I have tears rolling down my face. Having just visited Briton's birthfamily this is very poignant for me. We had a wonderful visit but every once in a whille I would glance at Briton's BP to see her reaction to something Briton would do. In doing so my heart would hurt each time as I realized that this one little thing that I took for granted (Briton laughing with all 3 dimples or her dancing and clapping) was something her BP hadn't seen since our last visit. It hurts to know that can't I can't take the pain away, but I hope that our love and adoration of Briton can ease it. Thank you for sharing the story Elizabeth.

  5. Great advice! Keith and I are going to have to have a weekend of picture taking with just the two of us. I've been looking through our pictures and all I seem to find are pictures of Briton!! Even if Keith and I are in a picture together, Briton is part of the mix and upstaging us both! We have our homework cut out for us tongue.gif .

  6. My pet peeve, is when my pregnant friends tell me that I should be happy that I don't have to go through the whole pregnancy 'thing' as it isn't easy or wonderful. I have one friend especially that complained the whole time during all three of her pregnancies. Every time she was pregnant she had to cataloge all of her woes everytime I saw her. It got to the point where I dreaded going out with her because she would just complain nonstop. I am sympathetic and know it isn't easy (especially when your 9 months pregnant in the middle of summer - eek!!) but her complaing just riled me at times. Here she was experiencing something that I had always wanted and instead of viewing it as a wonderful blessing it was considered a trial.

  7. Amazingly enough, my faith struggle wasn't with the waiting process as we waited to be matched, but rather with getting to the decisioin to adopt. For 6 years I railed against God's plans for my life. I fought him tooth and nail until the point where I was always angry, bitter and dissollusioned. It took much heartache and pain on my side to accept God's will for me and Keith.

    However, once I did, I suddenly felt like I grew from a baby believer into a full-blown believer. In the past I always claimed to believe, but ultimately when it came down to it, I didn't. Once I turned the corner, my belief that adoption was the right decision was confirmed over and over again in our whole experience. We were led to Abrazo almost immediately. The inquiry and application process happened in a whirl-wind. We talked with a number of birthmothers but matched with one who was so obviously meant to be a part of our lives that I can only attest to it as fate! And almost 9 months to the day we started the process we had our beautiful little girl in our arms.

    Of course, the process did take us through ups and downs but each and every time I went to God for guidance he had a quick and sure answer for me. However, this relationship took 6 years for me to develop, and it wasn't an easy path, but...I wouldn't change it for a minute biggrin.gif .

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