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Brian and Cathy

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Posts posted by Brian and Cathy

  1. Sorry I guess I came off not like I meant. All I meant was, that this is what I know so far. :-) I know she hasn't forgotten. That is why I'm looking for her. Sorry again. I was really tired when I wrote it, still am very tired. The commute kills me. But oh well only for a few more days.

    I can only imagine what you are going through right now--not including hoping to find your birthmother. I hope you are able to be successful in your search :)


  2. We have gotten several calls from families we've placed with in the past, and did put the birthmom in touch with those who have homestudies ready (or whose workers assure us they can have updates done in a matter of days.)

    We are in the process of trying to work out the details, and will surely keep our Forum family posted if/when placement does occur. . .

    Thank you for keeping all of us updated. We all hope this family will find another family soon!


  3. Because no mama, however desperate, ever just "drops off a baby," walks away and forgets. Never.

    I am sure your mother has thought of you more than you may ever know. We out here know there was more than one plan for you. . .to be a mother yourself is only one :)


  4. Pregnancy is, after all, a condition that places women in a position of vulnerability. It can be very disabling. Sometimes, the outcome can even be fatal to mother or child.

    If you feel forced to hide a pregnancy and need to talk with someone who understands, call 1-800-454-5683 and ask for Elizabeth or Pamela.

    Whatever your circumstances, we can help.

    I do hope anyone who is in this situation that reads this, will call for their sake as well as their childs.


  5. My husband and I are older parents when we applied with Abrazo and I thought that would be a problem but for us it was not.

    Thank goodness we were brought to Abrazo becasue from Orientation to placement it was 5 months and now our Andrew is turning 1 in June.

    Good luck with your journey.

    PS- Abrazo is a special place... ;)



    Thank you for your comments. I'm glad things worked out for you and your husband. Wow, a birthday so soon. Good for you both :)


  6. (((Cathy)))

    You do want to find the agency that's right for you so that you will get the child that is meant for you

    I do know that Abrazo is not looking for perfect people, otherwise none of us would have qualified. So just be yourself! :D

    Thank you very much for your comforting message. Already, I feel Abrazo is the agency for us. No problem with us being ourself. Both of our parents brought up to be honest. We're honest and have no problem being completely honest and open. Again, thank you for your kinds words.


  7. Don't be anxious. (Easier said than done, we know!) Working through your "unknowns," as you complete the paperwork with your spouse, should help you assess whether or not you're in the right place at the right time. And if one answer (or several) ultimately determines that you're not, then you're that much closer to finding what kind of adoption resource will best meet your needs, for the sake of your future family. Good luck!


    You've got that right about it being easier said than done about being anxious. When I told Brian last night I was just afraid I might put down something that would go against us, he told me I couldn't think of it that way. I told him I am just so afraid of being turned down. I guess I feel this way because we have made the decision to pursue adoption after 10 years of trying to conceive and we're getting older--even as soon as this weekend with both of our birthdays--that I'm nervous about not getting the chance to pursue our dream.

    However, we will answer the questions truthly as planned and go from there. I have always said that if we were meant to have children we will. So, with that, I'll continue to proceed with the application and hope for the best.


  8. I think going to the source is always a good way to proceed. Talk to Angela and then answer all questions with total honesty.

    I took your advice and called Angela this afternoon. We have no problem in answering the questions honestly and believe everyone should, but we weren't sure if putting down "unknown at this time" would hurt us. I'm getting more and more anxious and don't want anything to mess this step up :huh:

  9. We've made it past first base and are headed to second. We think we can complete all of the paperwork. . .Cathy

    If we have a question or two about the application, should we post them here? Or, call Angela? If we should post them here, I'll go ahead and list them. If we should call, I'll do that. Please just let me know. Okay, here I go. . .

    1. Would it be taken negatively if we stated "unknown" for the question regarding a parents' attitude towards adoption?

    2. For the health statement/question, should we put something like "good/fair" or if there is a health issue list it?

    3. For the description of retirement plans, should we list the specific type, amount, account number? Or, just the type?

    4. Savings and investments, would this also include any life insurance policies with a cash value?

    Thank you to whoever can assist us with these questions. We want to do everything we can to get past second base :rolleyes:

    Cathy and Brian

  10. Choosing to place your baby is hard, I know this because I have been in your shoes. If you ever need any advice or just an open ear, please feel free to contact me anytime! Good luck and God bless you!


    How nice of you to offer your time and ear to those birthmothers who may need it.


  11. Hurrah for TODAY! MSNBC dedicated their Today's Show online topic to Dispelling Six Common Myths about Adoption, a message we'd love to see even more of mainstream media pick up, to let folks know that open adoption is a successful route for American family building, that domestic adoption is the US is thriving and that not all birthmoms are helpless, confused teens!!

    Thanks for sharing, Elizabeth. I was not able to see the show today. This information regarding these six common myths is promising!


  12. At least you know and can get working and planning and ready for the next one. Trust me there is so much that needs to get done you can consider yourself ahead when you hopefully get to attend an Orientation. They are GREAT and very informative and you'll probably be at one before you know it. I don't know many people who have mastered patience...except the people expecting it!! You just try and keep the long term things in perspective and keep yourself occupied, in the process we might learn more about putting that desired trait to practice!!! :P You'll make it and do fine!!! :):D:):D



    Thank you for nice words. I have plenty of things to keep me busy in addition to this adoption dream. If I had nothing else to do, I could entertain myself searching in the Forum alone :)

    But, I also have a lot of other things to take care of so I'm sure time will pass quickly.


  13. not sure if we can meet the June 1&2 orientation requirements and deadline, but we'll see :o

    Cathy and Brian

    YES YOU CAN !! YOU can do it !! Way to go!!

    Good news/bad news. . .

    We think we can complete all of the paperwork in time for June; however, Brian has a committment at work that he cannot get around. Therefore, we're going to have to hope there is another PIW weekend in the not too far future. I'm not giving up yet, just having to continue to test my patience :angry:


  14. "Stamp that envelope and send in that inquiry asap!!!"

    We've now done that a second time. First time is was sent on 3/31/07 via Certified mail and was never received. Second time was sent 4/25/07 and was received by Abrazo this week. Now, just anxiously awaiting approval for the next step.

    Did I say ANXIOUSLY?

    Okay, I'm trying to be patient. . .

    Cathy Hendricks

    Best of luck to you Cathy (and Brian). Hope you get that call saying (like the words of The Price is Right)

    "COME ON DOWN! -- You're the next PIW for Orientation Weekend" :)



    Angela and I have just hung up the phone. We've made it past first base and are headed to second. . .not sure if we can meet the June 1&2 orientation requirements and deadline, but we'll see :o

    Cathy and Brian

  15. Please know I completely understand the need to be patient. I also realize there is a 2-4 week approval period for the Inquiry.

    I am just happy that my Inquiry finally reached you (Abrazo). I was so excited that we finally made the decision to send our first Inquiry in and then disappointed that it did not arrive. However, after sending e-mails to Elizabeth, talking to Angela, and Pamela, I decided I needed to send a secnd one in and not give up!

    Based on what I read in the forum, I have no idea how you all (Abrazo) do what you do. Seems very impressive and important to both birthmothers and adoptive parents. Keep up the good work. I know you are doing what you all feel is best. I do hope we are able to work with you all soon!


  16. "Stamp that envelope and send in that inquiry asap!!!"

    We've now done that a second time. First time is was sent on 3/31/07 via Certified mail and was never received. Second time was sent 4/25/07 and was received by Abrazo this week. Now, just anxiously awaiting approval for the next step.

    Did I say ANXIOUSLY?

    Okay, I'm trying to be patient. . .

    Cathy Hendricks

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