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Posts posted by Monica281

  1. Hi Katie and Matt, it is great to see you already asking questions on the forum, which also happens to be a big reason we signed on with them. I loved having so much information at my finger tips!

    We found them and sent in our Inquiry in March 2009, we went to Orientation in June 2009, matched in October 2009 and our son was born at the end of November 2009. Our second journey was very different. We sent in our Application in July 2012, attended Orientation in August 2012 and our Daughter was born in February 2013. She was what the agency refers to as a BOG ( Baby on the ground) meaning that her birth mom had not made an adoption plan prior to her birth. We received THE call on Saturday morning and we met our beautiful daughter that night, she was two days old.

    Each of the stories you will hear will be completely different, some with more bumps along the way but everyone will now tell you it was worth the ride!!

    We never had a failed match.

    We have open adoptions with both of our children.

  2. When we adopted Garrett I was working for a very large bank and they also did/do not offer paid maternity leave, you can take your vacation time and your unused sick time but after that any time would have been unpaid and that is regardless of if you are adopting or giving birth.

    I am no longer working and haven't since Garrett's birth so it wasn't an issue this time with Madelyn's placement.

    We did make it work the first time, although it would have been nice to have had that time off paid.

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  3. I read this today and wanted to share.

    Read | Psalm 25:20-21

    What are we to think when God withholds His answer to a prayer? Most likely, you’ve wondered this at some point. As creatures stuck within time, we can find those ticking seconds very frustrating.

    We must realize that God doesn’t see us simply in the here and now; He perceives the big picture all at once—where we’ve been, where we are, and where we’re going. He knows exactly how every little decision, action, or blessing will impact our lives.

    Do you think God wants to bring some- thing into your life that would absolutely destroy you? Of course not! He knows that what may be a tremendous blessing for you later could completely wreck your life now. For this reason, though the Lord hears your prayer, He often pauses to give you time to prepare for that blessing.

    Learning to wait on God demands at least three things of us. First, we must be sensitive to Him. That is, we must nurture our relationship with the Father so we can hear Him when He says “Wait.” Second, we must trust His judgment. Does God know more than we do? Yes. Then we should trust Him. Third, we must be obedient to Him. If we try to make something happen on our own after God tells us to wait, then we’re heading for disaster. The Lord blesses obedience—even obedient waiting.

    God doesn’t operate in a vacuum; He works within His relationship with you, on the basis of His omniscience, omnipotence, and love. Never forget He’s actively walking with you, even when He withholds an answer to prayer. It doesn’t mean He’s not there; it means He’s looking out for you even more.

    Copyright 2013 In Touch Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved. www.intouch.org. In Touch grants permission to print for personal use only.

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  4. "When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are!

    Anything your heart desires will come to you.

    If your heart is in your dream, no request is too extreme,

    when you wish upon a star as dreamers do.

    "Fate is kind, she brings to those who love

    the sweet fulfillment of their secret longing.

    Like a bolt out of the blue, Fate steps in and sees you through.

    When you wish upon a star, your dreams come true."

    -- Leigh Harline & Ned Washington, for Disney's "Pinocchio"

    Some people think happy endings happen only in fairy tales, but we know better.

    Today, after months of waiting and wondering and hoping and dreaming (and fresh off of a Disney cruise with their small son), againers from Abrazo's Yukon If You Want To orientation of August 2012 truly did find their dreams coming true, as they took placement of a newborn baby girl.

    Her first mom (a single parent who lost her own mother the day of the baby's birth) probably feels like anything but a princess right now. But in the hearts of her daughter's new parents-by-adoption, this birthmom will surely be afforded royal respect.

    And their faithful commitment to keeping her connected with the child she has placed will one day give her the sense of safety one finds within well-built castle walls, and give the daughter they share the courage to reach for the stars.

    We thank each of them for being the kind of loving parents this little girl so undoubtedly deserves, and we wish them continued dreams come true, in their future together. Blessings, all!

    Thank you so much for the beautiful announcement! I brought tears to my eyes, I will be printing this out for her book for sure.

    We so appreciate all your thoughts and prayers for all of Madelyn's family.

  5. Yay…Lauranda and I have the weekend all to ourselves (oh, and her two doggies :lol: )…. Her dad left yesterday on a retreat… Man away Girls will PLAY :D

    Well I'm not having a girls weekend but my hubby is gone on business until Sunday so Garrett and I are going to play this weekend too! I'm thinking no cooking, a trip to the zoo and park!

    Enjoy your weekend!!

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