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Posts posted by LovingBoo

  1. Melissa is correct-- you have to previously have had a homestudy completed, in order to engage in what the state calls "matching activities," unless an arranged contact is being set up for informational purposes only.

    This is why we encourage againers to wait on getting their homestudy update done until they're matched but why newbies have to do their homestudies right away.

    Thanks!! I thought so, but was just wondering.

    And NO Jenny - nothing on my mind I just was curious. ;) After the beating I got with the last one being a surprise I'd be SURE to tell yall if not! Hahaha!!! :)

    Yeah, I know one day I'll open my email and see an email saying "Guess What...". I knew once I got you over to Abrazo you'd fly right through!!! LOL You did 2 under 2, will there be a 3 under 3 coming? HA HA! :P:P:P

    I love your Avatar, I don't think I've seen that picture but it is absolutely adorable. The boys are just too cute and getting so big!!!!

  2. I posted this on the Piggy back thread but thought it might be relevant here. I was a sorta-kinda-in-a-way-but-not-really tweener so don't know all the "official" rules.

    Do you have to have your homestudy completed before Abrazo sends calls your way / shows your profile?

    Don't know why this question has been on my mind but thought I'd get it out there to answer since there are about a million smart women on here that know the rules (who all rock oddly enough..maybe there is a "rocking" requirement in the homestudy for Abrazo also? ;) LOL!)


    Uh oh Natalie....something on your mind????? :huh:B):D;):P Care to share??? :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

    ;) Jenny ;)

  3. It's so sad because being up front and honest is in the best interest of the child and the family and to not give that info doesn't make sense. I wonder how many issues could be avoided in placements that went wrong because of hidden info. I guess they hide it cause if they think the parents know they won't adopt the child (domestic and international)??? I don't know, but it is sad. The radio station here at work always plays Wednesday's child and it's always so heart wrenching. So many people take their families for granted not even thinking twice, fighting over silly things or holding grudges and so many children out there without one, who just want parents who will be there for them. What always makes me the saddest when I hear the "Wednesday's Child" is they say how they love to "help around the house" and they "behave", like they have to try to convince someone why they are worth it. It's just so sad.

  4. Also, why do we see so many couples here waiting in the USA for "infants only?" and they pay $30,000 to $100,000 for them, but when it's done in another country it gets such negative feedback. How many PIW here at Abrazo (or any agency) are open to an older child? Isn't it the same principal when they shun parents for going to these countries and adopting young babies or young toddlers instead of older children? Think of all the homes that could be open to foster children, or children of other races. It's so backwards sometimes it makes my head spin.

    Also, I would have loved to help pay some bills of Louisa's birth mom or given her some money for financial support, but it is ILLEGAL to help them financially in anyway. How come here in the USA in many states we can pay rent, car payments, etc. It don't make sense why we hold some adoptions to certain restrictions and not others. I understand the coercion behind the money, but that very well happens here too and is a sad part of adoption. I also know that just because it is bound to happen doesn't mean we should close our eyes, but I don't think all adoptions need to be banned because of some bad people, or there would be NO ADOPTIONS anywhere!

    I think it comes down to finding a good, legit agency and a bad one and we all know of one that resides in Texas, and thankfully there is Abrazo, who I would definitely consider a good one and refer anyone I know might adopt too or to their forums to start reading what adoption should be about.

    Sorry, just a couple more thoughts. ;)

  5. The Lie We Love

    New Article to be published next month about the history and problem with International Adoption. Warning it migth be painful for those with children adopted outside of the US.


    Ugh, that article was hard to read because it was so biased and obviously written by someone who is opposed to international adoption. I have a daughter from Guatemala and I have done and read so much about this. They were shut down due to Hague Convention and because the Government wants to take over adoptions so they can MAKE the money. The babies who are adopted from there are the next set of 3 to 4 year olds you see there on the streets begging for money. Also, another HUGE part of Guatemala adoptions is the BIRTHMOTHERS had the choice, which they are trying to take from them. Many birth mom's there have 3, 4, 5, 6, or even more children they all ready provide for and they cannot take care of another baby, so they relinquish them and know they will come to the USA (most likely), why is it unfair to banish them, demean them, threaten them and call it corruption when we do it here in the USA every single day. There were over 2,000 cases left when the Hague ended adoptions and every single one is being reviewed and extremely looked at, birth mom's were brought back in (some for the 3rd, 4th, and 5th) time and asked over and over again and they cannot care for these babies. I think they found 3 or 4 cases so far that they were "concerened about" and they didn't even claify the birthmom didn't actually do the relinquishing.

    While I do think the system there did need some restructuring AND oversight, a lot of what happens in Guatemala happens right here in the USA but for some reason it never draws the same attention. Why a Guatemalan woman who relinquishes a child is any different then a birth mom in the USA, blows my mind. Don't all women deserve the choice of what they do with their body and child? Who are we to judge or tell her? We have just as much corruption and money passed here in the USA, if not more and I have no doubt greed plays a part in that as well. It's just funny too me, how a few bad people and bad cases (which is all that's been proven) can cancel adoptions, options for birth mom's and health and education for thousands of children across the world.

    These one-side anti articles always drive me crazy. Plus, UNICEF has been trying to shut international adoptions down for years and has been successful in many countries, Romania being a perfect example and they (the children) are worse off now then they were before and atleast many children (before UNICEF) might have had a chance at having a family and love. Guatemala will be the next Romania and ending adoptions does nothing for the desperation of many women who found solace in giving life and families to their babies, and it sure doesn't end the EXTREMEM POVERTY in these countries that causes it to begin with. Also, if you think the Guatemala government cares or does anything for thier abandoned children, you would be sadly disappointed to know the truth of their very corrupt system.

    I guess my point is, remember to read these articles as "opinion and biased pieces" and not truth and facts.


    P.S. Hi Heidi!!!!! :) I've been so swamped with Louisa, Maggie, work, homelife, I haven't got to post but I still check in and this thread still gets emailed to me. Hope you and the boys are good! :D


    Welcome Christopher!!!

    I really can't tell you how thrilled and happy we are for you guys and I definitely think this match was one heaven sent and meant to be. Can't wait to see more pics and hear all about it!!!

    We'll be thinking of you guys and keeping your sweet birth mommy in our prayers!!!


    There's something to be said for "going the extra mile" and one of our newest success stories did so three times, in just one week! The first time was when they voluntarily opted to attend our Late Night Stickybacks orientation weekend of 5/08; the second, when they rushed home to complete a homestudy update, upon learning of a newly-born boy in need of a loving home; and the third, when they returned to San Antonio today to complete placement and make him officially their own! We wish the very best to this precious babe, his proud new big brother, his delighted new mommy and daddy, and his adoring birthmama; may this be only the beginning of the joys they are sure to share as the extended family that they are! Congratulations!

  7. Every long lost dream lead me to where you are

    Others who broke my heart they were like northern stars

    Pointing me on my way into your loving arms

    This much I know is true

    That God blessed the broken road

    That led me straight to you

    --Rascal Flatts

    Congratulations!!!! Prayers to you all!! What a sweet announcement and joining of hearts!

  8. Heather, I thought about Victoria when I read that post. She was such a little cutie.

    I also still wonder about Ethan and if he ever found a permanant home and family or is stuck in the system somewhere, he's in our prayers.

    We are keeping this expecting mom and her baby in our prayers as well.


  9. Hello!! My name is Natalie, and my dh is Keith. We have been married almost 6 glorious years. We have a BEAUTIFUL 13 month old son © who was placed in our arms at 5 days old in an open adoption. C is full AA and we are both CC so we are a very proud transracial family!!

    We live in Dallas (we are moving this week actually up near McKinney / Denton, TX). We are starting the adoption process again (honestly if we didn't have to wait for the tax credit we would have done it earlier :P ) and hope to adopt another beautiful baby in another open adoption with Abrazo!! We aren't sure yet what we will all be open to, but right now we think we will ONLY be open to full AA.

    Luckily we only have to update our homestudy from the first time, and will do that once we have moved and settled in (but probably RIGHT when we move because I SOOO want to start soon LOL). We still have to "officially" joing Abrazo also, but I'm excited to begin the process again!!


    Welcome Natalie :D :D :D Nice to see you made it to the forum!!!


  10. Angela and Audra went out today to visit a juvenile facility at the request of a caseworker there, who said they'd previously referred their cases to another local agency, one that told incarcerees they weren't entitled to know where their babies would be going and wouldn't let them see their infants after delivery. (As if their newborns are any less entitled to the comfort of antepartum contact with or future access to their birthmoms, just because of what they did to get locked up?!) Furthermore, the caseworker mentioned, that agency never had further contact with their mothers, nor provided them any further services (ie., counseling) after relinquishment. As archaic as this seems, it is apparently the norm for many other licensed agencies. My heart goes out to any inmate who must make such difficult decisions under such inhumane circumstances, with adoption "professionals" who do nothing to make the placement experience any less bleak and disempowering than it already is for them! :angry:

    That truly is so sad!! I am glad you guys are out there and will help some women not have to go through such loss and pain in such a terrible way.

  11. IM just wondering the AP's who adopt through such agencies, are they uneducated as far as What open adoption is and the benefits of if it? Or are they just desperate and Want a Baby Now? Or is it "cheaper" to get a baby this way??

    In all fairness, I really think for the most part it's a mix of media portrayals, stereo types and not being educated. There is so much I never knew about the benefits of openness till we found Abrazo and were kind of "taught" by them and the people who are living it every day on this forum. I feel agencies should be obligated to have an open adoption class and go over the benefits the adoptive parents will get, the birth mother will get and most importantly, how important it is to a child.

    I know two couples who have adopted and didn't want relationships with the birthfamilies because they were probably scared. Both families now love thier birth mothers/familes and are having good relationships with them. I just think when they fell in love with the child, it hit them what is right and what no body ever bothered to tell them.


  12. Isn't "marketing" like that highly unethical?

    Is there any sort of governing body that overseas those kind of unseemly behavior?

    Ummmm...yea, I woud definitely say unethical. Like someone else posted this stuff happens here all the time, even though probably not the norm, you just don't hear about it as much as you do in international adoptions. It seems the domestic horror stories like to focus more on "scary birth mothers stalking or stealing back babies". It's just sad. I actually have met a couple that adopted domestically and they are friends with a couple domestically adopting and their birth mom is in jail and they are happy because they don't have to really worry she won't sign the consent and see it as a "bonus", my jaw just dropped. I wish they could read all the people on this forum and see how it should be done. I'm just thinking and hoping their kid never hears them comments when they are older.

    Very sad situations and I too, don't know what the answer is, but I would think humany deceny and respect would be a good start.


  13. Lighting a candle tonight in the memory of Benazir Bhutto, who met a tragic end on December 27, 2007 when she was assassinated in the same city in which her father was hanged, 28 years ago.

    Bhutto was an amazing woman who was (in my opinion) Pakistan's greatest hope for a return to democracy, and she consistently demonstrated courage, grace and strength.

    I am praying for Bhutto's husband and children, for the hundreds of thousands of Pakistanis whose hopes were dashed when she was killed, and for the families of the twenty Bhutto supporters, who were also killed in the attack, when her assassin blew himself up.

    May God bring some good out of this evil, and peace out of the current unrest in that volatile country.


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