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S&P Express

Abrazo's Elite
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Posts posted by S&P Express

  1. The hospital is chomping at the bit to get him discharged... unfortunately, the details of an immediate placement meant that the recent Forum addition who'd expressed interest couldn't proceed... but Angela is talking with another family, in Minnesota, and we're hoping they'll give us a "yes" today!? Thank you for your continued concern; not only are your prayers invaluable to this precious boy and his future parents, it also buoys our staff, knowing that y'all care about him and what we're trying to do to get him home. (Big hugs to all of you out in Forumland, today!)


    Is there anything that I can help with from up here? If this family wants to talk to another Abrazo family, give them our information!


  2. Yup. But talking the talk and walking the walk are apparently two VERY different things, sometimes. <_<

    If it were up to my dad, he would want us to wait until our child turned 18 :( But, it's not up to him ;)


    Hey Cathy,

    Some times parents don't understand the whole openess thing, one of the best things that happened to us was we brought my parents to Camp Abrazo, after that weekend they finally said they got it. (My brother has also adopted through Abrazo), they said it was nice to talk to the Abrazo staff and other parents may it be adoptive or birthparents it really didn't matter.

    They learned so much that weekend, they saw a match in the making and the emotions that were involved with the match. They saw the Abrazo family come together as one big family. :D:D


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