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Posts posted by KeithandErika

  1. Thank you for posting the link Elizabeth. We definitely need to be reminded of the pain birth mothers feel, so that we are always true to our open adoption promises. I wish everyone could read that article!

    Eileen, your words are so true. It can be so easy to forget the pain of our birthfamilies when we are apart from them especially when you know that nothing you do or say will ever erase their hurt. I second your opinion that this article is a must read for everyone.

  2. Mari, I just want to add my thanks to you and your daughter for sharing your story. Your writing has evoked every emotion and your insight gives me a much clearer picture of my own two daughter's birth grandparents. Both of their birthgrandparents didn't find out about their daugther's decisions for adoption until after the adoption plans had already been made. However, both grandparents have been very open in sharing their feelings and thoughts with me and so while they aren't members on the forum your written words give voice to their stories. Thank you for your courage and honesty.


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