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Got any experience with this?


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We are friends with a couple who recently found out that her eggs are not viable.  They are weighing the pros and cons of using an egg donor ... but adoption is also an option for them (and we think they'd be GREAT Abrazo adoptive parents!).  Anybody out there have any experience with egg donation (prior to making the decision to adopt) that you'd be willing to share?  Any feedback -- good or bad -- would be welcome.

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I did not try egg donation but considered the option after our attempt at in-vitro with my eggs was not successful. The bottom line that made the decision for us against egg donation was this - how do you explain to a child that his mother was donor egg #3457? For some people, egg donation is a wonderful option and I encorage people to explore that option if they are comfortable with the physical, emotional, and financial risks involved.  Overall, it just seemed very cold and too scientific for us.  The experience of a pregnancy would have been nice, but not a requirement as we knew we could unconditionally love a child that was not biologic.

A family, not a pregnancy, was our intended goal and we will become parents in the next few weeks. We enjoy the relationship with our birthmother and feel that our lives have been enriched through the experience of open adoption.

Best of luck to your friend!!

Brooke and Claudia


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We have a dear friend who used egg donation in combination with IVF.  Although the child was conceived with his father's sperm - they viewed (view) the process as an adoption of sorts - only they took "placement" pre-natally.  I am not sure what they plan to tell the child - although I do know they don't intend to try and keep this information from him.  

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  • 1 month later...
Guest cathy

IVF with donor eggs has a high success rate,  as the eggs are usually from very young donors.  Although my husband did not want to go this route, as he felt that my body had been through enough, I  feel that if this is right for you,,,go for it.  By the way, Shady Grove hospital in Maryland has a program where couples can acutally share an egg donor and cut the cost in half!  My eggs were very good and it was frustrating that IVF did not work for me , but I wish her all the luck.  Cathy

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  • 2 months later...
Guest kokimo

My husband and I decided to use donor egg after long consideration as I was diagnosed with pre-mature ovarian failure.  I wanted him to have a chance to continue his bilogical life-line as I know he would do the same for me.  We both agreed however that we would not make a "career" out of Infertility and decided that should this not work we would move forward in adopting.  We tried fresh IVF cycle which ended in mis-carriage and then we had two frozen embryos, one survived the thaw process but didn't "take". The very day we got the prgnancy test results and learned  we were not, we cried for a while, sat quiet and that night began our research on adoption agencies and are very happy we found Abrazo.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi,  I am a parent in waiting with Abrazo and my first child was concieved via an egg donor.  Egg donor IVF is very successful and we are blessed with a wonderful little boy.  We have chosen to adopt a second child because we realized that it does not matter (to us) how kids enter our lives.  The egg donation process is a little like adoption in how donors are chosen by the recepient family.  With our donor everything was anonymous.  The trend is moving towards picture profiles and open medical histories on the donors.  The only drawback that we found was that it is never a 'sure thing'  even though egg donor IVF is very successful there is always a chance that a pregancy will not occur.  

I wish your friends the best of luck with whatever they decide to do.  

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My wife and I attempted IVF with donor egg prior to considering adoption.  Finding a donor was difficult for us because we were turned off by the anonymity and controlling nature of the egg donor agencies.  We finally decided to advertise in a metro area about an hour from where we live, and seek an open egg donation.  We had a great response, and found a wonderful 24 year-old donor.  Despite successful egg retreival and fertilization with my sperm, the implanted embryos did not survive.  For us, it was too emotionally draining and expensive to try again, even though our egg donor is willing to try again.  The idea of experiencing pregnancy was important to my wife, and difficult to get over.  Nonetheless, we are are even more determined to have a child.  Adopting has the advantage of working hard to have a child who is real rather than working hard to maybe or maybe not  conceive.  Our experience with the process of open egg donation was so positive that we are anxious to have an open adoption.  Best wishes to you whatever your decision.

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