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1st x grandma

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Posts posted by 1st x grandma

  1. Well after months and months of being tested, prodded, x-rayed and MRI'd in an effort of trying to get ALL my health back in check.. I am FINALLY getting something moving which I hope helps my bad arm, then I can move on to my head stuff (ENT), then I hope eventually to that Darn pain on my side.

    Monday had the first of a series of three injections I am to get on my neck, apparently my arm pain which I never thought had any relation to neck/shoulder stuff until neuro suggested it and sent me to a pain specialist who in-turn came to the same conclusion after requesting more x-rays. He feels by week's end I should be at least feeling 40% better, I'm shooting for 90% (the power of positive thinking :D ).. Go back in two weeks for injection #2.. the only downside to this is that he does them in the afternoons and I have to fast all day prior because they completely knock me out.. It really shouldn't be a problem because some days I can go pretty much the entire day without eating.. It's just that when they tell me I CAN'T EAT it's when i want to eat. :lol: But can't have it both ways, so have to just keep busy not to think of food...

    Other than that doing fairly well.. Keeping busy with my daughter and her school... Spoke with my angel girl Sunday evening which was awesome, she's a card.. Made my evening when I heard she said I wasn't a grandmother because I'm "not old" :wub: I will have to wait until I see her in person to explain to her that I am in deed a grandma (be it YOUNG) because she is in my life.. I really want to see her reaction to that..

    Wishing all an awesome week!!

  2. Wonderful weekend :)

    My mom’s 80th bday was yesterday, my siblings and I and our families took her out to a nice dinner on Saturday and I had her serenaded by Mariachis.. In the Hispanic culture some families use Mariachis for many celebrations including funerals, my mom has always said “if you’re going to get mariachis for me, do it while I can enjoy the music too” ,,So for the last three milestone decades 60, 70 and now 80, I have made sure this happens..And to add to a great weekend already, yesterday after having lunch with her, I arrived home to an email that made my day!!!!

    I had sent my angel girl’s grandparents an email Sunday wishing them a happy GP day, yesterday one of her grandmas sent me a note that my granddaughter’s school was having a special program for GPs today and my granddaughter had a special part in it.. She said she told our granddaughter that she and other grandmother would be there for the program, but then my granddaughter asked “what about Nana?” So her grandma had to explain that I lived too far to be able to go.. I sent a reply right back thanking her for letting me know and asking her to please let our little one know that I would have loved to be there, but since I couldn’t that I would be thinking of her during that time and sending her much love.

    Have to say just that little question from my baby girl made my heart swell with much more love for her then I would think possible and brought tears to my eyes thinking that even though I am (we are) far away and we are unable to see each other as often as she has the opportunity to see her other grandparents, her first family is on her mind. This time it was me other times it’s been her LaLa.. :wub:

    Amazing what open adoption can do for a child and all who love her/him. We are truly blessed.

  3. Looks like it works using Firefox. :) ., I will also check it on Chrome ....

    Thanks Steven :rolleyes: ... yal stay COOL here in town

    just checking my edit settings...

    Looks like it works using Firefox. :) ., I will also check it on Chrome ....

    Thanks Steven :rolleyes: ... yal stay COOL here in town

    just checking my edit settings...

    and quote settings...

    YEAP they all are working.... Awesome :D

    • Upvote 1
  4. Hi Steve

    it's happening on both my desktop and laptop..I use explore..When I try to post regular it doesn't do anything, when I use other and currently can't recall message it gives when i try to edit. I'll ck this evening and let you know.. it also bunches all my lines together, doesn't allow

    paragraphs.. replying here from my phone, let's see if this works.. nope didn't wor either had to use more options

  5. Well I have a LOT of threads and post to catch up on, but have to only do a little at a time.. Its more cumbersome to try and work with this system right now, and I am not one know for patience.

    BUT I guess our webmasters are still trying to work out the kinks, or maybe its just me cause I still cannot post regularly, have to use MORE options, can NOT edit, AND my current avatar has changed again to an older one.. UGH!!!!

  6. Oh my gosh.. Watching Dr Phil that I DVRd "Missing or Murdered" a 15 year old missing for almost 2 Years and the adoptive parents never reported her missing, it was reported by their adoptive son because he hadn't seen his sister.. These parents are going on and on about people lying about them and how nobody likes them.. They seem to be nonchalant. So sad for girl.

  7. Last two weekends spent with lots a family First weekend we spent a few days at the coast with my siblings and their families.. This past weekend spent a few days on various outings with my spouses siblings and their families. It was wonderful that my daughter got to spend time with her favorite aunt on her dads side who was down from Maine to help her celebrate her 21st bday..

    Now to spend a few days this week taking it easy before she starts back to school next week.. Where has this summer gone.. I feel like it moves faster the older I get.

  8. Thanks Suzi, kiddos do grow up so fast and time just speeds by it seems...

    Leah, she was a year old.. loved to put on her sister's cheerleading practice shorts and dressing herself by putting both her legs through only one short leg. Ha little did she know then that she would be used as a flyer now and then when her sister was on the high school cheerleading squad. :D

  9. Mari, thank you so much for keeping us three and Amber in your thoughts always--I was so touched by your post on our blog! I had the chance to catch up on yours and I always appreciate your quotes, wisdom and the loving spirit. Whether you are an adoptive or birthparent, you take us all under your wings and we all huddle in your arms!

    I loved hearing about the sleepover visit with Sloan. It gives me an idea of something I could do with Amber when Juliet is a bit older.

    Most importantly, PLEASE take care of your health. I must scold you for not going to GP for 6 years! I presume that everything is ok? Do you know anything more?

    Thank you Airi,

    Sleepover was awesome for all of us especially my daughter, one of the best weekends she’s had. She was able to do things with her little one that otherwise she wouldn’t have been able to experience, like helping her get ready for bed, bed time story, nighttime prayers, and getting her ready in the morning. Such good medicine for my heart and soul. I know it will be priceless for Amber one day as well, and I hope she has someone there to capture the moments on film for her, thank you and bless you for one day giving her the opportunity.

    I’ll take my scolding :unsure: .. I know better and not that it’s an excuse :D but having to take my daughter to SO MANY doctor appointments, test, and follow ups since her brain surgery, well it was all the ones I could take and handle for a long time. I am still working on trying to get diagnosis, but pretty much on hold right now, they still can’t find what is causing my right-side hip/pelvic region pain.. For my weird head cloudiness spacy feeling, GP couldn’t find anything (thought it was my heart causing it), right arm he has given me 4 steroid shots which didn’t do a whole lot. His next step was an MRI for arm and an ENT, so I contacted my daughter’s neurosurgeon who also sees patients for neck, shoulders, back, etc. and had an appointment a little over 2 wks ago for my arm and head, he is ordering MRI for my arm, shoulder, neck and head areas, but darn insurance is dragging their feet so I’ve been in limbo. Eventually I hope it will all be behind me, meanwhile I’m sucking it up and though some days are easier then others trying to stay active and not let the pains consume me :ph34r:

    Have a great week!

  10. If your children spend most of their time in other people's houses, you're lucky; if they all congregate at your house, you're blessed. ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Second Neurotic's Notebook, 1966

    I was blessed growing up and thankful that I was also blessed with my girls. :wub:

    Great quote Mari, and a great reminder for me. Our house has a revolving door with kids coming and going all the time. We have lots of kids in our cove, and if they are not in our house, they are in our garage/yard/always close by. My kids constantly ask if they can have friends over because they know (most likely) I'll say yes! At first I resisted it a little, but then I began to embrace it because I always said I wanted to know where my kids were and who their friends were. I'm glad they enjoy having friends over, and glad their friends enjoy being here! I am blessed!

    Oohh, your not kidding best way to know where they are and who those friends are.. The other activity that afforded me much knowledge was being a driver for field trips, I recommend it :D

  11. When I was growing up I had a friend who always wanted to come to my house to play and hang out (my house was the hang out place for all our friends) mainly because we could have fun without being constantly told that we needed to “not make a mess”.. Though my mom didn’t really play or hang out with us, she didn’t mind the sheet and chair tents in the living room, the mud pies nor the racing rolly pollies on the floor to just name a few. Our imagination could take whatever turn and twist it wanted, and she knew it was in the safety of our home. Whereas my friends house, they couldn’t touch anything, they couldn’t sit in the living room, they couldn’t they couldn’t they couldn’t …….blah blah blah

    With my girls, hang out place, and though I’ve always worked outside the home, I took advantage of those field trips, volunteering with cheerleading, sports, girl scouts, room parent stuff, festivals, dances, sitting at a table with a few other parents while school friends hung out at the pizza parlor (for hours sometimes :blink: ) taxi driver for them and their friends.. list can go on, but reading that I couldn’t help but think what other opportunities I had missed, especially with my youngest due to me traveling a lot due to work for several years. Though I tried to make it up whenever I could some moments we can never get back.

    Enjoy your children, they do grow up so fast and one day they may not want mom hanging around, or need mom to drive them anywhere.. :o

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