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Posts posted by webmaster

  1. It amazes me how there's a continual, almost fervent, desire to promote open adoption in a way that demeans all other avenues (international, private, etc...). Can we never give any credence to other options?
    Doesn't strike me as particularly amazing...this is, after all, a community of people who have been brought together by their specific belief in open adoption. It's somewhat like visiting a forum for Mac users, or Prius owners, or Welsh Corgi enthusiasts and espousing the potential merits of Linux, Hummers, or Rottweilers. If you're looking to engage folks in a discussion of the relative merits of different approaches, you might find Usenet groups to be, well, less fervent.
  2. I just read a Consumer Alert to advise everyone to use caution when making monetary donations for the victims of Hurricane Katrina.  Please make your donation directly to a reputable national agency, such as the American Red Cross, Salvation Army, your local church's relief fund, etc.

    Please use caution when responding to telephone solicitations.  Most of those telephone solicitators take a "cut"....in other words, a portion of any donation you pledge thru a telephone solicitation goes to pay the salary of those making the calls!!!!

    Pass up those folks standing on the corner or intersections with buckets marked for "Hurricane Katrina."  You just don't know if they're legitimate.  About a year or so ago, the  ABC show 20/20 showed some people collecting "For the Homeless," and after the buckets were full, they pocketed the money and moved on to another location.  Sad to say, but the same thing could happen now.

    It is a shame to say, but there will be people trying to "make a buck" from this tragedy.  Just be aware. 

    Give from the heart, but give wisely.  That's all I wanted to say!


    I second the advice to donate through a reputable agency.  A girl I went to high school with (here in TN.) decided that she and her loser husband would take advantage of this situation.  They had a car wreck (I do not know whether or not on purpose) and when folks around stopped to help them they said they were victims that had fled the hurricane (although they live around the block from me).  Unknowingly playing into their little scam the generous helpers and onlookers started giving this crooked couple money!


    I can't agree more. I just finished reading an article here about the state of Missouri filing suit against InternetDonations.org, a site owned by an infamous antisemitic neo-Nazi who has set up several sites in the past few days in a seeming attempt to intercept well-intentioned donations for Katrina relief. There's got to be a special place in cheese pizza for folks like this...

    I've added a bright red banner on the main forum page that links to various relief and information resources provided by The New York Times. Any of the links on that page should be completely trustworthy.

    Thank you all for your concern.

  3. Sammy,

    Rest assured, access to the forum will never be limited to a private group of clients. If it becomes necessary to protect the community from malicious individuals, we might need to restrict the ability of anonymous guests to post (many [perhaps most?] bulletin boards don't permit unregistered guests to post as a matter of policy), but you, as a registered user, will continue to enjoy all the privileges and access you've already been enjoying.

  4. Did lamamma1 join this forum so she can do her "public service" for the day by warning all prospective parents of the dangers of Abrazo????

    It seems likely. Two new users, "lamamma" and "lamamma1" registered consecutively today, using two similarly-named Hotmail accounts. Evidently something didn't work with the first Hotmail account, used to register "Lamamma," so he/she created a new Hotmail account and was registered "Lamamma1."

    It also appears (from resolving IP addresses) that this "new" user hails from the same region as Adoptive Dad, and it's likely that it's either our old friend using another computer, or someone doing him/her a favor.

    Sadly, we may need to switch to a registered-user only format, with administrator review required before new users' accounts become active. I'm reluctant to do so, but it may be necessary to protect the civil, respectful community that the Abrazo Forum has been for four years now. We'll wait to see whether this nonsense continues.

  5. pResident Bush has said "there ought to be limits to freedom." And while that displays an alarming lack of comprehension of the American dream, it makes sense for this Forum. We continue to encourage members and anonymous passersby to participate in the discussions here, and to ask tough questions and offer criticism. But I haven't invested hundreds of hours in the forum just to see it dragged down into the muck by someone who obviously has a personal axe to grind.

    Good-bye, Adoptive Dad. Please go focus your efforts on being a good father, and find another outlet for your seething anger. You're no longer welcome here, and you won't be missed.

    And yes, God bless you.

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