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Posts posted by weadoptedthree

  1. Hi Elaine and welcome to Abrazo's Forum! I have the same book that Jenny Burns has "Why Was I Adopted?" and I really like it too. I used to read it all the time to my kids when they were little (they are now 10, 11 and 12) and they enjoyed hearing it. Happy Reading!

  2. I agree with Karen (above). I'll be so thrilled for our girls (when they are MUCH older they are only 10 and 12) to have children of their own. I don't think I'll want to be in the delivery room, but I'll be right outside! What a sensitive daughter you are! Your mom is very lucky. Best wishes to all of you. smile.gif

  3. Pamela:

    I always write on invitations: No presents necessary ... only your presence!

    Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

    My son has a friend who always writes on his invitations: no presents necessary, but if would like to please make a donation to Tomorrow's Childrens Fund. That way people feel like they are giving a gift. Take care. wink.gif

  4. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! I am so excited for you ... it brings me back ten years ago when we first mailed in our application paperwork. This is a very exciting time in your lives. One of my favorite places to look on the Forum is under Joyous Journeys and then "The Day of the Call". It's a good place to start and then just continue from there. All the stories are great to read and one day we'll be reading yours!!!!!!!!!! I'm sure other Forumites like linlacor will direct you on the right path on what to read on the Forum to get you prepared ... Lisa is Queen of the Forum and a great Mommy to Kayleigh! She knows the Forum topics like the back of her hand! She has written reams on every subject you can think of ... she's amazing! Good luck and God Bless. biggrin.gif

  5. Congratulations to ALL you new parents out there and the Againers, too.  You haven't identified yourselves yet Againers, I'd love to know who the happy family is.  Ten years later, this wonderful agency never ceases to amaze me!  Happy baby watching to all of you !  I know your hearts are melting everytime they take a breath, or look into your eyes, or coo at you!  God has certainly already blessed us all!  I remember it well ...  :D

  6. I will add your grandfather, mom and aunt to my prayer list too, Lisa.  This week I lost a very dear 97 year old friend.  I have been a companion to her for 17 years, and although she lived a long, wonderful life, I am having a hard time thinking about her being gone.  The wake is tonight, so I will go say my final goodbyes to her.  She passed away very peacefully, so for that I am thankful.  Take care.

  7. Zinnia:  Welcome to you and your husband.  When I read your post, it brought back memories of what (insensitive) people said to us before we adopted.  People say the stupidest things sometimes and don't even realize it.  So part of the roller-coaster ride of adoption will be the things people say (obviously without thinking) ,  but the wonderful parts of the ride outweigh the bumpy ones.  So, good luck to you and keep us posted of your success to become "mommy and daddy"!

  8. Oh-hh Christina ... Congratulations and Good Luck to you and Robert.  You are now embarking on a very exciting journey.  Try to enjoy each part ... it all leads up to a wonderful beginning.   I hope next year you will be celebrating Mother's Day and Father's Day.   I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.  ;) PS-Happy Anniversary.

  9. Hi Lisa - In answer to part of your questions, my husband Brian and I were 38 (him) and 39 (me) when we adopted our family almost 9 years ago.  Our children were 2 months, 1 and 2 years at that time.  I would say at that time we didn't "feel" old, although we were concerned that no one would pick us (a) because we were "older" and (B) because we both could stand to lose some weight.  Our fears were pushed to the side when we were chosen by our children's birthparents.  We have three very active children, and although we are nine years older now, we do get tired, but we keep up with them.  I think kids keep you young.  This winter was very snowy and although I am not a winter sport lover, my husband took our children sleigh riding many times and yes, he was sore the next day, but he had a blast with them.  Am I tired at the end of the day because I'm 47 (yikes), or is it because of what goes on between 3PM and 10PM?  I'll let you decide.  This is a sample of a typical night in our house: we come home from school, have a snack and start homework, I try to have dinner ready for my husband and whoever has a ball game that night, my husband on the way to his night-time job drops whichever child has a ball game off at their respective field (sometimes two have games on the same night at fields across town) and then I attend the game or games with whomever doesn't have a game.  I keep one eye on the game and the other eye on our other children to make sure everyone stays safe.  By the time we get home (around 8PM), sometimes we still have to eat dinner, finish homework and get baths/showers.  So, by the time I get them tucked in and then make lunches for the next day and straighten up the kitchen, I too, am ready to hit the sack.  I usually wait up for my husband and then go to bed.  I don't know if age has anything to do with it, because when I talk to the 30-something parents in our town, their lives sound the same as mine.  They too, are exhausted and in bed at 10PM.  Lisa, don't worry ... you'll keep up with Kayleigh!

  10. CONGRATULATIONS MARY AND MARK!!!!!!!!!!!  When I read the post from Stork Central I was hoping and praying it was you!  I am so-oo happy for all of you!!!!!   I can't wait to see a picture of your beauty!!!!  Miracles DO happen!  Love, :D

  11. :) Congratulations Jennifer, Doug and Miller!!!  God Bless you and your new little one forever and ever.  I'm sure we Forum regulars knew it was you, but I (personally) have been waiting for you to post the good news!  Hope you don't have too many sleepless nights!
  12. Since we have many Guardian Angels in heaven, we like to say this prayer:

    Heavenly Angel, be my light

    In darkest hours of the night,

    Stay beside me while I sleep,

    Your ever-faithful watch to keep.

    In pouring rain or sunshine bright,

    I cannot wander from your sight,

    Day after Day, year after year,

    You keep me in your loving care.

    Dear messenger from up above,

    Symbol of God's precious love,

    Help me follow God's command,

    Guide my footsteps, hold my hand.


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