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Forum eLite
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Everything posted by TeddyRae

  1. Wonderful story - Congrats t the new family!
  2. I did it, I finally made eLITE!

  3. Wow! Congrats to all the families!
  4. Since Daddy has been here in Houston with me and going through treatment it has been a learning experience on how to live day by day. Yesterday we were watching a show and this lady described her personal motto - new body new house. 18 months later she has that new body and is in the process of buying a new house. I started talking to daddy and asking him if he had one and what his is and if he didn't have one he should develop one especially since he is trying to learn to live again. During the conversation, with out knowing it, I have had one for years. I have just been moving it forward in my Covey planner for the past 6 years: To live in the present and not plan the FUTURE So what motto's are out there, words to live by
  5. Congrats its a girl! Enjoy all this time with your new extended family.
  6. I saw Juno finally over the weekend. I had no idea what the movie was about just heard my sister talk about it and she wanted to see it. Wow, Craig and I were so surprised when she found out she was pregnant, then when she ran out of the clinic and mentioned the finger nails, and then when she did the adoption planning. FINALLY, hollywood showing adoption as a good option. I cried at the end. Loved the ending, at first didn't think she the adoptive move was all there, but Jennifer Garner really tried to show the nervious side of the adoptive parent. Ending took me by surprise, when the guy left. Strange, not all men are ready for changes like a child. I loved how Juno followed through and the note was the center piece of the room! I did hate that it ended like that though, I wanted to know if Juno ever accepted the open adoption. I would think that she would have eventually, just because the relationship was there. At least that is how I would like to think it ended a few years later.
  7. Wow - I am just missing out on so much going on with everything. Congrats to all the new families. May all your dreams and prayers continue to come true!
  8. Heidi - I like those terms - EMOM's and EFamilies - seems very respectful.
  9. What an wonderful story and a great way for a new beginning. Congrats to the growing family.
  10. What great stores and reason why to pick the best group out there! Thank you everyone for sharing.
  11. Congrats to the new family! Having an open relationship will be worth the experience.
  12. Wow! Congrats to the family addition. It is so exciting to see so much activity on the forum.
  13. Wow congrats to the growing family! Enjoy - because things are about to change.......
  14. Wow! Again I have missed so much that is going on over here. Congrats to everyone! I am so happy to see so many growing families. ML
  15. Dale and Amanda - Congrats to the two of you. Bartlett is welcoming Nichole. Treena and Joe - Congrats to the two of you, your son, and to all the families touched. I can't wait to see pictures
  16. I actually discussed the process with a couple friend in Olive Branch Thrusday. I even emailed the number to her Friday! Wow, I should tell her to call quickly.
  17. Congrats to all the families - it is wonderful to see so many miracles!
  18. Melissa - All I can say is wow, you are going to be one of those MAMs that just shows up one day with this precious child and I will be lost like I always am. I can't wait to see the start of your profile on line too.
  19. Wow! Congrats to all the new families - enjoy all that will be coming your way.
  20. Beth and Adam - Inviting your extended family to speak with "C" is a great idea. There will always be family members that don't want you to feel the pain and build the connection with your extended family, but through time they will eventually understand just how important this extended family is to you. We actually had our family send us little keepsakes to show how much we appreciated Tyler's other mom that we gave as part of our BP gift. And, now when my dad is in town for business I always make him stop by for a quick dinner with her and big sister. When talking about our open relationship, I have learned in the past two years that people still have it in their mind that someday "What if she wants to take him away" and lots of different crazy thoughts like that. I can't change their opinions but I can try to educate and tell him that without her picking us and us picking her we would not have this perfect child. And because us together have created such a perfect child, she will always be a sister to me.
  21. Congrats to the family +1 - Big Sis will be the Best Big Sis ever!
  22. Wow! Congrats to all the families. Adam and Beth and Nathan and extended family - wishing you all the wonder blessings from Memphis, TN And to all the other wonderful additions that I have missed recently - Wonderful blessings to all.
  23. Wow - congrats to all the families. Three wonderful fun filled girls to be added to the mix of the wonderful Abrazo family and one for Memphis. May all the girls and families life be filled with joy, love, and excitement.
  24. chilli peppers are great!
  25. Very Cool! Just reminds me of Camp!
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