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Posts posted by AmmaPine

  1. Hello Everyone!

    I'm trying to get in the habit of checking out the forum and posting a little something once a week. So here goes...My husband & I adopted our oldest son, Steve back in 1979. Steve was a nephew who's family disintegrated and needed a home. We initially took him in as a foster child. But as the months turned into years and it was obvious that his family wasn't going to pull it together, we asked him if he'd like to make it official. He was 11 when we got him and he came with a lot of baggage.

    I just wonder if there had been a group like Abrazo for Joe and I to tap into, if things would have turned out differently. Right now Steve is estranged from us. He's had a lot of trouble with the law and he abandoned his 3 wonderful children about 4 years ago. It was liking watching what happened to him repeat itself. Luckily, his wife managed to keep it together and has since remarried. We try to be part of the kids lives as much as we can. We are happy because for the 1st time in 13 years, they live only 15 minutes away. They've lived as far away as MO and usually at least an hour away. But they are getting older (13, 11, 10) and busy with their own lives. With a new stepdad in the picture they are trying to adjust to another family and they have a stepsister that comes every other weekend. It's easy to get lost in the shuffle.

    Last weekend the 3 oldest and Brenda's kids all spent 3 days with us. They played together, watched movies together. I got Leyna to go to church with me. The thing I loved the most was sitting down at the dinner table together and just sharing that time. I love looking around and seeing all their faces smiling back at me.

    Well, I should get off to bed. Goodnight and sweet dreams. AmmaPine

  2. Hello Granma Sharon.

    Thanks for the kind welcome. You are so right about the friendliness of the forum and the Abrazo family. I am continually blown away by their kindness and generosity. I am wondering if you are a school teacher? I am working part-time as an administrative assistant for an insurance company. It keeps me up-to-date on the world, earns me a little extra money for the budget. I have a wonderful boss who wouldn't let me quit this past December like I intended to. I wanted more time to hang with my grandkids. So we worked a deal where my hours are more flexible and I can work from home 80% of the time. I love it!!!

    Last week we (my husband, Joe AKA Papa and I ) went to Leyna's pre-school with her and her Mom. She is so proud that she "goes to school" and wanted us to see it. We go to things at her big brother's school and I think she wanted to share with us. It was so much fun! She gets so excited by all the different activities, especially the songs that have motions with them. She is so coordinated and remembers everything so easily. I am just amazed. One of our favorite pastimes is to sing songs together.

    Last summer we went to a 50's Rock & Roll concert with the Fabulous Hubcaps. As soon as the music started, Chica (my pet name for Leyna) was running for the dance floor. She didn't care if anyone else came out or not (my kind of kid), whipped off her jacket and proceeded to "tear it up!" She was the hit of the group! Isn't it great to have grandkids?

    Gotta go help give Guido (our dog) his bath. More later. Have a wonderful day!

    Amma Pine

  3. Hello Adoptive Grandparents!

    My daughter, Brenda, says that I need to be part of this forum. She's usually right, so I'm going to try. It'll be slow but I'm looking forward to meeting and talking about our wonderful grandkids with other proud grandparents.

    Amma Pine

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