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Posts posted by Duncans

  1. My mother-in-law writes a column for several community papers - she wrote this column recently after being involved with our adoption just a month ago.

    DAY BY DAY by Louise Day

    Society in general and families in particular have a tendency to assign an unusual stigma to a mother that gives birth and then places the baby for adoption. They may criticize or judge before having all the facts. The state of affairs can be extremely complicated. Day by Day has the theory that under certain circumstances, anyone is capable of giving up their precious child to caring parents that will provide for the baby.

    In open adoption the adoptive parents recognize that the reason the birth mother is making this legal agreement is because she loves the baby more than she loves herself. She wants her baby to be safe from harm, be given the sun, moon and stars; and that he/she will never need for anything so she chooses a family that is a God-send and an answer to her prayers.

    One tearful birth mother, as she relinquished her baby to the adoptive parents, expressed her undying love for her child in a quote, “Thank you for watching over me; for guiding me every day. You teach me and protect me in each and every way.”

    The day of relinquishment and placement is the best of times and the worst of times; it is an experience that brings grief, and joy. The adoptive parent’s unable to conceive and carry their own child to fruition experience grief. The birth mother, unable to care for her newborn infant, surrenders her child with a broken heart. This is the worst and best of times!

    The best of times come when the little pink or blue bundle is cradled in the adoptive parent’s arms, and the birth mother has found peace because she believes the chosen parents will love and provide for the little darling. The sorrow of giving up the baby and the joy of getting the baby can only be shared and understood by the birth mother, the adoptive parents and their extended families.

    E-mail daybyday@netcommander.com

    Food for thought! - Claudia Duncan

    Okay-- for as many Forum members as we have, I KNOW you all have family members who have been touched by or concerned about or curious over the adoption process and what it means in the life of your family! SO LET'S HEAR FROM THEM! Grandparents-by-adoption! Grandmas and Grandpas To Be! What are your thoughts? What are your questions? What are you learning (or what have you learned) about this process we call open adoption? How can we help you help your current or future grandkids who were/will be adopted embrace all the wonderful parts of who they are?

  2. Thanks to all for the warm wishes! We are enjoying our days in Texas as a family of four. Looking forward to spending more time with our birthfamily before we leave - have a fishing outing planned for this weekend. We took Lilly and Miles to prairie dog town today and then to eat some awesome Mexican food at a joint called Jose's. We are also enjoying our hotel's pool and hot tub - the weather is beautiful with the bluest skies. I look up to the sky every night now looking for that heavenly brother star!

    Claudia, Brooke, Miles and Lilly

  3. Amy & Gabriela,

    We will also be joining you guys in orientation in a few weeks! We too are Abrazo "againers" - and we wouldn't think of using anyone other than Abrazo the second time around. We had some struggles with our first match that we choose to terminate, but the second match was just right! Abrazo was there helping us every step of the way. The orientation weekend is a blast - and a very healing experience. And it is such a bonus to have a support group while you go through the adoption process. You wil get so excited when each couple in your group become parents!

    Look forward to meet you guys soon.

    Claudia and Brooke Duncan

    Knoxville, TN

  4. My husband and I adopted a beautiful boy named Miles (who is the love of my life) through Abrazo four years ago while living in Memphis. We recently moved to Knoxville to be closer to Grandma. Abrazo is a wonderful agency - filled with compassionate and dedicated folks - there for you when you need them, whether it is a good day or sometimes, a bad day. We feel blessed that we chose an open adoption, we share a special friendship with our birthmother.

    Claudia and Brooke Duncan

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