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John & Airi

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Posts posted by John & Airi

  1. You are such a rock that one would never know that you are going through so much pain. I totally understand that there is only so much hospital visits/doctors that one could take. This is what happens with caretakers--you don't take care of yourselves! But it sounds like you are now and I truly hope that you get some answers and relief from the pain and discomfort. Maybe you can call up the insurance and have them speed things up--there is nothing more important than your health and they should know that.

    thank you again for sharing about the sleepover. That will be a wonderful memory for Juliet also and we look forward to it down the road!

    Please take care of yourself, Mari.

  2. Mari, thank you so much for keeping us three and Amber in your thoughts always--I was so touched by your post on our blog! I had the chance to catch up on yours and I always appreciate your quotes, wisdom and the loving spirit. Whether you are an adoptive or birthparent, you take us all under your wings and we all huddle in your arms!

    I loved hearing about the sleepover visit with Sloan. It gives me an idea of something I could do with Amber when Juliet is a bit older.

    Most importantly, PLEASE take care of your health. I must scold you for not going to GP for 6 years! I presume that everything is ok? Do you know anything more?

  3. Deb and Scott, I just got back on the couch after jumping up and down and and doing a happy dance seeing your placement picture!! I cannot tell you how excited I am for you and Alex. My eyes are filled with tears knowing the long wait you had, your incredible attitude throughout the process, the honesty and openness with which you faced the challenges you encountered....all that will seem like a dream as enter this magical days ahead with your baby boy. Enjoy!!!

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  4. I am beaming with a huge smile as I see the pictures of Sloan surrounded by so many people who love her!! Thank you for posting them. You remind us all of how good an open adoption truly can be!

    Thank you for update about Lauranda and her clean bill of health. That is THE best news!! I know how nerve-wrecking this must have been for all of you and I'm so relieved by this news. I have tell you about a student at my university who graduated a couple of years ago. He has a unique memory situation in which, he cannot remember anything that happened that day, or what he read in the books, etc. He would have to repeatedly read specific books over and over again to eventually absorb the content of the book. But, he did graduate, singled out by the president of the school as one of the most remarkable triumphs at the university. I feel for Lauranda as she struggles with memory loss but she is such a remarkable young lady, full of strength and love, ready to take on the world. I know that her life path will be rich and meaningful!

  5. Oh my gosh...tears of joy!!! Sara and Andrew, congratulations!! I marvel at how your lives are entwined with G and A's in most miraculous ways. How wonderful that Gavin and Jayden have four loving parents who will always be there for them!!

    I cannot wait to meet Jayden!!!

  6. Tears of joy!!!!! Mark and Adria, we have all been praying for you and wishing you fast track to parenthood, given everything you had been through. With all the twists and turns, you have endured and you finally have a beautiful girl in your arms. We couldn't all be happier for you!!

    Welcome to the world, Jordyn!!

  7. Oh Mari, I can only imagine what you went through 4 years ago. Now that I am a parent, I have a different understanding of what it means to have health and how grateful and blessed we are that Juliet has been healthy so far. I can now understand when people said, they would give up their own lives for their child. Your family has been through so much but your grace, compassion and wisdom have carried you through and through your generosity, you help others going through tough times. Lauranda has turned the traumatic experience to embrace life and to live it fully. That has been so inspiring.

    I am sending you and your family lots of love and prayers your way during this time period as well as for passing of Teddy. You must still be grieving.... I also pray that everything works out with your job.

    Lots of love, Airi

  8. Mandi, Erin and Jeff, we send you our heartiest congrats. You have all graciously shared yourselves and taught us so much on forum these weeks. It's been very moving to experience how you have become so close. Baby Riley is off to a great start in life with all of you showering your love! Congratulations!!

  9. I think it's often hard for those who lose 4 legged family members that the grieving period by the outside world is expected to be shorter than if one loses a human family member. I haven't had the opportunity to have a dog but I did have a paraqueet growing up as a child and right before we moved to the States, he died. He was definitely a part of the family--he ate when we ate, I played with him when I got home from school, and he traveled with us everywhere....I had a very hard time getting over his passing. Teddy was such a special dog to Lauranda and your family and it will undoubtedly take a long time to heal and remember him without missing him to intensely....I send you, Lauranda and your family lots of love and prayers your way.

  10. Oh Mari, my heart breaks for you and your family.....He has created so much history with each one of you. I have not had the fortune of having a pet since my parents and I moved and traveled a lot when I was growing up. I understood that it was not fair to them if we got a pet but I could not help but yearn to have them. I know that they really become a member of the family and that the worst part of having them is the moment to say "good-bye."

    I hope that you, Lauranda and your family are finding peace with Teddy and Ginger being together in heaven. It sounds like Teddy gave a tremendous amount to your family and I have no doubt he will continue to make you smile and laugh with the memories he's created with you.

  11. Dear Mari,

    I'm finally catching up on the other parts of forum. I wanted to thank you so much for all your support and prayers for me and John. They were answered and as you know, we now have a beautiful baby girl in our arms. Not only that, we have gained a wonderful first family, exactly the kind of family we had dreamed of, a most incredible and beautiful first mother, and her family who have warmly welcomed us. Everything happened so quickly and we didn't have the chance to start building a relationship until after the placement but we feel very good that in the past couple of weeks, we have built a good foundation from which we can continue to deepen our bonds. Your wisdom will continue to guide us, Mari. Thank you for continuing to share your experiences, sage advice, warmth, humor....I know that I will continue to learn from you.

    Your necklace was absolutely beautiful and I put in practically all of my raffle tickets into your box. Alas, I was not so lucky.....but we had won the jackpot a few days earlier so I won't complain.

    I presume that all went well with Lauranda's exams. She is quite a young woman. I would love for Amber to meet you and Lauranda at some point.....

    I'm so sorry to hear about your leg.....I hope that you won't be in pain and that you can fully enjoy your vacation in Vegas with your beautiful daughters!

    Lots of love,


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  12. Congratulations to the new family! Sending prayers to the B-mom of this baby girl. I understand better now what sacrifice birthmom and first families have to make to bring miracles to adoptive families. Lots of prayers and good wishes to everyone.

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  13. Airi,

    With all my heart I wish nothing but the best for everyone involved in adoption. In a perfect world there would be no need for it, but we don’t live in a perfect world, and thank goodness adoption does exist for both first parents and adoptive parents. Nothing about adoption is easy I think, and it isn’t perfect from the get go, but open adoption can work and it can get easier. The key players, if you will, must go through a process, an emotional process that I think no one can really know or identify with and fully understand at the beginning, not until you are in the midst of it, but isn't that the case with many things, part of the process of growing/learning and adjusting with much of lifes journey. There are bumps in the road, my thoughts are mainly because everyone needs and well find their place for lack of better words, where they belong, and get comfortable with their new roles, which ever roles those may be. But as you mention, if the commitment is there, everyone will win, especially the child at the center of everyone’s heart. The unknown can be scary, but you’re not alone, for most/many first parents, it is also a journey through the unknown and scared. The beauty is that you can figure it out together and the possibilities’ are endless. What a blessing you and John can/will be to your future family.

    My very belated thanks for your post, Mari. What wise words! I have no doubt that John and I will keep coming back to this post many times as we experience the joys and the hardships of open adoption. Your perspective as a first grandmother is so valuable and I'm truly grateful to hear your perspective on open adoption. We are definitely nervous about the unknown but also excited to embark on a journey that is nothing like we have taken. My hope is that we will always be honest, respectful and loving in all our actions and that we will have a team to provide a most loving environment for our child.

    I’m sure your math is correct, can't believe in a little more than a month from now, it will be 20 yrs since then, but this time instead of celebrating my daughter’s birth, we will celebrate her 20 birthday (thanks to God).. We are really excited, we'll be spending her bday with my oldest daughter who lives in Las Vegas, so Lauranda will be able to spend with her big sister.. Secret, don’t really have one, wish I did though, have aged I’m sure quite a bit the last almost four years, mainly due to my daughter’s health.. Thank you though for sweet compliment..

    We will all wish Lauranda a happy birthday when she turns 20! So great to hear about the fun birthday trip coming up to Las Vegas.

    No secret? Probably the positive outlook and kindness contribute to your glow (along with good genes!)

    Thank you, Mari, for being there for us and for all your warm support!

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