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Posts posted by Jocelyn

  1. I agree that it is taxpayer money but the way I see it, it's also taxpayer money that funds medicaid, welfare, and other govt programs that some of these children may have needed if they weren't placed for adoption (maybe just saving some spent $ in the future or coming out even in the long run anyway). To me, it's worth the tax credit to help ease the financial burden on families who would like to adopt to not only fulfill dreams of having children but to help some of these children get out of the economic cycle that their parents may be involved in. And we all know that there are programs where there is over-spending that are not being scrutinized and also other revenue sources that are not being explored/used. It will forever be a debate about tax $ and what they should be used for, but in my opinion the adoption credit is totally worth it!

    Of course, I am biased on the subject to start with. ;) And that also concludes my political statement for the year since I usually don't voice my opinion on forums like these.

  2. Yeah, great job Melissa! I love the Embassy Suites and wish those discounts were there last summer...hopefully they will keep up the discounts for years to come. It definitely helps and there may be some days (especially during the 48+ hour wait) that the manager's reception will come in handy! :D

  3. Welcome Marae, I remember those days when we were waiting after sending the inquiry and then again after sending the application. Soon you will know and things will start to move quickly! We have had a great experience with Abrazo and are glad you want to join the family!

  4. Great topic you brought up Amy!! Welcome to Abrazo, I hope you feel the love and support of all those on the forum. For us the "labels" have changed as our daughter is getting older. We call Payton's birthmother, "Momma Brooke". We also call her, "Momma Brooke, your belly mommy". Only because, at 3 1/2 she understands that. She told everyone at school yesterday that she misses her Momma Brooke. The teachers were very confused and she explained to them that she was her "belly mommy" and that she loves and misses her. When I arrived at school, the teachers asked me if she was adopted. I proudly told her about our open adoption and the relationship we share with Payton's Momma Brooke. Long story short, for us the "label" keeps getting redefined and is changing in terms our daughter understands.

    If you choose an open adoption plan for your child, I hope you find a loving family that embraces you as their own! Together, ya'll will share a lifetime of love for a sweet little child!

    This is a great story about your daughter. Thank you for sharing!

  5. Welcome Amy and thanks for sharing your story and thoughts. As an adoptive parent who placed with our first child, Landon, in July I can tell you that everyone has different opinions on what they'd want to be called. And I think the most important thing in chosing an adoptive couple is to make sure you can be comfortable in having those conversations. I know that all the couples we met at our orientation are understanding and always looking for what's best for the child and it's close network of parents. I can't even imagine how hard it was to make the decisions you've made to this point and commend you for your strength. We each have our own stories but are all commonly bonded by babies/children that bring joy to us (even if they aren't living with us).

    I know when we were in Texas before we could bring our son home to Minnesota we spent everyday with his birthmom K...and it was natural for us to say to him "do you want momma to feed you?" or "I think momma K wants to hold you". And we still refer to K as his momma. Being his other mother, having the same label as K does not bother me at all. And we've already talked to him about having 4 grandmas and I think it's kinda fun that he has so many people around him to love him....including his family across the country from us down there in Texas.

    Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy and I hope you will continue to share your journey and thoughts with your new forum friends!

  6. In my opinion, I think everyone should attend orientation if it's possible. I know it helped us a lot to get a perspective of what the process is, and getting to meet a couple birthparents and a family that have adopted children was priceless for us. Their stories really helped us understand what people go through, more than reading it in an article or book (although the books I've read have been very helpful too but there is nothing like hearing a story firsthand).

    That said, if adopted families are needed and there are just a few couples ready for orientation then it seems that letting them be tweeners would be the best option. Skype would be a good option to go through the same orientation process for these couples. Then they get to meet you and you can start to know them more than just what was sent in on paper and in photos. Or maybe they can start the process and should attend the next orientation...even if they are already matched or have taken placement then this is a story that they can share with the group. If it means you have one or two more couples in orientation than normal, I still think that's ok.

    I do think orientation should continue if its possible and look forward to coming back to an orientation weekend as againers in a couple years!

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