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Posts posted by julieandjonathan

  1. I'm sitting here in my living room CRYING!!! I cannot BELIEVE how good our sweet, sweet God is!! Laurie---This is EXACTLY what I'd been praying for!! I had no idea this was even still possible!!

    This is the best news ever!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!

    God is just so cool!

  2. This is probably a good question for someone smarter than me.....but I hate that you have been left hanging!! :)

    If you meet the criteria...I would guess you would be accepted. I am not sure how it will work with the other adoption being so close at hand....but Abrazo is always looking for folks excited about adoption a sweet full-Hispanic Abrazo-baby!

    Best wishes!! My advice would be to fill out the inquiry, and let Abrazo tell you officially!!

    Glad you are on the forum!

  3. *forcefully uncramping hand from tight fist* So I'm about 3/4 of the way done with the inquiry. LOL!! I have been taking my time....but still...that "why adopt" question still gets me (even after doing this once before!!)

    I'm going to try to finish the inquiry then work on all the additionals (W2's, health insuranc, etc etc). This is more fun for me now considering I am more patient!! I love that we aren't rushed (since we have another month....which to me, who likes to get everything done in an hour, isn't rushed). We are still trying to decide if we are gong to orientation....we would love to go but are not sure we can afford it....though we could just drive....but plus June's is for only childless couples.

    I do have a question....if I have references....can I use a couple that we are friends with as two references? I'm having a little trouble with the third reference as we really haven't known a third couple very long (or very well). Is it okay to use references who you have known about a year?

    Other than that...I'm really getting excited about going through everything again. Funny...I thought I would be scared....and NOT looking forward to it because of the emotions...but I am!! how CRAzy am I??? Maybe it will hit me once we send off this inquiry.....

    How is everyone else doing?

    So...the next orientation must be in June?? Fun!

    One thing I wish I had known before we got to orientation was that we could have already begun our homestudy!! That is what held us up for so long! We could have been matched earlier if our paperwork had been finished! And ALL of the paperwork left could have been finished before we attended orientation!!

    And, I am assuming that you all know that Orientation is required.....But it is the best thing ever!! There have been so many times that we have looked at each other and said, "I'm glad they warned us about this at orientation!!" It really was an invaluable experience!

    And, really....the hand-cramping is the worst at this stage!! You'll soon develop incredibly strong muscles!! :) TeeHee!


  4. Yes...and my advice, as always....COPY everything and TRACK everything! Ours got lost in the mail FOREVER!! I had to complete that LONG application again....and then it arrived a week later!! I could have just faxed in the original if I had made a copy!!

    Craziness! Have fun!


    p.s. I have to say, however....it sure was LOTS quicker to fill it out the second time around! ;)

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