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waiting for a miracle

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Everything posted by waiting for a miracle

  1. so much excitement on here! congrats to all!!! yay!
  2. beautiful. congratulations, baby boys are perfect
  3. congrats to the two new families!!! Very exciting, sweet, and tender times. I send my prayers for the new families! Lori
  4. Good Beautiful Morning!!! Yay Andy and Jill! I am so happy for you, and so thankful for your patience. What a road you've been on! oxoxo Lori
  5. yay Mark & Erin, and Ric and Teresa!!! love and happiness to all of you!
  6. yay! caongradulations to the steadmans! amen!
  7. For more on this subject and the public response to it in Dallas, click here. I just read this, then went to the link, and it is loaded with this kind of anger. I'm speechless, tears welling up as I read and look down at the beautiful baby boy sleeping in my arms that I will love for an eternity. so tiny and perfect...I pray his first mother, bill, and I are able to ward off these feelings. the part that hit home is that as an infertile woman, there is a lot of guilt in taking a perfect child from a woman and causing her pain....even if she feels it "is best" as she puts it. these writings re-lit the feelings of terror that i am profiting at someones loss....which I am....but because I was asked too. although I prayed for it...
  8. YAY!!!!! oh I am so happy for this family, so happy!!!
  9. Hello and WELCOME! I am so happy your family and Max's found eachother! Happy to hear from you, and again, welcome to abrazo!
  10. I think everyone questions what this is supposed to look like. The chicks will send you some samples at some point. The colors are as you wish, the seriousness is as you wish, make it personal. The person who picks yours out of the pile will love it because of your touch. good luck and welcome! Lori
  11. I know, here it comes and YAY! I absolutely love Lent- Easter is my FAVORITE holiday. Yes, Christmas is a Holy Blessing, and I Love it, yet Easter is such an exclamation that our Lord loves us! I LOVE this time of year. As for recipes-I am anxious to see any sweet recipes any of you have. We generally eat seafood on fridays....nothing really called a "Lenten favorite" Maine seems to have plenty of options in the seafood department I make a great baked stuffed haddock with maine crabmeat, and scallop casserole, and haddock florentine...how about that one? this is not rocket science, I normally just eyeball things in the kitchen. fresh haddock if possible, it's so yummy, but if not, frozen at sea is pretty darn yummy too. thaw a package of frozen chopped spinach and drain it-really squeeze the fluids out. add finely chopped red onion, hmmm about a half a medium red onion-more if you love onions like me add a few cloves of garlic-pressed add ricotta, about 4-5 oz add 1/2 package of shredded mozzarella, or mozzarella/provalone mix add1/4-1/2 cup of grated parm (just enough to keep spinach stuffing from being too watery-you should be able to make mounds without puddles) mix this well, it should look 50%cheesy and 50% spinachy (hee hee) about a handful of spinach mix in the bottom of foil lined 8x11 pan top each "mound" with a piece of haddock place a nice slice of tomato on each "stuffed" fillet, than top them all with remainder of shredded cheese. Bake them at 400 for about 20-25 min. yummy yummy this is so yummy that the fasting part feels funny, so I tend to eat fruit, or something wicked small for lunch and skip breakfast all together.... oxoLori
  12. I think the question is probably for just what Andrea says...don't give the turtle away!!! We have a dog, and you just have to make sure that it's safe-you know, vaccinations. I know it can be nervewracking trying to line up all the ducks...there are no stupid questions, or feelings, here!! Lori
  13. Congrats to the newest family! love and prayers for all.
  14. yay yay yay! Now that grease song is stuck in my head. hee hee Congrats to the new larger family! oxo Lori
  15. I work with a great girl that would love to adopt, unfortunatly her and her man aren't married. I think you have to be married a year....
  16. Oh yeah! Congrats! I am so happy it's you Guy and Linda! now I must rush to the gallery...
  17. ok, "few". I am daydreaming a lot lately, but... . hee hee
  18. I don't want to sound crazy...but wasn't there a Nursery note yesturday about a new expectant mama that had 3 requirements of AP's? has it slipped into the twilight zone???? Suzi, you posted on it, eh?
  19. I feel Him saying, "as I promised, trust in Me. Let me take care of it, love one another, forgive weakness in yourself and others, hold "L" close to you in these turbulant times..." I beleive that He is walking with me, He brought me here, and if "L" decides to change her adoption plan, this long match with us will be comfort for her... the journey is part of the gift, I know I keep saying that, but I am starting to believe it with all the cells in my being!
  20. Suzi, I hear what you are saying, not having a child find their way to my arms yet, I can honestly say I am able to hear you, and I may wonder those same things someday. However, my immediate thought is that perhaps your second child is just waiting until Collin is old enough to be the big brother he/she will need. Remember Suzi, the Lords Plan. Your second child needs collin, and couldn't have come sooner, so in essence, your second (and third) child have had the same adoption story...the trials (including with collins entrance) are all apart of this little one's entrance as well. We are all one, and God is waiting...for some reason we don't know. So #2 may rush in, as they need a very close sibling, or maybe they need more solitude, and will take a little longer. hmmmm....how about that? oxoxLori
  21. Yeah...HIP HIP HORRAYYYY love to all of the new family...and yeah for the first of the PIGGIES! oxoxo Lori
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