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Posts posted by jc&saint

  1. Just reading the letter makes your heart hurt for this grandmother. I pray the doors will open for the grandmother. God is Good!


    Wow, reading this makes my heart hurt for Nico's grandparents, who don't even know he exists ??......and if they knew, would the outcome of us now having him be different ?? I know grandparents really love their grandchildren......I know my parents and J.C.'s Dad love Nico......That makes me sad.....when I think that M hid her pregnancy from her parents......?? Only God knows what he does........


  2. Hey Elizabeth,

    Can you be in both programs? I'm pretty sure that my doc will write us a letter seeing as we've been trying for almost 3 years with NO success (We are not interested in fertility treatment at this time). And we are open to ALL races including full African American and some mild special needs cases. So, I'm not really sure where that would put us... :unsure::)

    Thanks for the help,


    Thinking about all of the newbies at orientation this weekend........may you have agreat journey !!!

  3. Hi all!!!

    Just a quick note to wish you a Merry Xmas and the best for 2008 =)

    Hugs & Kisses

    Our little Nicolas gets baptized on a very special day, Easter Sunday, March 23, 2008 at the St. Josephs Catholic Church downtown San Antonio, Texas. Its the Church that people refer to as the old St. Joskes Church. I LOVE this old Gothic style church. We are very fortunate to have our friends Tom & Kathy Singh be his Godparents for Baptism. We are so very honored because they were the ones that intoduced us to Abrazo....and if it weren't for them ......we wouldn't have our special Angel .....Nicolas

  4. Cathy,

    Great news about your family. It makes things so much easier when everyone is on board. So did you and your mother in law go to the baby section? Did anything get bought? Jan

    Yes, I did purchase a few outfits; however, I bought them for Brian's new cousin. He was born July 28th and we just received word recently. His happy daddy is 55 :o But, his happy mommy is our age :P Baby's brothers are both in their 30's :)


    Cathy & Brian,

    I am happy for you........My parents who are in their eighty's........They are really very happy to be adding to their family. They are a very traditional Hispanic family. They are also very conservative in their thinking........My Mom is getting excited. It is nice that they have something to look forward to at this time in their life...........My Dad was asking about what names we were thinking about naming the baby if it is a boy........

    I love to see the excitement and joy that a baby will bring them as well.........New life is a Joyous Event !! :)

  5. I just wanted to introduce myself, or shall I say reintroduce myself to the Abrazo Forum. My name is Robin and my husband's name is Jerry. We were part of the "Tremendous Ten" orientation group of May 2004 and thanks to God, Abrazo, and a very special birthmother, adopted a beautiful daughter in July 2004.

    Robin, Meghan's Mommy

    Welcome back Robin and Jerry :) Somehow I ended up skipping this thread when I first joined the Forum, but by now I think most know a bit about Brian and I :P


    Welcome all..........to your own journey..........enjoy the ride......J.C & Saint

  6. Out of Alabama comes the sad tale of Geretha Lewis, an 18-year-old birthmom who allegedly placed her baby for adoption without telling her family members, for fear that they would stop her. She says she called agencies off a referral list given to her by the hospital social worker, and eventually met with one, handing over her one-month-old baby girl in secret, in the hospital parking lot.

    Within 2 weeks, however, they found out what she'd done, they didn't approve, and urged her to get the baby back (which cannot happen under Texas law, where a mother's surrender is considered permanent from the start.) However, when she tried to recall with whom she'd placed her child, she said she couldn't remember exactly, because she'd torn up all the papers they gave her in hopes of keeping her decision a secret from her mother. (In Alabama, apparently, the laws restrict anyone under 19 from placing without parental consent unless they have a court-appointed attorney; this is different from Texas law, which says that a girl of any age may place a baby for adoption without her parents' knowledge and without legal representation.)

    Eventually, she contacted the agency she thought had her baby, to return the child to her mother's care, but that agency denies any knowledge of her, so now, the baby is considered missing. Read story, here. What appears evident is that this birthmom was so apprehensive of her family's involvement she took drastic steps to try to prevent them from getting involved.

    So my question is this: whether or not her mother liked the idea of adoption, had she supported her daughter's right to make her own best choice instead, do you think this birthmother would still be seeking the return of her baby? And what makes it ethically-appropriate for family members to place pressure on birthparents regarding their placement decisions, when the law prevents others from doing so?

    In the follow-up story it appears that the adoption story was a cover up for the actual events that ended the life of the baby.

    That is very sad....

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