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TeyandTy's Mom

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Posts posted by TeyandTy's Mom

  1. Pretty interesting! It's funny....because when I adopted I in no way wanted or was ready to date. I was just happy being mom...(which explains why I choose to adopt a second time).

    I don't date a ton now, however, when I do...I am pretty guarded with my personal life. I have two boys and how I look at it I am raising two MEN! I try not to look at race but, the sad but true fact is....it is a factor. I am raising two BLACK MEN in todays society. So, with that being said I have to be very careful the type of people especially men I expose them to. I NEVER allow men to come to my house. I don't ever want my boys to think that mommy had a constant flow of men in the house. I don't allow the men I date to even meet my boys for quite some time....I am talking months. In the seven years I have been a mom...my boys have only met two men. I want to be happy and dating is fun. But, I take my role as a mom much more seriously. I want my boys to be exposed to healthy relationships. I have not found my prince charming...and until I do.....I will have to date in this way. The people that I have dated in the past few years have been just that....dates.! I am a single mom and as I have said before....it's nice to have conversation about things other than Legos and Power Rangers. I have found a man that can handle me and my two "men" yet...until I meet him it looks like I will be well versed in the language if Legosease! :P

    Unless.......of course......COWBOY DENNIS likes to play with Legos and ........I'll stop right there! :P

  2. Hey-- y'all started a trend, and the media's just now caught on to it! Read it here, first: Single Mom Adoptions On the Rise. :D

    We knew we were right on track....we were just waiting for everyone else to catch up to us! :P


    I am so excited about your recent trip and your great story!

    Kudos to you for reaching out and making the connection with Parkers birthparents!


    Aka....S.A.M (Single Adoptive Mom)

  3. I had the most wonderful experience at church today. I am attending a new church and am starting to get to know a few people. I was amazed and overjoyed to find the number of children in that one church alone who are adopted. I met four other families besides myself and my good friend Nancy(also and adoptive mom via Abrazo) who adopted their children.

    I was sitting with my two good friends behind three little girls who were too cute for words. They ranged in ages from 8-10. The 8 year old caught my attention immediately because she was dressed so cute...get this she had a black sequined beanie sort of hat on( a girl after my own heart). She was quite the sassy one. I thought to myself she could easily be a little version of me becaused she did'nt stop talking. I just smiled all throughout the service because she was such a little lady.

    After the service my friend Karen informed me that the little girl that I had fallen in love with was adopted. She was adopted from Russia by a family here. Well after a several months the family decided they did'nt want her anymore because they thought she was possessed by the devil :o . I could'nt believe what I was hearing. A family who attends the church where I have been going adopted her and she is thriving wonderfully. She now has a little brother that was adopted from Guatemala. He too has an amazing story. He was in an orphanage all his short life. He is two and cannot walk because he was kept in a crib. The doctors told the family had he been there another 3-4 weeks he would not be alive. He too is thriving and improving everyday. His adoptive family is amazing and has such a love for their two beautiful children. I was so emotional when I left church because this was something that I had been praying for. A church where my children and I could learn and grow. The fact that there are so many other adoptive families in the church are just the icing on the cake!

    God is Good all the time...all the time God is Good!


  4. Karen,

    That is great! Funny thing though.....I left the Methodist church and am now attending the Nazrene church down the street. I was a little apprehensive to go there because i did'nt know what to expect.

    I am just of the belief that God is not going to separate all of th denominations....if that's the case I grew up Baptist and I will surely be sitting on the back row :D !

  5. I thought I would post this here as it seems the most appropriate place. I have been searching for a new church home for my boys and I. I have been attending the same church since about a year before Teyler was born. I have felt "comfortable" there. However, for the past year or so....I have'nt "felt" anything while sitting there on Sunday mornings. There are virtually NO children in the church....the average age is about 55....there is not a sunday school class for either me or my boys...and if you happen to over slept on Sunday morning ...you have missed your chance for worship because that's all there is.

    Teylers Teacher has been trying to get us to come to church with her for quite some time and I have said no because I felt obligated to our church. Well four Sundays ago we visited her church and have gone every Sunday since. My heart is filled everytime I have come out of the service. They have a praise team that is amazing, they have childrens programs on Wednesday night, Sunday school classes for me and my guys, I signed both of my boys up for basketball through their UPWARD basketball program, and most of all the people are so warm and welcoming and seem truly glad we are there.

    I felt guilty about going at first...but, then I figured God led me there and then opened my heart. SO, as I sit here tonight I am overjoyed that I think I may have found a church that both my boys and I can call home.

  6. [Even worst, can you imagine even trying to explain to Elizabeth Ann and Angela what was so gosh darn important that you had to leave Texas early, leaving "your" baby behind in the care of someone else...and then wonder 6 months down the road why you're not yet cleared for finalization???????? :o



  7. I just thought I would add a little note about friendship as a single parent. Friends are wonderful weather you are a single parent or not. However, they become so much more when they are the only "adults" you talk to when you come home at night. I have great friends but, they are all married. My best friend is "attached" and has been for about three years. She, as well as, my other friends are always on a kick to get me a date. I often tend to look for myself.;). The weekends are often just me and the boys doing what we do. I don't go out much but, would often like to. I had a date with a gentleman the other night and on the way there my best friend called and said "Sabrina if the date goes well I will sit the boys sometime this weekend". :blink: She has never offered...my boys can be a hand full when together. I said "thanks but, I am not sure". She let me know that she was serious and that if asked on a second date then I needed to take him up on it. My friends are too cute for words. They always have their eyes peeled for me. I had a great date and AM going out again tonight with him. Thanks to my friend Amy I don't have to try to find a sitter and I can relax because they are with her. Friendship is a wonderful thing. Single moms(and dads) need them to stay sane. Welll mayabe I should have said THIS single mom needs them to stay sane".


  8. Yeah Melissa!

    I have a praise to mention....As I was cooking dinner last night I received a call from Teyler s teacher. I have known her for a while. She and I worked together when I got the call about Teyler when he was born. She said "Sabrina I am completely in love with your son. She said is is a sweetheart." "I'd like to share a story with you....We were talking about how the children got their names. Teyler said "My mommy got on a plane to Texas and went to meet my birthmother...My birthmother named me Teyler and my mommy liked that name. So they called me Teyler...My daddy looked down from heaven and said I want your name to be Daniel like me." So they call me Teyler Daniel.

    She said he spoke so WELL and PROUDLY about his being adopted. She loved that he was so open and proud.

    I just cried because I was so proud of him!

    Sign me One Proud Momma!

  9. This is some topic. Prior to my husband dying he and I pursed adoption strongly. However, we were turned down by every agency we spoke with . He was ill and they would not approve us. At the time I was soooo unbelievably mad. Looking back I can see why. I just thought would would have been wonderful parents together. That was not to be.

    I chose to continue my quest to adopt two years after his death. I was turned down by several agencies at the initial phone call. I would call and they would say we don't think we can help you at this time. I was just about to give up when a friend told me about Abrazo. They welcomed me and my single self with open arms.

    ........and now they can't get rid of me. :P


  10. I was just thinking...I went out to lunch the other day with some friends from work. I had a great time. They can make me laugh even on my worst day. It got me to thinking of how lucky I am to work with wonderful people who I actually like working around. I love my job....even when it gets stressfull.

    Then I started thinking about a very special friend who I can tell anything to. She is always there. She too can make me smile and laugh even on my worst day. I think how fortunate I am to be blessed with such a friend. Thanks you!

    My life is so rich...with great people!


  11. I was just thinking that this would be a good time to put a topic up that we can all share our praises. You know things that brighten your day, make you smile, lift you up, and, inspire you to be be more.

    I was just lying in bed this morning when I heard my guys running and playing like wild men. They were soooooo happy! I heard playing power rangers and racing cars. Even in the midst of all their "rough n' tough" boy games I heard Teyler tell Tyson...." I love you Ty-Ty...you are my best brother".....Tyson says "Yeah I wuv you to Teya". This made me smile sooo big as I thought of how blessed I am to have two boys that "fit" as a family with me like an amazing puzzle designed by God!

    Just thought I would share this special moment ..now go ahead send up a Praise!


  12. [

    I don't think those on this forum necessarily demean other forms of adoption, but we just see all of the positives for everyone involved in an open adoption. .

    I agree! I don't think that those on this forum demean other forms of adoption at all. I think it is like we have all had experiences through this form(open). I have found it best to not talk about things I don't know about fully. I feel as though I understand and love open adoption...thererfore , I sing it's praises. My late husband only understood his own closed adoption and he was not particularly happy with the "not knowing" of it all. My own birthbrother was placed for adoption by my mother who chose a closed adoption....he too had a bad experience. So for me I tend to promote open adoption because in my situation with my children it has been wonderful. Of the four personal adoption stories I have been faced with it is the open adoption that has been the best experience.

    I too like Karen would love to hear your story of a different form of adoption.


  13. I remember after I adopted Teyler several people said to me "don't you just hate that you can't have your own?" WHAT ???? I would just smile and reply..."He is my own.....Heaven sent!!!"

    I also got several times are you gonna try to have your own later??? Yeah just call me Mary...I am gonna have an Immaculate conception(sp?)" HELLO I am single ...not married! These things were always said by people..I THOUGHT were intelligent!


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