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Posts posted by mwalker

  1. Lisa, I'm so glad that you started this thread ... talk about a trip down memory lane! My first post was January 18, 2005, three days after orientation. Beth and Nathan started the thread for our orientation group. This was my first little tip toe into the pond that is the Forum ... not eactly stellar, but hey, we were newbies!!!

    Thank you, Beth, for starting the thread for this auspicious group!

    It was a wonderful weekend. Bob and I agree that the staff did an outstanding job putting everything together. It was a bit like drinking from a fire hydrant, but wonderful, none-the-less.

    We feel like we made some life-long friends and can't wait to see how things progress for everyone!

    Marjory and Bob

  2. Wow. That is a powerful article and several things resonated with me.

    "Spry has often counseled other prospective adoptive parents to aspire to be able to tell a birth mother, after the birth of her baby, "You do what you feel is best, and we will support you 100%." Spry advises, "You can come out of this process with a full sense of entitlement, if you take that step."

    "Knowledge is power, ignorance is bliss; those embarking on adoption are free to choose, but obliged to live with the consequences of their choices long after the ink fades on the adoption decree. For an adoption is truly made in the heart and soul; legal documents can't bear up what the human spirit can't leaven."

  3. Congratulations to you all! I cried when I read the post .... happy tears for you all and your birth mom! We have two sisters ---- 4 months and 15 months ---- and I can tell you from experience that you are about to be more than double-blessed! They are precious, precious little girls! :lol: Cherish every hug, kiss, smile and chubby little leg, cheek and and arm!!! :D

  4. Elizabeth,

    I let Ellen know about this last week and forgot to tell you. Her office is in the Jewish Social Services building here, so she may have some connections to help on at least one of the cases. Meanwhile, all of them are in my prayers.

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