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Brian and Cathy

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Posts posted by Brian and Cathy

  1. . . .there was an asterik saying that prenatal/birthing/medical expenses weren't covered by the adoption cost estimate. I understand that these are case specific, but is there typically a huge amount that we need to save in order to cover these costs? Or are these costs sometimes covered by Medicare or insurance?

    Mona provided me with a rough estimate of the hospital costs based on no insurance.


  2. Hi everyone - I have a question about the application. On the reference page, it asks for the name of a rabbi or clergy. We don't have one in our new area yet. Should we leave that area blank? Will that really hurt our chances to adopt? (There is a church we want to start attending, but it would be insincere to start going right now because we need to fill in a line on the application!)


    The best thing to do is be honest. We do not currently belong to a church in our area and put n/a because that is the truth for us at this time. This does not mean we won't belong to a church in the future, but at this time we do not. We were invited to orientation, so I assume our answer did not hurt us.


  3. Oh, and we've got a rough draft of a profile. I still have to finalize some of the text and pull a few photos from albums to scan.

    Best, Kay

    We're trying to figure out what route we're going. Has anyone ever done something with PowerPoint?


  4. Congrats to Kay and Cathy! (And their better/other :P halves too!)

    So is that our August roll call so far?????

    Kay and...(sorry Kay, I can't recall your hubbies name! :unsure: ) from PA

    Cathy and Brian - Tennessee

    Anyone else out there?

    I've been wondering the same thing. I think there are some hoping to attend, but that's all I know :unsure:

    I don't think I've ever posted my husband's name! We're Kay and Darren :)

    Thanks, Kay. I was wondering if you were attending with your spouse or alone. Glad to know Darren will be attending this exciting event with you and us :)


  5. Trust me, your call will come! I have no doubt!

    Oh, I hope I didn't sound like I the Abrazochicks are sitting around twirling their thumbs :P I am sure they have more than their share of responsibilities to handle :lol: We're just anxious to find out if we can plan our trip to SA :o Of course, we're hoping we can but will accept it if we are not invited. I'm trying to stay positive and remind myself "no news is good news," but then sometimes those negative thoughts try to enter my mind. Brian keeps reminding me to stay positive. As I told him, I just want to know.

    Yes, a little anxious I guess you could say :P Again, it's these evening hours :angry:


    P.S. I just missed Angela's call a few minutes ago :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

  6. Cathy, sometimes you never know just how fast things will move along. -A

    For now, it seems things are moving so slow ;) Work is keeping me extremely busy right now, but when I come home. . .I'm not as focused and just awaiting that special call :lol:

    But hey, I got my fifth pepper earlier today :P


  7. I spoke with Angela yesterday. She has everything now in order to review our application and make a decision regarding whether or not we will receive an invite to orientation.

    Of couse, I am sure this decision will be put on temporary hold since she's en-route to unite a new family together :)

    So, for now, we'll continue to wait for that much anticipated call :unsure: Ever feel like you're on pins and needles :P


  8. How about the comment "Why do you want to have (adopt) a baby anyway? You've got such a great life as it is, why do you want to mess it up?" usually said by stressed out relatives/friends, who are up to their own necks in diaper duty, or teenage rebellion, or homework hassles, or financial debt, or marital problems, or illness, and they just assume their lives would be more stress-free without the added responsibilities of parenthood (a little of the "grass is always greener on the other side" way of thinking!)

    To myself, I say "if my mom and dad didn't have children, I wouldn't be here." :angry:

  9. . . .They said "Adopting huh? That's Hard. That takes a long time" They were completely in the mindset that we were in the 1-2 year wait for a baby from overseas :rolleyes: . I would gladly have taken a "Oh, okay" or "Oh, that's great. I hope it works out for you" as opposed to a "oh, that's hard".

    I already know how 'hard' it is. If only I too could get people to see the bigger picture.


    Guess they don't realize that if we are meant to have children we will--period :o


  10. . . .but if you are anything like me, you are busy busy busy....)

    Cameon in NC


    I doubt that I'm as busy as you with three :) Unfortunately, we don't have number one yet so I'm not much assistance in being able to relate to your questions. I'm sure you'll be able to get them answered either here on the forum or by talking to someone. Hopefully you'll have all of your questions answered soon. Good luck!


  11. Would love to hear from others who have adopted using Abrazo for child #3 or more. As yet, I have been unable to get my husband to agree to adopting an AA child, so it would be Cauc/Hispanic for us.

    We would also consider toddlers and preschoolers.


    Cameon in NC


    We are fairly new to ABRAZO, but from what I've read on the forum, you will find company out here. I'm sure a personal call to one of the Abrazochicks could also answer some of your questions. Best wishes. . .


  12. (Many thanks to CPS for their continued faith in our ability to make miracles happen for especially-special kids in need!)

    And to ABRAZO for doing their part :) Hoping this child is welcomed soon by a family.


  13. Mona confirmed that both of our packets had been received :D Thank you, Mona :) However, I didn't ask her to confirm that all three of our references had been received :angry: I know one has been, but I'm not sure about the other two :unsure:


    Thinking out loud here, I need to follow-up with Angela again to make sure everything has been received in order for our application to be reviewed :) As the NIKE commercial says, "Just Do It :lol: "


  14. It was fate on Thursday that we were flying in for camp, we were able to go to the visitation and pay our respects for the last time. We were welcomed to Eduardo's family with open arms, most didn't even know about McKenna. We were able to hear some stories about a man that we really don't know, hopefully we will be able to hear more about Eduardo from his family in the future.

    It was wonderful to spend time with Mama Anna that night, it was a very emotional time for all, but it was nice to sit and talk with her and share so things with her. She loved holding McKenna (as much as she possibly could, she's just like Mama Anna, cant sit still).

    Eduardo is now in safe, may he rest in peace.

    Love you Eduardo and we will take care of our little girl.

    Paula and Scott

    How ironic, but nice that you were able to attend this unfortunate event. It is nice to know you were welcomed by Eduardo's family and able to spend some time with them allowing your daughter a chance to know her birth family.


  15. And so it is with the placement being done here at Camp this evening, when againers who had reservations for this event months back now realize the extra-special reason they were called to be right here, right now: to open their hearts and their home to a precious, four-year-old girl, and to weave her beloved birthparents into their lives, as well. It is a decision being made with the highest of hopes yet countless tears, too. So we lift both families and this darling child in prayer as all our Camp attendees join in a candlelight ceremony under the oak trees, honoring all that commit to open adoption, stepping into the space of that silver lasso that forever encircles those who matter most.

    Sounds like things were/are meant to be for both families :) Wishing all the best :) Thanks for sharing with us tonight.


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