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Posts posted by JennandDave

  1. Having a little experience with toddlers. When our foster girls came to live with us. Brooke was 18 months old and Madison was almost 3 months. It was wonderful. I loved that Brooke was old enough to play and interact with us. There were difficult times, but mostly it was a wonderful experience. There were plenty of firsts with her too. Not the ones you get with a newborn, but really exciting firsts. First jump in a pool, first ride down a slide, first carousel ride. These are all precious times and moments. We bonded with girls and we are still in love and miss them everyday. It was a time we would never trade. I am so excited for the families involved. We would definetely be open to a toddler when we are ready for Jonah to have a sibling. :lol:

    Even though the toddler has had experiences out of our control and molded by another, they do respond to love, caring and the things that you can offer them ( not material but values and a sense of self). They are not lost nor are they unable to bond, love and adapt. Children are amazing and just want what we all want. :lol:

    Our love and prayers go out to everyone, especially the precious children involved in difficult situations like this one

    I hope that this post has made some sense. :blink: I am just rambling



  2. I have been sick with all of this celebrity adoption business too. I have emailed NBC to complain about one of their reports about Madonna. They stated that "adopted children are the lastest celebrity accessory". :angry:

    That is so insensitive to me, to Jonah , to his wonderful birthfamily and all of us. . It makes me really sad to hear the way ignorant people speak about adoption.

    . Stick to singing bad songs and trying to be young Madonna. (P.S. you are from Detroit- lose the fake british accent :P )


  3. Hi Everyone,

    We thank you so much for your warm welcome into your lives. It has made me smile all day :) . We also received great news from Angela, we will be there in July for the orientation. Yahoo!!!!

    We cannot wait to meet everyone and learn from each other.

    Thanks again for your love and compassion.

    Jenn and Dave

  4. Hi everyone,

    We are new to the Abrazo family and we are so excited. We have been surfing all of the great sites and topics and feel like we know ya'll already.

    We have sent in our application and are hoping to hear about the July orientation weekend. We are looking for any words of widsom and guidance from everyone who is willing to help us.

    We are both from Canada but have relocated to Northwest Louisiana since 1997, we have tried the fertility route, but stopped short at invitro. We looked into adoption a year ago and we believed that our prayers were answered. We received two beautiful sisters (2 and 15 months) from the foster to adopt program in our state. We were blessed to love and take care of these 2 beauties for almost 10 months. However, the girls have since returned to their mother ( who has made the appropriate life changes to be a better mom ).

    We have been sad to not see the girls every day but we realize that we loved and helped the girls during a difficult time when they really needed us. (and we needed them) We know that we are made to be parents and that our hearts are full of love and compassion for another child or children.

    We are really happy to be a part of this wonderful family and are ready for this wild ride.

    Jenn and Dave. :)

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