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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/15/2012 in Posts

  1. This topic is so interesting! Luckily our families experienced our infertility pains with us so they were all 100% on board with adoption. My husband comes from a bi-racial family so race was not an issue either. My mom is adopted however hers was a closed adoption and she never had a desire to know or find her biological parents. I think everyone's struggles were wrapping their heads around an open adoption. Adoption was "normal" to them however open adoption was forgein. I also admit that when we got to Abrazo I wasn't really sure what open really meant either. After being placed with Yorick and everyone seeing the relationship we have with S has really opened everyone's eyes, including ours, to what an open adoption truly is. Everyone, again including us, also sees firsthand the benefits of an open adoption. Long ramble but basically just trying to say that people always fear what they don't know or have not experienced for themselves. It's normal human behavior to question the unknown! We were fully embraced by our families during our entire journey, infertility and adoption, and for that I'm so grateful. However it wasn't until we all had first hand knowledge and experience with it that we all truly got it! They will come around!
    1 point
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