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Patti and Steve

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Posts posted by Patti and Steve

  1. I couldn't agree more than with Carine --our thoughts and wishes for speedy paperwork process and a happy ending for this little boy --

    Patti and Steve

    That is great news!

    "New Forum Member", I wish you the best of luck in getting your papers together.

    - Carine

  2. Definitely a story to get you thinking.....and reinforce the troubles that can occur with closed adoptions. I am glad she has been reunited with her daughter... her choice and her right.

    Adoption is NOT the right choice if you are forced by others, against your will, to place a baby you are truly and fully prepared to parent by yourself. Click here to read a rare account of how one Guatemalan teenage mother was able to retract her coerced surrender, and get her baby back.
  3. WELCOME Elaina Marie and Skylar Patrick :rolleyes::rolleyes: --- You will surely continue to grow strong surrounded by the love of many --- and we just know that you will have wonderful lives ahead of you as your parents are fantastic people .......Congrats again Jon\Julie -- thank you for sharing this with all of us, it truly reinforces our belief in God's miracles. Double blessings!!

    Patti, Steve and Jack

  4. HOORAY!!! :rolleyes::rolleyes:

    So happy to hear it is official. Now we just can't wait to find out what their "official" names will be-- our prayers and support are being sent across the miles to you Julie and Jon, and to your new extended family of birthparents and their family. Peace and joy to all of you!!!

    Patt, Steve and Jack

  5. Michelle - I think your response is awesome.....I am going to keep that in mind to respond back to people with....I also have gotten the question ....isn't that so much harder on the child, won't they get confused?? I have done my best to educate those who do say things like this in an attempt for them to understand ("get it")....that it is harder for a child to not have any answers to basic questions.....and that it isn't confusing, when that is what they know their life story to be from the day we became a family .....I also remind myself that those with no awareness or real life experience, need guidance to "get it" - to gain perspective.


    Paul and I frequently talk to people who are struggling with infertility and are contemplating adoption. This weekend, we met a wonderful young lady and she asked me, "Is open adoption really that popular? Aren't you afraid of what could happen?" My response was, "Yes, we were afraid of what could happen and that is why we chose open adoption. We were afraid our children were going to ask, "Where did I get my eyes from? What did my birthmother like to do? Why did she/they make the choice they did?" And I knew that if I chose closed adoption, I could never answer those questions."
  6. Your kindness Michelle and Nichole are so incredibly wonderful - we are so lucky to have you and the support of so many here on the forum. And we are so thankful to be part of this Abrazo family. Thank you so much for thinking of us. Our hearts, thoughts and prayers go out to all of you and may the beauty of the holiday season bring you much happiness and joy!!

    Patti and Steve

    32 candles burning brightly

    Also a candle for Benji and Caroline...May God help you through this difficult time and bring your precious son or daughter home to you quickly! Another candle for fellow Wisconsinite Patti and Steve, may God bring your little blessing home to you quickly. God Bless everyone with a heavy heart during this holiday season.23 candles...
  7. Congratulations Todd and Eileen!!! -- your posting was wonderful to read. It just goes to show you that the baby you were meant to have truly does find you......you just have to keep the faith. May you have a fantastic Thanksgiving holiday with her filled with joy!

  8. Thanks for sharing this -- it is always good to hear the powerful stories of open adoption and how all involved are better because of this approach


    Here's another story, this time out of North Dakota, about a birthmom getting her life together who placed a baby with a couple of her choosing, and then, placed a later-born sibling with the same family, as well: Double Blessings.
  9. We have been thinking about this family each day since we heard of the children and praying for them to receive the love and support they needed. What a special privilege too to be able to meet you at our orientation this past weekend and see a miracle transform in front of us. Thank you for sharing with us your story. We wish "all" involved the peace, love, and blessings to begin this new family together.

    Patti and Steve


  10. Adoption is the power to change a life and as the saying goes, “With great power, comes great responsibility.”

    These words hit me from this article.....we each have to be accountable and responsible and make our actions, words, behaviors support the beauty of open adoption. Only we can make a difference in our lives, our childrens lives, the adoption community and beyond.......


    InDecision 07 PIW

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