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Posts posted by TheEnglishes

  1. It's been a while since I last posted but it has been a crazy month for me. I started taking my summer session classes a few weeks ago. I am also on a fire department and we were called to a fatality motorcycle accident and it turned out to be someone that I know. So I was kind of in the dumps for a while. But, I am feeling better so we are back into adoption stuff. We are hoping to get invited to the July orientation. Is it a good idea to get started on our homestudy now? Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks again,



    Just make sure that the social worker you hire to do your homestudy is familiar with the Texas Homestudy requirements. Every state seems to be a little bit different!

    Best of luck with your journey!

  2. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!! I have chills just reading this! And I want to say, Patti, that you have remained so positive and faithful in your wait for this precious daughter. It's been a joy following your path. Can't wait to hear the details!!!!!!!!!!icon12.gif

  3. We sent out an email to our close family and friends. It was probably to about 50 addresses. It was brief and to the point, as anyone receiving this email would already know our story anyway. We basically said thank you for your thoughts and prayers during our time of infertility treatments blah, blah, blah, and that we had made the decision to move forward with adoption. We mentioned that we were homestudy ready in the states of TN & TX and and if they knew of anyone in the situation of having to make an adoption plan to please feel free to mention us or pass along our contact info. About a week later, we received a call from one of our best friends. She had a co-worker who shared with her that her son's girlfriend was contemplating making an adoption plan. The rest is history!

    I also want to mention that a number of our friends and family also passed along our email to "their" close friends and family and we received the most amazing letters of support and encouragement from complete strangers who had been touched by adoption in some way, either by placing or having adopted themselves. It was an amazing time.

  4. I never received any response to my post on the last page. Could someone answer?

    I'm wondering how much of a chance we'd have of getting into the full program. We are 36 and 41 and meet the three basic crieteria. We hope to adopt our foster son in the next several months. We also have a son adopted from Guatemala and we would like to adopt a fully Hispanic infant so our son is not the only non-Anglo person in our family. Our boys are currently 22mo and 16 mo and we wouldn't be starting the process until this fall when our youngest has been home for a year.



    This really is a question that you need to ask Abrazo. I would give Angela a call to speak to her about your individual case. Best of luck and welcome!

  5. I know that I did not hessitate to call Abrazo when I found out that I was pregnant a second time even though I was a little embarassed that I had messed up again. When I first called I really wasn't considering my first childs APs because we had kinda lost touch and I felt like the openness had been lost with them. I did however keep them in mind when I recieved the packet of profiles, but would not make any final desisions until I had talked to them to see if they would really want to adopt another child of mine or not. After spending my lunch hour on the phone with them I decided that I would rather keep my children toghether instead of apart and also it would be easier on myself to only have to keep up with one family instead of two. We the APs and myself made a renewd promise of openess and are in touch more now then we have ever been in the 4 years that I have known them. So if you are faced with an unplaned pregnancy again, pick up the phone and call!

    Good for you! Good for you for keeping your options open, for keeping your children's best interests at heart, and for making the commitment to renew your open relationship! Your post is is full of hope and love, thank you for sharing this with us and blessings to you and your children and your child's parents!

  6. You are exactly right, and we looked into that...but our insurance would not cover it! The clinic where we checked out would have cost us $500+ each for the physicals our homestudy forms requested! Since we didn't have an extra $1000 laying around, we decided to wait it out a few weeks! So it would be free! (Well, after $20 in copay!) :)


    OUCH! That's terrible that insurance wouldn't pay! :( I guess if you get in a pinch it would at least be a possibility. :blink:

  7. I have to say, I wish I had read a few of these before my orientation!

    I have found it CRAZY how long it takes to get in with a doctor for a physical!! We called to make our appointments in January...and the earliest they could see Jonathan was March 18, and for me it was April 2!! Craziness!

    Also, I would have started my homestudy earlier! Our social worker is the best...but because of that she is very booked......and the earliest date she had to complete our 5th visit was April 7!! I'm just very surprised!!

    But, I also am completely aware that it is ALL in God's timing....so I am certainly not complaining! He is so good!


    Julie, If it is taking too long to get in with your doctor you can always go to a walk-in clinic or Minor Med center. They will see you that day and you will be done! Just a thought!

  8. Maybe you really don't like this idea, but I can think of dozens of ways in which our society seems to think that financially incentivizing certain choices is completely ok, and an effective way of shifting societal attitudes.

    Another incentivized choice in adoption is the AAP ( adoption assistance program) - This program was created to encourage the adoption of foster kids.

    And while we're on the subject, what about that $10,500 adoption tax credit that adoptive families in America can get, just for adopting a healthy newborn of any race?

    The funny thing us, if firstmothers were offered an equivalent tax credit for placing, we'd call it "inducement" and that would be considered a bad thing, wouldn't it??

    (But when the shoe is on the other foot, well, ...?)

    Is it really the same thing though? You get the tax credit up to $10,500 for adoption expenses paid. If you only pay $8000, you only get a credit of $8000. Since first parents don't generally incur financial expenses when placing a child (at least that I'm aware of), giving them a tax credit for placing is "inducement." Isn't it?

    I agree Susan.

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