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Amanda Mc

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Posts posted by Amanda Mc

  1. I posted this somewhere else recently.

    I just saw juno for the first time about a month ago.

    the soundtrack RULES! The Rotten Peaches have become one of my fav bands...killer!

    Ryan loves her as well!

    I think that the insight to closed or semi open adoptions is brilliant. I NEVER understood it before watching this movie.

    I loved it!

  2. My Dear Friend, Melissa Kelley died on friday night. I am so sad. She took care of me for the first 10 days after my knee surgery. She told me that I am like a sister to her. I couldn't agree more.

    Please pray for her Husband, Kindel. And her sons, Joey, Aaron and Mike.

  3. Just a question for those of you who placed your babies for adoption some time ago: how have your priorities about how you wanted your child's family to be changed--or remained the same--in the years since you made your choice?

    Everything that I hoped for is coming true for my Delaney...I couldn't ask for more.

  4. I love that I am Delaney's Birthmother. I am honored to hold this "title."

    You say potato.

    I say potato.

    (that is really a funny word)

    Later in her life, when she talks about our relationship, I would love for her to refer to me as Amanda, her birthmommy (mother) whatever. Just as long as she refers to me.

    ...which I know that she will...

    hugs to all-


  5. Ok, I thought for a while on how to respond to this one, so pardon the fumbles.

    When I decided that I was going to place Delaney with an adoptive family-my mind was made up.

    I think that I spent a lot of energy convincing myself that this was the right choice. There's just no way to kitty-cat-foot around saying that.

    I think that with any life changing decision, you weigh the action to reaction ratio for every single option. I know that I did. I disappeared from Abrazo's radar for, like, a month. Then I saw a commercial for a Disney Cruise and I thought to myself--I won't ever be able to do that. There is no way on earth that I will ever be able to even relax with my family-I can hardly support myself and I work out of town!!!and I can't breathe..

    The thought of placing my child was very comforting. I just had to think about the real of it. ya know?

    I will elaborate later-gotta go to work!


  6. I don't take offense to being claimed as "my birthmom"

    It's kind of like "my sister" or "my family"

    I can't even think of how Jennifer refers to me other than just Amanda.

    Way to go on the correct verbage practices!! Kudos to all!



    Laney's birthmother. biggrin.gif

  7. biggrin.gif Every time Jennifer and I go out together, someone asks if we are sisters. I love that!!! I had no idea what Jen and Doug looked like when we 'clicked' on the phone. Turns out we look like family!! biggrin.gif

    There were also the times when we went to play at Babies are Us and our birthing class and we got those (are they a lesbian couple) looks. wink.gif

    LOL LOL LOL!!!

    How funny right, Jen??

    aaahh, good times. rolleyes.gif

  8. I found out that I was pregnant and went up to the Karaoke bar where my friend Timo was the host. I told him that I was pregnant and that I was planning to place this child with an adoptive family.

    He looked at me and said that it was his daughter's 6th birthday, and that she lived somewhere near Dallas and that she was adopted. He hooked me up with Abrazo the next day.

    The rest is history!


  9. Ya know, Kristal, I am starting to like you very much!!!

    Your reply there was right on the money!!$$$!!

    I can't say that I understand Laura's frustration, because I am a birthmother.

    However, what that BP did to Laura's family was sooo wrong. She gives good, honest birthparents a bad name. Shame on her!! It makes me angry to think that someone can be that heartless. It will come back around to haunt her. I don't understand what could have prompted her to disregard the family that she was creating a bond with and turn around and give her child to someone else. That, to me is what defines "giving up" a baby. Like it is some sick kind of birth control. Masachism at it's best, I guess. uck! That just leaves a bad taste...

    Here's to better moments in life.

    May the road rise to meet you-

    May the wind be always at your back-

    May the sun shine upon your face-

    And, may God hold you all in the palm of his hand.



  10. I had such a fun conversation with my APs, the first time we spoke.  My first question was, "What was your first concert?"  Jen answered with no hesitation, "Madonna-The Blonde Ambition Tour!"

    That pretty much sealed the deal.  I knew that they were the right ones for me, just by looking at a picture.


    I have to go to work!  AAAAAAAh!

    I'll finish this one later!


    have a teriffic day, all.


  11. Hi.  I just wanted to let you know that I am so glad to have touched your heart with what I said about the void in my chest.  I have said that many times.  I am glad that it has sparked some sort of challenge.  I truly believe that you will be matched with the perfect mother of your child.  

    Abrazo has a weekly meeting for birthparents.  I met so many different girls-some were very aprehensive of relationships like the one I have with my AP's.  Many birthmoms want semi-open relationships also.  

    I hope that you are finding all of the answers that you are seeking.

    hugs-and God Bless


  12. Hey there, girl.  I am glad that you have decided to stick with us.  You have a fantastic group here for support.  This journey is long, and it is the most difficult trial that I have ever accepted from God.  How far along are you?  How are you feeling?  Have you had morning sickness?  Are you feeling like a blimp yet??  

    I had the best pregnancy.  I was happy and full of energy-until I had to nap.  :D

    The first question that I asked to my future and potential AP's was "what was your first concert?"

    Music was so important to me. Still is!  And I know that I have chosen the right family for my little Delaney.

    I think that the most important piece of advice that I can give to you is to be honest.  Be honest with yourself first and foremost.  And accept nothing but honesty from the people around you.  (including family and friends-even if it isn't what you want to hear.)  I think that birthmothers need to challenge their own minds and hearts with real questions about what life is and could be.

    You can private message me anytime with ANY questions, fears or doubts that you have.  You are in my prayers with all future birthmothers and angels.  



  13. Hey there.  I haven't checked in a couple of days.  SMR, are you Ok??  

    I hope that things went well the other night!

    You have been on my mind.

    I want you to know how proud I am to be an inspiration to a stranger.  I made this decision knowing that it was for Delaney.  I had to think of myself; and then I had to think about her.  I wanted so badly to be her mommy.  I know that I would have been great at it.  I, however, had to think about the reality of keeping a child.  

    I hope that you are doing ok.  

    You are in my prayers.


    Amanda. ;)

  14. This whole weekend was especially terriffic!  

    First was finalization.  And knowing how special this event was to my APs, made it even more super for me.

    I had to work in the office all week, and I had been looking forward to the weekend!  On Friday, we had a great lunch, and then I came back to work.

    On Sunday, me and my best friend drove up to Katy for Delaney's Dedication.  She looked soo cute!

    During the service, she was an angel!  Grandma put her to sleep, and she was passed to Aunt J and then she looked at me and said-"my arm is numb!"

    So, I had to oblige and take Laney from her.  It was so nice holding her while she was sleeping.  She doesn't wiggle when she is sleeping.  She is soo beautiful!!

    She woke up just a few minutes before the dedication, and for the first time that I have seen, she just laid there, comfortable with her eyes open.  Looking up at me-like-good morning-I know you!

    Watching her interact with her older bro was real cool.  Jen has told me about it, but it just doesn't compare to watching!

    She is also at the age where she responds when you interact with her.  It was so fantastic making her smile.  And she was smiling at me!!  All weekend!!!

    Spending time with my daughter's adoptive family this weekend was the biggest blessing-in so many ways.

    Real conversation between us was there, and it was so great.

    I told Jen that I feel like, when we first met; we had this idea of what we wanted.  Though it was slightly clouded with fear and uncertainty; it was this wonderful flood of possibilities and happiness.  I truly feel that we are now on the way to that simple destination.  We aren't there yet.  But we will be.  And it doesn't seem out of reach anymore.

    Thank you God!

    And!  The road trip was killer!  It was raining as we left San Antonio.  But about an hour out of the city, the sun started coming out of the pink sky.  WOW!  It was bound to be a great day!


    A :D

  15. Hey, SMR.  I am Amanda.  

    NO ONE!! Can make you have an abortion! It is your decision.  Your right.  You don't have to tell your parents anything.  And I remember thinking that my mom would have a fit.  She didn't.  She held out her hand and said ok.  I am behind you with whatever you decide.

    I am 25, almost 26.  I placed my baby girl with a fantastic family, 7 months ago.  Today, actually, she is 7 months old! I chose them, and I wanted for my daughter to have sibling(s) also.  She has the cutest big brother, who loves her SSOOO MUCH!

    I cannot imagine what it must be like for you as a 16 year old girl.  This is a safe place for you.  You can come here and say whatever you want.  

    I think that it is great that you have started exploring options other than abortion.  As birthmothers, that is something that definately crosses the path.  Wether we follow it or not, is what determines the kind of strengths we have.

    There are so many girls, every day, that choose to terminate a pregnancy, or choose to place their child into a stable, sound family life; that we cannot provide in this wrinkle in time.  

    And there are girls who choose to parent their children.

    We are all strong.  

    And you are going to be OK!!!  

    I know that it doesn't feel like it right now.

    I'll keep you in my thoughts.  

    hugs to you-


  16. My heart absolutely bleeds for those birthmothers and birthfathers who cannot let their families in on their adoption plans.

    My mom and dad have been awesome throughout this whole experience.

    My dad came to the hotel while Stacy and I were signing the papers, and he waited in the lobby.  I am soo glad that he was there.  He had met Stacy for the first time on the day I delivered Claire to this earth.  And Stacy is forever grateful for the kindness and warmth that he was shown by my family.  They have been one of the rocks that I step on constantly to cross back and forth through the river of emotion that has taken hold of my life.  

    Family, to me is that rock.  And I believe that it should be, no matter what.  Even if they initially reject the idea or disconcern themselves from the situation; I think that it would feel better to just get it out!  Don't hold back that feeling or try not to find the words to tell your family what has happened (or is happening) in your life.

    I hope that you can find the courage in your strength to confront this demon, if it is bothering you.


    and good luck.

  17. I had no idea what to expect when I went to Abrazo for the first time.  

    My good friend Timo told me that he had placed his daughter several years before and that I should check them out.

    So, I did.  

    Barbara took me to lunch across the street at this Mexican resturant (I loved mexi food while prego!;) and we had good conversation.

    She asked me all of the right questions to get me thinking and I started on my path to Jennifer and Doug and Miller.

    I never felt any pressure to commit.  The pressure that I got was from outside looking in and judging me for thinking about this plan.  (friends lost)  

    I didn't talk to Barbara for a month because I thought that I had decided to parent.  It just sounded so good to everyone else.  I really didn't think about the reality of this deal until I was a cruise comercial and thought "I am never going to be able to do that!"  I will never be able to take my child to Sea World because I have no money...

    This was the pebble that started down the preverbial snow covered hill.

    Anyway-The support that I find through the staff and the forum has been a lifesaver.  They know what to say to get your mind going.  And they offer a good pillow of support for my weary, sometimes jaded head to lay on.

    I never felt any pressure to go through with this adoption, even when the film crew was in my face, trying to complete the documentary. (no pressure at all) :)

    So-Thanks to the staff for your kindness.  You are in the right field.


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