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Lindsey J

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Posts posted by Lindsey J

  1. Hey Abrazo friends!

    Elizabeth, some of my very oldest and dearest friends are sending in their application in the next couple of days. They don't live in Texas (they are in New Orleans), but they are wonderful and very committed to an open adoption. Keep an eye out!! I'm so excited for them to start this journey with Abrazo!

  2. It's interesting because while our families were totally on board with our adoption plans, they were hesitant about an open adoption. Now that we have Jack in our lives and we have told them about Mama A, they have made a total 180! They get as excited as we do when we hear from Mama A and ask a ton of questions about her. It really is a beautiful thing.

  3. Melissa,

    I also find that people are skeptical about an open adoption plan. I recently watched the documentary Unlocking the Heart of Adoption and I found myself in tears as I listened to stories about adoptees who were either lied to about their adoptions or left in the dark about who their birthparents were. I called my mom afterwards and we had a great discussion about how an open adoption, while it can be incredibly beneficial and beautiful for the adoptive parents and birthparents, it is crucial for the emotional health of the child. We are Jack's parents. We are raising him. However we can't deny him the knowledge of where he comes from, who he looks like, and that his mother made this decision with his best interest at heart.

    I also called our birthmother. Unfortunately, her phone has been disconnected. I am very concerned about that. Watching this documentary made me even more committed to working on maintaining a relationship with her. I am hoping it is just a temporary thing and we'll hear from her again soon. If nothing else, I am so thankful that I will be able to tell Jack about Mama A, how she is a beautiful woman with an infectious laugh and adorable dimples. I really pray though, that someday he'll be able to meet her.

    Anyway, I would maybe suggest them watching that documentary. It is really interesting and I think really good for people to understand that necessity for an open adoption. I will admit, the open adoption plan scared me at first, but now I can't imagine doing it any other way.

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  4. Thanks for posting this Elizabeth. I'm going to make copies of it and give it to friends and family. I think a lot of times people don't know WHAT to say and how to handle things. They end up saying the wrong thing most of the time :) It's always a good reminder. I even learned a few things! With Jack only being 7 weeks old, I am still new to this too.

    Thanks again!

  5. Two months ago, the couple from Louisiana were the last in the orientation circle, and they waited for hours to tell their story on Friday night. But they waited patiently, and listened attentively, because that's just the kind of people they are.

    They were the folks who had come to our Gertrude & the Shark Tank orientation weekend of 8/11 with their homestudy already done (and who'd found out in the course of their homestudy that their home had once belonged to that very same homestudy worker!) That night, they mentioned the importance of their families in their lives, and they'd said that once their baby comes home, he or she will never be set down, for all the loving relatives that are eagerly waiting to embrace their future child.

    That night, when everything seemed like such a distant possibility, they could not know that somewhere, in the very same city in which they were visiting, lived a beautiful woman with a big secret. She'd prided herself as being 'old enough to know better' so she was too embarrassed by her situation to share her dilemma. She knew in her mind what she needed to do, yet she struggled to find the courage to put that plan in motion. So she waited for months--but she waited patiently, and nurtured the baby growing inside of her attentively-- until the day came when plans had to be made, because that's just the kind of person she is.

    Looking over profiles in the hospital after her son was born, she was very certain of which one she felt was "right." For everything in her life that she felt was wrong, she had found one couple in particular who seemed so very right to her, who were so ready to raise the baby she couldn't and who could love the baby just as she would, no matter what. And for all the uncertainty of the months preceding, when she found them, she found peace, as well.

    Today, her son became theirs, they became hers and she became theirs. We wish them all much laughter and joy in their growing relationship, and yes... wet dog kisses, too. (Just because.) Blessings, all!

    This is beautiful! I have chills all over. Congratulations to the new family and prayers to the birth mother.

  6. They weren't supposed to come to orientation until August, but back in June, when Abrazo called a childless TN couple and asked if they might consider coming earlier (with less than a week to prepare), our newest new parents were ready and willing.

    They bought plane tickets on short notice, threw clothes in a suitcase and gladly uprooted their lives to attend the Believe Us, We're Normal orientation class of June, 2011.

    And it was a good thing, too! because having already finished their homestudy and prepared a profile, they were just as ready and willing when an expectant mom in her third trimester (recently referred by another mom who'd placed through Abrazo) wanted to talk with them.

    From their first phone call, it seemed evident, this was a match made in heaven, so again, they bought plane tickets on short notice, threw clothes in a suitcase and gladly uprooted their lives to come meet her, the very weekend they otherwise would've been attending their originally-scheduled orientation weekend.

    This week, they again got a last minute call, telling them their beloved friend was in labor, so once more, they bought plane tickets on short notice, threw clothes in a suitcase, and gladly uprooted their lives to come meet the handsome angel who officially became the son of all of them, today.

    God works in mysterious ways, but we thank God for this little boy, for available flights, and for the very special people God has brought together here-- seemingly on short notice, but truly, as part of a divine plan known to God since long ago. May it serve as a reminder to us all: that nothing happens by chance, and that truly, these are miracles fueled by faith. Blessings, all!

    This is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! I read it to my mom and we were both crying by the end of it. I'll admit though, it doesn't take much for me to cry these days! I think I'll print it out and make it into a book to read to Baby Jack when he gets older. Thank you to everyone for your well wishes. Our lives are already changed forever and we are happy beyond words. Life is good.


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